Martial Peak

Chapter 2851

Chapter 2851, Charm Demon

Obviously, the reason Ah Hu and the others were still safe after being contaminated by the Ancient Demon Qi was due to their strong physiques and Blood Qi. However, the hundred demonised people were the weakest ones among them.

After Yang Kai applied the Bloodlust Spell on them, their Blood Qi immediately increased by two to three times, which was enough to force the Ancient Demon Qi out of their bodies.

Previously, Yang Kai only planned to give it a try, but he did not expect it to be so effective.

Now, it seemed that he just needed to cast the Bloodlust Spell on the clansmen when the Ancient Demon Qi came at them so that their Blood Qi strength would be stimulated and allow them to resist the corruption.

The Ancient Barbarian Race had too little an understanding of Ancient Demon Qi, and thus had too little useful information about countering it.

When the Demon Race invaded, the four Clans were all destroyed without any survivors, so there was not much intelligence gained. Then, the four Shaman Saints went directly to confront the strongest Masters of the Demon Race and had an equally matched battle with them.

Before departing from King City, Shaman Dang also reminded all the Shaman Grandmasters to look for the weakness of the Demon Race during the war. At this moment, Yang Kai felt that he had found a way to restrain the Ancient Demon Qi.

However, if they were blessed with Bloodlust Spell too many times too frequently, even the strongest clansman could not avoid the fate of premature aging. But who would care about this at a critical moment of life and death?

Thinking about it, Yang Kai felt something was wrong.

If the erosion of the Ancient Demon Qi could be blocked purely by Blood Qi, it did not make sense that so many cultivators were demonised into Demons when Maplewood City was besieged by the Ancient Demon Qi.

Although most cultivators in modern times did not pay much attention to Body Tempering, they still nourished their physiques with the World Energy for years if not centuries, thus their physical quality would not necessarily be worse than that of Ah Hu and the other Ancient Barbarians.

However, they could not resist the Ancient Demon Qi and all those contaminated by it were demonised without exception, which was far worse than how Ah Hu and the others performed.

Among Yang Kai’s three thousand subordinates, only about a hundred people failed to resist it.

[Is it because of the World Principles?] This was so long ago that the World Principles between the two eras were completely different.

Different Masters would be produced under different World Principles. Just like Yang Kai, who was an Emperor Realm Master himself, but could not unleash his full strength after coming here.

The Barbarian Race that lived in this Ancient World may have cultivated something under the influence of the invisible but ubiquitous World Principles that future cultivators did not possess, which allowed them to naturally resist the corruption of the Ancient Demon Qi purely with their Blood Qi.

The more Yang Kai thought about it, the more he thought it to be so.

explanation, the dozen Shamans came to a realization, and even Yue and Lu showed great respect to Yang Kai through their

most qualified and outstanding Shamans in the South Barbarian Clan, and as long as they were given enough time, it was definitely not a dream for them to reach the realm of Shaman King.

to Yang Kai, Yue and Lue never

equal, and did not show any corresponding respect, because they felt that they would surpass this Shaman Niu sooner or later and reach a height beyond his

to come from the

cast the Bloodlust Spell at will without an incantation, which neither of them

in an extremely short time, which was by no means something an ordinary Shaman could do. This required an

Kai’s casual performance had gained

and although they were bound

a layer of light that resembled blood mist glowed from their bodies, slowly allowing a crimson glow to emerge in their

some clansmen immediately regained their consciousness, but others required

seven orifices and under the light of the Purification Spell cast together by the dozen Shamans, that Ancient Demon Qi was eliminated as soon as they

everyone was watching with relief, an accident

as a demonised clansman’s head exploded. A mass of

even Yang Kai narrowed

accident was like a spark that set a prairie ablaze, with similar occurrences spreading

a few explosions, more than a dozen Barbarian Warriors collapsed to the ground one after

see clearly that before the death of these people, the red and black colours in their eyes constantly struggled with each other, as if the two

these two colours reached a

only about a dozen people among the hundred succumbed to this fate, while the rest were

“Remember, today’s encounter is a disgrace to our Shaman Niu Clan! The Demon Clan

group of Sand Demons, and although

becoming tight. They glanced at their dead companions, suppressing the anger in

instructing the clansmen to take care of their comatose companions, Yang

Hua stepped

nearby allied forces of our encounter today and let


was not for naught. At least they learned that the Sand Demons had the trick of concealing themselves below ground and could appear out of nowhere. They also discovered a method to counter the Ancient Demon Qi and

as soon as possible so it could reduce the losses

came forward and whispered. Previously, there were only several dozen

order. We will leave after a quarter of an hour of

the fully equipped Shaman Niu Clan continued

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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