Martial Peak

Chapter 2863

Chapter 2863, Luring Out The Enemy

Yang Kai’s face was sombre when he returned from the Sealed World Bead.

He learnt a lot of information about the Demon Race after having a chat with Sha Ya, which made him realize that the Demon Race would not be easy to deal with. The Demon Race’s Hundred Clans was not just a saying, but a reality, and each Clan had its own Innate Divine Abilities. For instance, the Charm Demons like Sha Ya had the Light of Enchantment Innate Divine Ability. Once a Charm Demon executed this technique, any existence weaker than her would be beguiled by her. The minorly affected ones would be controlled and enslaved, while the severely affected would lose their minds and become walking corpses.

The short shadows that they encountered in the war before were the Shadow Demons of the Demon Race Hundred Clans. They were masters of concealment and assassination.

And there were the Sand Demons, Red Demons, Green Demons…

The largest Clan was the Strength Demon Clan, born warriors who faced the Ancient Barbarians head-on in the previous battle. Eighty percent of the Demons in the previous battle belonged to this Clan, though all of them were dead now.

When Yang Kai led Sha Ya out of his cave mansion, it set off a riot amongst the crowd.

The dozen Shamans and other Ancient Barbarians looked at the Demon King Sha Ya in shock, while the twins, Yue and Lu, prepared their Shamanic Spells.

This was a Demon King, the commander of the previous Demon Race army, so everyone naturally became alert.

Everyone except for Tiea, that is, who wore an indifferent look on her face, as if she had expected this all along.

“Don’t be nervous. I am now a slave of Sir Shaman Niu, so I won’t hold any malicious intent towards you,” Sha Ya smiled at the hostile looks on their faces.

“A slave!” The crowd exclaimed, all of them knowing what the title ‘slave’ entailed.

Yue and Lu shot inquiring looks at Yang Kai, and when he nodded, amazement swelled in their hearts. Although they had seen how powerful Yang Kai was before, it was still too unbelievable that he could enslave a Demon King.

None of the Barbarians believed Sha Ya wholly, of course, despite Yang Kai’s affirmation, keeping some vigilance against this Demon King.

After recovering from their initial shock though, Yue and Lu stepped forward with a report.

Having treated the demonised Barbarians for a few days, many of them the Shamans successfully purged their fellow brethren of Demon Qi, helping them to regain their senses. However, perhaps because they had been demonized for too long, more than half had their heads exploded and died in the process of treatment.

This was inevitable though as, after being demonized, these compatriots who had once belonged to the same race became mindless slaves to the Demons, so a price had to be paid to save even some of them.

Still, it was better to save half of them than to lose them all.

ago, the Shaman Niu Clan lost more than two hundred soldiers, but now they had replenished their numbers all at once.

Blood Qi, then the use of the Purification Spell to purge the expelled Demon Qi, was just a method that Yang Kai casually thought of before. Although it created

had broad knowledge of spells; therefore, they were quite good at research and innovation. If they could find a more effective and efficient method, the

were tamed by the Shamans with Beast Taming Spells. The twins wanted to pick some of the most powerful warriors from the Shaman Niu Clan to form a land cavalry unit, but they did not dare to make a decision without Yang Kai’s permission, so they only came to ask for advice

naturally had no objections to

prowess. Now that they

they would be in the upper hand if they encountered the

my help?” Sha Ya took the initiative to ask

pride and sought refuge with Yang Kai, even becoming his slave. As such, it was natural that she could not wait to

faintly, “I am a Demon King after all. If I am present,

and help.” Yang Kai

but they couldn’t disobey Yang Kai’s orders, so they could only leave with Sha Ya to look

next battle. Their first victory greatly boosted their morale and confidence, allowing them to realize that the Demon Clan that destroyed four Barbarian Clans was not the indestructible and immortal force they had imagined it

mystery and fear surrounding the Demon Clan vanished all

himself in a

previous battle had familiarized the Ancient Barbarians with the Demon Clan, allowing them to stand on

was also worthy of being a Demon King as

were no longer vigilant towards her, including the twins, Yue and Lu. Although Yang Kai

Ya never used her Light of Enchantment, instead moving the dozen Shamans with sincerity and patience, slowly mixing with them until now they had

several dozen captured Demon Beasts successfully became the mounts

expected, Demon Qi constantly overflowed from the bodies of the Demon Beasts, so the Ancient Barbarians dared not simply touch them. Only after gaining a

later, Yang Kai summoned Sha Ya to his new cave

dignified and beautiful when she put down her coquettish image. After being warned by Yang Kai in the Sealed World Bead a few days ago, she dared not

Niu Clan so quickly also had something to do with her openly revealed beauty. A good majority of the dozen Shamans were

Demon Race around here, didn’t you?” Yang Kai

decided to halt its advance. Now, everyone is scattered in various


that won’t be a problem as no Demon King is overseeing that stronghold, only a Demon Great General as well as a thousand

‘we’ without any reservations at all, as if she had

going to attack

Ya was stunned and looked at Yang

“We’ll let

immediately understood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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