Martial Peak

Chapter 3034

Chapter 3034, Dumbstruck

Lu San Niang thought about it and agreed that it made sense. It could not be compared to back then. During the years that she lived here, Humans and Monsters who were non-Dragonborn were not allowed to stray too far away from the island where they lived.

With the construction of the palace, Yang Kai had a reasonable explanation even if he ran into a member of the Dragon Clan. Even so, she was still worried, “But…”

Yang Kai lifted his hand to cut her off and said, “If you want to come with me we’ll leave right now.”

He had no plans to stay on this island. Now that nobody was paying attention to him, it was a good chance for him to go out and search for some news about Zhu Qing.

She could probably guess that he was determined about this; thus, she pondered over it for a short moment before saying, “We won’t be going with you. You’ll have to be careful.”

Although her cultivation was not that bad, Lu Yu Qin was too weak. They would only be a burden for him if they followed him. If that was the case, they might as well remain in this place. That way, it would be easier for him to escape if he ran into any trouble.

He frowned in response and looked in a certain direction, “But, Yuan Wu…”

If he left, it would be hard to prevent Yuan Wu from harassing the Lu mother-daughter pair. That was the only thing he was worried about. Since Li Jiao had entrusted them to him, he had to take good care of them. It was a little irresponsible of him to leave them be just like that. Although he could place Lu San Niang and her daughter in the Sealed World Bead, he was not willing to do so unless it was his last resort.

She smiled slightly, “Brother Yang, you don’t need to worry about us. I have lived here for hundreds of years, so if I really wanted to hide, he wouldn’t be able to find me.”

As soon as those words left her mouth, Yang Kai immediately understood that his previous guess had been correct. This Spirit Island really was the den of that Dragon Clan member that had caused her so much grief. If that was the case, then he had nothing to worry about anymore. Lifting his head, he looked to the other side of the island, “What is the name of the Master here?”

She was silent for a moment before she whispered, “Fu Chi…”

While speaking, she shuddered slightly. It was clear that the name itself had brought up memories of something.


Vein… He is

nodded in response, “I

highly on Dragon Island. Even Zhu Lie only had an Eighth-Order Dragon Vein. Similarly, it wasn’t that long ago when Zhu Qing had an Eighth-Order Dragon Vein herself. It was just that she now had a Ninth-Order Dragon Vein. She was only one step away

without worries, Brother Yang. You don’t need to concern yourself about me. I can take care

too. I’ll be back in a few days.”

people. Yuan Wu and the rest were busy working on their tasks in the middle of the island

lightning, not knowing which direction to begin searching. Thus, he could only take things one step at a time. He silently and secretly spread out his

excellent environment. Moreover, the islands were full of wonderful and strange plants, as well as precious treasures. Even though Yang Kai was used to seeing such riches, he was still awed by the sight. He had known that the Dragon Clan was rich, but ‘rich’ was a vague concept. It was very hard to imagine

the precious treasures on those islands were completely unguarded. If it weren’t for his attachment towards Zhu Qing, Yang Kai would have cleaned out all those Spirit Islands of the precious treasures they held. Unfortunately, searching for Zhu Qing was the priority, so even though he was amazed by those treasures,

that would make anybody envious. All of this was simply left out in the open, exposed to the world for all to see. Even so, nobody seemed to

Star Boundary could compare to. Even Great Emperor Sects could not hold a candle to it. No wonder they could generously spend such a lavish amount to build a palace. There was

least. It wasn’t until half a day later that he sensed the aura of some

a member of the Dragon Clan lived. Yang Kai did not know whether it belonged to a member of the Fu Clan or Zhu Clan,

living creatures on the island were all women. They were charming, alluring, and beautiful. Furthermore, there were at least a hundred of them.

of the Dragon Clan members. Just like Lu San Niang, these women were under house arrest on this Spirit Island. They were the

and competition between them, but many of these women were dressed up extravagantly and seductively. Some of them even went so far as

was nowhere to be seen. Who knows where that person had gone? Even so, he knew that this was not the place where Zhu Qing

Clan’s extravagance and lasciviousness. Therefore, he hurriedly retreated from the

of the Spirit Islands but aside from one or two of them that exuded auras so powerful that even he felt a little afraid, he had

of Zhu Lie either. Yang Kai did not

Kai flew in that direction as he could sense the aura of

an island with living creatures on it; therefore, Yang Kai could not pass up on an island

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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