Martial Peak

Chapter 2988

Chapter 2988, Oasis

Having cultivated to the Eleventh Order, a Monster Beast would naturally have some level of sentience even if it did not have a Human Form; hence, it would know how to seek out fortune and avoid misfortune.

When Yang Kai easily used a finger to cause its huge hoof to explode, it immediately sensed that it was in mortal danger. Therefore, it turned around without hesitation, wrapped itself in sand and dust, and escaped into the distance as swiftly as the wind. The ability to wrap itself in sand and dust seemed like some sort of Innate Divine Ability for it to escape from danger.

Yang Kai was in a good mood since he managed to locate the black puppy; thus, he did not give chase nor kill it ruthlessly. An Eleventh-Order Monster Beast was nothing to him, so he simply watched it escape without stopping it.

“What’s with you?” He held the black puppy up in front of his eyes and studied it carefully; he was unable to make heads or tails of the situation. It could even devour a Demon King, so why is it being driven into the corner by a mere Eleventh-Order Monster Beast? He would not have believed it had he not seen it with his own eyes.

Thinking back on it, Gong Yue, who had been taken over by a Demon Spirit at the time, once said that the black puppy had a faint trace of the Abyssal Returner’s bloodline; however, he did not outrightly mention that it was an Abyssal Returner cub. It was very likely that the puppy did not come from a pure bloodline.

Its Innate Divine Ability would instinctively be stimulated when faced with its favourite food, the Demon Race. Unfortunately, that ability was unstable and unreliable against other kinds of enemies. It once devoured Liao Guan Shi in the Revolving World without any warning, but behaved very ordinarily when fighting against the Princes and Princesses of the Imperial Family. It had not used its innate devouring ability at the time even once.

From the looks of it, it probably failed to bring out its Divine Ability and was chased by an Eleventh-Order Monster Beast as a result. It was pretty troublesome to have impure bloodlines.

Even so, Yang Kai wasn’t bothered by this. It was good if the black puppy was capable, but it was fine even if it wasn’t; after all, he did not need to rely on its power. The most important thing was that he finally knew that Zhu Qing and the others were here.

Picking up the black puppy, he placed it on his shoulder, but did not summon his Emperor Grade flight-type Artifact. Instead, Yang Kai just flew into the air directly before he continued his search. Unfortunately, for the next ten days, he made no new discoveries.

Ten days later, an oasis suddenly appeared in Yang Kai’s field of vision. Discovering such a pleasing spot out of the blue in this land of endless sand and dust instantly made his mood brighten.

There seemed to be a small village in the oasis, and Yang Kai could sense a number of life auras inside. Sweeping his Divine Sense across the village, he discovered that there were no powerful cultivators here, with the strongest person being just a Dao Source Realm while the rest were even lower than that.

Yang Kai headed to the oasis and landed beside the clear pool of water. Bending down, he washed his face in the water while the black puppy jumped into the water and started swimming freely. When he lifted his head again, he saw several children standing next to him and staring at him with wide eyes brimming with curiosity.

The children were a mix of boys and girls, with the youngest no older than five while the oldest was perhaps eleven or twelve. It might have been due to the environment, but their clothes were shabby and patched over multiple times. Moreover, they had terrible complexions and were all skin and bones, looking extremely malnourished.

The older ones among them seemed to have begun cultivating. Unfortunately, their cultivation was weak to the point that it was pitiful. They stood tens of meters away from Yang Kai, staring at him timidly with eyes that sparkled with curiosity.

at them slightly, but just as he was about to speak, his gaze focused on something in one of the girl’s hair. Smiling even more happily, Yang Kai asked in as

surprised Yang Kai was the material the ribbon was made out of. It turned out to be part of the Emperor Artifact

when they crossed the World Barrier by a violent Void Turbulence. Yang Kai had one section in his possession originally, but later threw it away since he no longer had

up that ribbon from over there. In other words, this section of the ribbon must have been dropped by either

children jumped in fright

let me see that for a moment? I will return it to you once I’m done,” stretching out his hand, the ribbon loosened and flew over to Yang Kai. He lowered his head and studied the ribbon and was now certain it was a piece of the Emperor Artifact. It was too bad that its spirituality was completely lost after it was

he saw the children fleeing without warning.

rushed over from all directions following the screams of the children. In

he knew that his actions were a little reckless. His gaze shifted

could not prevent the passing years from carving wrinkles

I am the one in charge of

high as Yang Kai’s, he could tell that the young man in front of him was not somebody he could afford to provoke. Thus, he spoke with great respect, for fear that he might bring disaster down

this on her head just now, so

the case, there’s no need to

you know about

and replied, “She received that item from a red-haired young

further to know that the red-haired young man was Zhu Lie and thus, he hurriedly asked, “Where is that

“He suddenly appeared in this place about half a month ago and waited here for about half a day. Then, a

did that woman

middle-aged man nodded, “That’s right. Moreover, those two looked very strong, I believe they were even stronger

all smiles, his worries finally completely laid to rest. Although he had guessed that Zhu Qing was fine when

arrived at this oasis and

red-haired young man left behind when he left this place. Please excuse the child’s ignorance for picking it up and playing with it. You can have it back

waved his hand lightly in response, “That is not necessary.

speaking, he flicked his wrist and the ribbon immediately flew to the little girl and stopped in front of her. The little girl glanced at Yang Kai several times before grabbing the ribbon and holding it in her palm like

no harm, the group of people finally felt relieved. They had sensed how powerful Yang Kai was and knew if he meant to harm them, they would have no

and woman leave in?

middle-aged man pointed with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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