Martial Peak

Chapter 2860

Chapter 2860, After The Battle

Afterwards, the battle ended very quickly. The Demon Race was already at a huge disadvantage with numerous casualties while Sha Ya pinned all hopes on Yang Kai turning to her side, but at the last moment, he was the one who delivered the killing blow.

Without their commander, the Demon Race army was just a pile of loose sand. There was no coordination between the various troops so they could only crash forward instinctively, but such a strategy was easily overcome by the Ancient Barbarians.

When Yang Kai led the twins back to the war, the situation had already become a one-sided slaughter.

The light of Shamanic Spells continued to flicker and blossom while Demons fell one after another. Even the most powerful Demons could not display any of their skills in front of such a united Barbarian army.

The Sand Demons who were good at escaping wanted to flee, but found that the Earth no longer sheltered them for some reason. The vast ground was dyed golden by the light of Shamanic Spells, and no matter how they used their Innate Divine Ability, they could not escape and were killed off one by one. The Shadow Demons, who could come and go without a trace, had also lost their advantages. Under the blessing of the Eagle Eye Spell, the Aerial Cavalry were able to locate these stealthy figures and shoot them dead one arrow after another. As for the most powerful Demon Cavalry, they had long ago been wiped out, leaving only their roaring Demon Beasts behind.

Screams reverberated continuously across the wilderness, horrifying anyone who heard them.

This was a victory for the Barbarian Race, a brilliant victory for the Shaman Niu Clan!

The last Demon fell, leaving the Ancient Barbarians panting heavily as they looked around with their scarlet filled eyes, only to see no enemies remaining.

Murderous intent permeated the surrounding world.

The clansmen stood on top of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood like undefeated gods of war, looking awe-inspiring and invincible.

A warrior raised the weapon in his hand, and roared into the sky, venting his excitement and joy.

More clansmen followed suit, and the successive roars were enough to arouse Heaven and Earth, darkening the Sun and the Moon.

Yang Kai, veiled in black Qi, flew into the air and looked around. He inspected every inch of the surrounding several dozen kilometres with his Divine Sense, and only after confirming that no fish had slipped through the net did he announce, “Clean up the battlefield and count the wounded!”

The ten main units received the order, and each became busy under the leadership of their Captain.

After this war, everyone had the highest level of respect for their commander.

Sir Shaman Niu was so obvious, and no one knew whether he would actually be transformed into a Demon. If that happened, this victory would

the commander underwent demonification, any victory, regardless of how big it was, would

them and said without explaining, “Yue and Lu, take some people with you to the Demon Cave over there and begin

the order and immediately rushed towards Demon Cave along with

the three thousand clansmen in the Shaman Niu Clan were killed, which was almost equivalent to an entire combat unit, and almost all of the remaining Barbarians were

had placed all of her focus on Yang

this battle, more than three thousand Demons were killed

who had been demonised. These Barbarians were sent by

had told his clansmen to not show mercy in battle, ultimately

still mindless slaves to

than a dozen Shamans gathered in one place, trying hard to save these clansmen without any idea if

easier to handle the Demon Beasts, as they already had experience with the Demon Beast which Yang Kai brought back after his initial infiltration of the Demon

find that the Beast Taming Spell actually worked

Beasts were more difficult to tame than regular Barbarian Beasts, as long as the Beast Taming Spell worked, these Demon Beasts could become mounts of the Shaman Niu Clan, with these several dozen Demon Beasts being sufficient

Aerial Cavalry had long been envied by the other clansmen, and their desire to

now, the

number compared to an army of three thousand Barbarians. Moreover, the Demon Beasts were not something that everyone could control. Even if a Shaman used a Beast Taming Spell to domesticate it, the Demon Qi these Demon Beasts naturally exuded could not be

factors led to only the most powerful warriors being qualified to ride these Demon Beasts and become members of the

any rest, the Shaman Niu Clan, after experiencing a big battle, spent an entire day cleaning

to light up a large fire that filled half of the sky with orange light, incinerating the bodies and releasing a

was also made clear during this time. Sha Ya never thought that she would lose this battle, so she basically invested all of her available combat power, leaving just

changed its

a big fight, especially considering the aftereffects of the Bloodlust Spell that even the

they would not have much combat effectiveness for the next few days. If a large number of Demons

did not stop

use Shamanic Spells to heal the injured clansmen, making all of them wish they could split themselves into ten or twenty clones. Yue and Lu’s complexion had been pale for the past few days due to lack of

overexerting herself, not to mention the other Shaman Warriors and Shaman Apprentices. At times they would just fall onto the ground, snoring loudly, then wake up in a shock after a short rest, quickly wiping the drool from the corners of their

time. After coming to the Demon Cave, he occupied a stone room that formerly belonged to Demon King Sha Ya, and anyone who came to see him

one knew his current

their worries for their commander, fearing he would suddenly turn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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