Martial Peak

Chapter 2865

Chapter 2865, Ever Victorious

Outside the cave, different scales of battles broke out from time to time.

Sha Ya played the role of a traitor perfectly.

She baited all the Demon Great Generals within a ten thousand kilometre radius to this place, together with their corresponding subordinates. Every Demon group that rushed here for the purpose of ‘rescue’ was wiped out mercilessly by the Shaman Niu Clan without exception.

A three-month period of such battles had greatly promoted the growth of the clansmen in the Shaman Niu Clan, not to mention the Warriors who broke through their own shackles one by one under the baptism of blood, becoming true Warriors. Even many of the dozen Shaman Warriors and Shaman Apprentices had unknowingly broken through their respective bottlenecks and been promoted to a higher Realm.

Other than Yue and Lu, there were two newly promoted Shaman Masters in the Shaman Niu Clan, strengthening the power of the Shamanic Spells that blessed the whole army.

The increase in the number of the army was also extremely obvious.

At the beginning, there were only three thousand clansmen in the Shaman Niu Clan.

But three months later, the Shaman Niu Clan had grown to five thousand in number, almost twice its original size.

The additional two thousand clansmen were the captured clansmen that had been rescued in the battles. After they were purged of Demon Qi and regained their intelligence, they all joined the Shaman Niu Clan without hesitation and played a vital role in the following battles.

In the past three months, the Shaman Niu Clan had participated in more than a dozen battles, slaughtered at least ten thousand enemies, and killed more than a dozen Demon Great Generals. This was a glorious achievement. They could confidently say that no other army of a Shaman Grandmaster in the entire Barbarian Race had achieved such a splendid record; after all, Demon Great Generals were basically equally strong as Shaman Grandmasters. If other Shaman Grandmasters wanted to kill a Demon Great General, they would need to have the determination to sacrifice themselves and their army to achieve it.

But the Shaman Niu Clan was different. The leader of each baited Demon Clan group died the moment they met Sha Ya, and their respective subordinates would be thrown into chaos, ultimately being crushed mercilessly by the Shaman Niu Clan that charged at them from all directions.

After three months, not a single Demon could be seen within a ten-thousand-kilometre radius.

Sha Ya’s efforts were also recognized by all the Barbarians. Although she still had the identity of a Demon, everyone knew that she was on their side.

In fact, the battles in these three months were basically led by Sha Ya with the help of the twins, Yue and Lu. As for the commander of the Shaman Niu Clan, Sir Shaman Niu, he had not appeared for the whole three months and just stayed in his own cave.

Whenever a Shaman wanted to meet Yang Kai, he would be stopped by Sha Ya, or even by Yue and Lu.

If Sha Ya had not been committed to luring and killing the enemy and stood firmly on their side, perhaps everyone would think that it was actually Yang Kai being controlled by Sha Ya.

months, the Shamans and Sha Ya were having a meeting and discussing what to do next when suddenly, Sha Ya looked back as if

who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, and

hand, “Pass down the order.

slightly stunned, “Sir, are we going

so it’s meaningless to

mean…” Yue was

three months of Sha Ya’s baiting, she had lured in all the Demons within a ten-thousand-kilometre

were Demons farther away, those Demons could not be commanded by Sha Ya. The jurisdiction of each Demon King was limited, so the Demons outside this range no longer fell under Sha Ya’s influence. Even if

move to another location, but no one

at this critical moment and made such

been cultivating this whole time, I’m still

at Sha Ya. She was branded by his Soul Imprint and became his slave, so Yang Kai could easily pry into Sha Ya’s

and immediately began to make arrangements. Other Shamans were also dismissed one after another. Although the migration of an army of five thousand people was not too big a task, it also wasn’t

Ya was asked to

Sha Ya’s brow jumped as she

aura of this foreign race man had become several times stronger than before. According to the divisions of the Demon Race,

about to be promoted to a Shaman King! Sha Ya had been here for three months now, so she knew a lot more

three months ago, he was just a Mid-Rank Shaman Grandmaster. Even if he did nothing but cultivate for the past three months, he should not have been

the Shaman

to the rumour, Sir Shaman Niu was just an ordinary, powerless man before last winter. He was even inferior to some Barbarian children, but one night, he received the blessings of the Barbarian Gods and

the same village as Shaman Niu, and those who spoke

now it

advance from Mid-Rank Shaman Grandmaster Realm to the brink of the Shaman King Realm

a Mid-Rank Shaman Grandmaster, but now, his strength had increased several times compared to then. Sha Ya felt that even if she fought head-on with him now, she may not be

continued, “Tell me, where

naturally could understand his intentions and quickly answered, “I know a guy named Bao Qi, and I happen to know his

at her, and smiled, “Do you hold

she still readily admitted, “He humiliated me in the past, but he was the one in the wrong the whole time. However, his location really is the closest to

few months as my slave. Since you have grudges with this Bao Qi, I have no


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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