Martial Peak

Chapter 2998

Chapter 2998 , Leave It to Me

“Red hair?” Hua Xing was a little puzzled by what Li Jiao said and he looked at Li Jiao questioningly as he shook his head, “She doesn’t have red hair. That little girl has black hair.”

Although he did not know why Li Jiao asked that question, he vaguely sensed that Li Jiao was scared of something.

[He has somebody he fears?] Hua Xing couldn’t help finding the very notion strange.

“Black hair…” Li Jiao breathed out a sigh of relief, [If the girl has black hair, then it’s definitely not Zhu Qing.]

Just in case, he carefully asked for more clarification, “What cultivation does that girl have?”

“First-Order Emperor Realm!”

He was startled by those words, “A mere First-Order Emperor Realm Master?”

[That’s definitely not Zhu Qing!] He was completely at ease now.

“That’s right. That’s why I feel so humiliated!” Hua Xing picked up another bottle of wine and gulped it down. Wiping at his mouth as he complained, “Brother Li, you know about my situation. Despite all the efforts I put in, I only have one son. I was expecting him to inherit my position in the future. W-Who would have thought…” At this point, he sounded choked up.

Li Jiao comforted, “To see one’s child die before oneself… It must be difficult for you, Brother Hua. You have my condolences.”

Hua Xing slammed his hands on the table and murderously vowed, “I have to avenge my son, 0therwise, I can’t call myself a man anymore!”

“This is a deep-seated hatred. It is only natural to take revenge,” Li Jiao hesitated for a moment before asking, “It’s just that I don’t quite understand… Wind and Cloud Pavilion is a top Sect in the Western Territory. Moreover, you are a Third-Order Emperor Realm Master, Brother Hua, how can you be helpless against a little girl?”

Hua Xing shook his head and smiled bitterly, “You might not be aware, but that little girl’s strength is extremely unusual despite her seemingly low cultivation. Unfortunately, I underestimated her previously when I sent some of the Masters within the Sect to capture her; as a result, all of them died at her hands, even though some were Second-Order Emperors!”

“Oh? To think a little girl could fight so many Masters above her own realm!” Li Jiao raised his brow at those words, “It looks like this little girl is quite difficult to deal with.”

He suddenly thought of Yang Kai and solemnly said, “Not many people can fight against those in a higher realm by themselves, but as long as they don’t die early, they will surely become powerful in the future.”

Hua Xing said, “Wind and Cloud Pavilion’s face has taken a huge hit recently. Please help me, Brother Li!”

Li Jiao replied, “You are exaggerating, Brother Hua. That little girl might be strong enough to kill a Second-Order Emperor, but surely she can’t triumph against you if you take action personally. I know the extent of your strength very well and even though I want to help, taking revenge for your son should be done with your own hands… Only by doing so will you truly be able to soothe your anger.”

I’ve been unable to rest at all. I can’t wait to rip that cheap slut apart

is it?” Li Jiao looked at Hua Xing curiously. He couldn’t figure out why Hua Xing would make this request of

this will make you understand, Brother Li,” Hua Xing stretched out his hand as

A moment later his expression changed and he uttered in surprise, “You’re injured, Brother Hua? Who could have done this to

dejectedly, “When news of my son’s death arrived, I was cultivating in retreat. The shock I received at the time nearly caused a dissonance in my cultivation. Although I managed to stabilize myself, I still

Jiao nodded lightly, a touch of sympathy appearing on his face. [It’s not easy for Hua Xing either.

a Second-Order Emperor; hence, her strength is certainly not low. I am not in my best condition at the moment,

pondered for a moment, “I understand what you are trying to say, Brother Hua. Rest assured, you can leave this to me. I will let that little girl know the consequences of

up before bowing deeply, “Many thanks, Brother Li! With you personally taking action, that cheap slut won’t stand a chance

Jiao helped Hua Xing up with a smile, “I’ve been repeating this again and again, Brother Hua, I won’t stand idly by if you are in

“I’ll be truthful with you, Brother Li. That slut is currently in Great Cloud City, just thirty kilometres

make her way here?” Li Jiao’s expression soured as he snorted, “Her

through gritted teeth, “That’s certainly the case. Her strength has gone to her head and she must believe she can look

we let her break into Wind and Cloud Pavilion before I make my move? I

Wind and Cloud Pavilion and

understood Hua Xing’s worries. Thus, he nodded and said, “That certainly wouldn’t look good. I was too careless in my thoughts. Good, I’ll head to Great

what I was hoping for. Many

be delayed any longer; I’ll go now.” While speaking, Li

you, Brother Li!” Hua Xing saw Li

of the mountain peak, Li Jiao soared into the air and flew off into the distance. When his figure disappeared from sight, the smile on

couldn’t obtain any background information on that man and woman; however, judging from the way they dared to attack Wind and Cloud Pavilion so blatantly, it was clear that they had some sort of profound backing. If they really turned out to

the smell of blood. Ruins were

Wind and Cloud Pavilion and could be considered an important industry for the Sect as well as a hub of communication with the outside world. In other words, this city was the commercial heart of

to go straight to Wind and Cloud Pavilion. Therefore, it was only natural for Great Cloud City

consisting of several hundred disciples. In addition, many other Emperor Realm Masters attracted by the reward were gathered as well. They had long since set up an impressive array and

moment they stepped into Great Cloud

Pavilion suffered heavy casualties, and even

scattered. The disciples of Wind and Cloud Pavilion that survived the battle hurriedly fled back to their headquarters while the Emperor Realm Masters, attracted by the bounty, were either dead or making a run for it. The entire Great Cloud City was a

Jiao landed in front of a group

of disciples so that they did not dare to take any

Realm Master leading the group recognized Li Jiao and called out with

you?” Li Jiao

fists and said, “Greetings Senior Li, I am Wind and Cloud Pavilion’s Ninth Elder,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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