Martial Peak

Chapter 2908

Chapter 2908, Future Looks Quite Bleak

In the wilderness, four gazes focused on Yang Kai after he made his greeting, all with looks of scrutiny.

Three of the four others gathered here were men, with only one being a woman. Two of them were in the First-Order Emperor Realm while the other two were Second-Order, each of them standing in pairs. Clearly, only Hua Yu Lu was alone before Yang Kai arrived.

Even though the Camouflage Artifact could hide the paleness of Yang Kai’s face, his weak aura could not be concealed in any way. Not to mention the fact that everyone here was an Emperor, so just a quick check would reveal the depth of his cultivation.

[First-Order Emperor Realm!] This allowed the other four to breathe a sigh of relief somehow.

One of the men with a short and stumpy body coldly snorted with a look of displeasure, “Palace Master Hua, is this your friend? He’s a haughty one, isn’t he, making us wait like this?”

He didn’t hide his true thoughts in the slightest. He was obviously annoyed by having to wait here for so long and straightforwardly criticized Yang Kai. It was also true that Yang Kai did not arrive in time as he had been delayed for a few days during his trip, so there wasn’t much he could say. If Yang Kai had been a Second-Order Emperor Realm Master, then this stocky fellow might not have had the guts to criticize him, but a First-Order Emperor was nothing to be feared.

Faced with the man’s criticism, Hua Yu Lu smiled apologetically, “Brother Wu, please calm your anger. Senior Brother Yang was met with some problems some days ago that delayed his trip. This Mistress will apologize in his stead.”

Even though she had no idea what held Yang Kai back a few days, causing him to miss their appointed time, she was certain he wasn’t the type to just break appointments on purpose. Otherwise, Xia Sheng wouldn’t have asked him to help. As the inviter, Hua Yu Lu naturally had to speak for Yang Kai.

The man coldly snorted, “Your Hundred Flowers Palace is filled with women, where does this Senior Brother Yang come from? I’ve never heard of men entering Hundred Flowers Palace before. What’s more, this Brother Yang is hiding his head while only showing his tail. Does he not even have the guts to show his true appearance? Or does Brother Yang have something else he’s hiding?”

He seemed to dislike Yang Kai and immediately confronted him about using the Camouflage Artifact.

It was reasonable to call this an impromptu treasure hunting team, so there was no need for them to look deeply into each other’s backgrounds and origins. They each had their own ulterior motives to begin with. When they could work together, they would work together, but if not, they would just separate. If they happen to chance upon some treasure, they may even get into a fight for it. Everyone knew this, so Hua Yu Lu did not ask who the helpers of the other two were or where they were from, as if it was a tacit agreement.

Therefore, the stubby man clearly had ill intentions to target Yang Kai, and there were even suspicions of him trying to sow discord with his last sentence.

The Star Boundary was so huge that the number of people living in it reached the trillions. Each one of them had a different nature and temperament, so walking around with a Camouflage Artifact wasn’t a strange thing; however, when it came to this man surnamed Wu, it seemed he intended to blow up matters here, intent on getting Yang Kai to take off his artifact and reveal his true appearance without taking no for an answer.

this situation. She was the Palace Master of Hundred Flowers Palace, so the fact that she could put down her status and apologize already showed her sincerity. Still, the incessant pestering of this man naturally annoyed her. However, it was not a favourable situation for them as both she and Yang Kai were First-Order Emperor Realms, while the other two were in pairs of one First-Order and one Second-Order Emperor. Things may become messy if a fight were

Emperor Realm’s surprise attack, then land one of his own, proved Yang Kai’s strength could not

did not want to get into

something, Yang Kai spoke,

man surnamed Wu grunted, “Wu

My appearance is a little odd so if I appear before others with my true appearance, I’m

Yang Kai raised his head and looked at the other woman on the scene other than

a Second-Order Emperor Realm cultivation and was clearly the helper hired by him. The woman’s appearance could not be described as extremely beautiful, but

been silently observing him, so now that the topic had turned to her, she was slightly

the emotions of others, but there was no sign of her using any kind of Charm Technique. It was quite apparently

I call Little Brother?” The

Jiu!” Yang

son in his Yang Family, so there was a basis

something, the elderly man who was standing with the woman stepped forward and smiled, “It’s fine, it was only a few days. For those at our

an amiable neighbourhood grandpa, causing

for Wu Kuang Yi to push the matter. Moreover, it wasn’t a big deal, so if he continued to dwell on it, it would only make him look small-minded and damage his image. What’s more, Hua Yu Lu had already apologized, so he took this opportunity to step back. Still, he kept a sullen look on his face, as if he were informing others

here, let’s set off. We’ll discuss the details

now that Hua Yu Lu could breathe a sigh of relief. She was not close with Yang Kai, and when he didn’t show up on

wait a little longer!” The amiable old man raised his voice and

eyes to him at once, none of them understanding his

explained, “One more person

year ago that we could only find one helper each, and they had to be at the Second-Order Emperor Realm or below. You’ve

Hua Yu

really did what Wu Kuang Yi accused him of, then that would truly be

and found that she was still smiling as before, clearly

not break our agreement. I really have asked only Lady Chen

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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