Martial Peak

Chapter 3122

Chapter 3122, You Set Me Up

Gathering Clouds Mountain on Shadowed Star was a place filled with vitality where the World Energy was abundant. It was also the location of the most famous Crystal Stone Lodes on the Star and the most important business for High Heaven Sect. The Crystal Stones mined from this place accounted for one-tenth of the Sect’s income every year.

For this kind of important business, naturally, there was a Master assuming command here.

She was clad in tight-fitting clothes which outlined her curvy figure and her hair was tied into a neat bun, giving her a clean-cut appearance. In the past, she was the Eldest Young Lady of the Qiu Family in the Great Han Dynasty, but now, she was the Matriarch of the Qiu Family. Qiu Yi Meng was the person who guarded this place. Several dozen years had passed since she came to Shadowed Star, and she had always worked hard to increase her cultivation. Now, the aura radiating from her body suggested that she was a First-Order Origin King.

It could be said that among the youths who had left the Great Han Dynasty, besides Yang Kai, her cultivation was the strongest. Even many of those from the older generation were not comparable to her. There was no doubt that she had innate talent, but there was a more important reason why her cultivation had soared.

The sun in the sky was too far away from her, so if she wanted to pick the Sun and reach for the Moon, she had to work harder. Even if she couldn’t pick it, she wanted to be nearer to it at least.

As one of the main battlefields of the two Star Fields, Shadowed Star was targeted by many Masters from Grand Desolation Star Field. There were more than several dozen battlefields on the Star, and as expected, those places with more resources were where more battles were fought.

Naturally, those from Grand Desolation Star Field had their eyes on Gathering Clouds Mountain and had deployed an Origin King to take control of it. This person had hundreds of subordinates who were mostly Origin Returning Realm cultivators. With Qiu Yi Meng as the leader of the disciples from High Heaven Sect, the feud between the two sides had lasted for about five years now.

During this period of time, there had been hundreds of skirmishes between them. Both parties had won some battles and suffered some losses, but no one had managed to become the clear winner. Those from Grand Desolation Star Field failed in their attempt to seize the Crystal Stone Lode, while on the other hand, Qiu Yi Meng couldn’t expel or exterminate all of her enemies. Nevertheless, she couldn’t seek help from High Heaven Sect because the other party would also do the same if she did that.

Moreover, the helpers on the other side would arrive quickly. The more Origin Kings that High Heaven Sect sent out, the more the other party would also increase their fighting strength.

Five years had passed, and they seemed to have come to a tacit agreement that they would only battle against each other with the current manpower they had. Neither commander would seek help from their respective backers.

At this moment, Qiu Yi Meng was burning with rage. [Several dozen years have passed, so he’s probably reached a very high realm by now. If I can’t even deal with these low lives, how am I supposed to get closer to him?]

With such thoughts, whenever there was no active battle, Qiu Yi Meng would cultivate diligently because she didn’t dare to waste any time.

Just then, someone rapidly knocked on the door from outside.

“Come in!” Qiu Yi Meng opened her eyes.

The door was opened, after which a burly man stepped into the room. His murderous intent was so intense that it was as though it had almost materialised. He was none other than Tu Feng, a Blood Warrior who had greatly helped Yang Kai in the Inheritance War.

The Blood Warriors from the Yang Family were all top talents who had sworn loyalty to the Yang Family. After they followed Yang Kai to Shadowed Star, their power had also seen exponential growth. As one of the most outstanding Blood Warriors, Tu Feng was already in the Third-Order Origin Returning Realm, just one step away from the Origin King Realm.

Among the subordinates Qiu Yi Meng had, many came from the Eight Great Families of the Great Han Dynasty, so naturally, Blood Warriors from the Yang Family worked under her as well.

“Elder Qiu!” Tu Feng cupped his fists.

Realm, she had been promoted to the position

“What’s the matter?”

rats have made

after such a war,

weird expression, Tu Feng replied, “They’re not coming; they’re

had been fighting with each other for five years now, so both sides were quite familiar with one another. The question then

attention to it. Now, she realised that those sounds came from the Starry Sky,

Tu Feng replied, “That’s what I was going to tell you.

Great Elder made a move?” Qiu Yi Meng straightened

allow those from Grand Desolation Star Field to wage an unrestricted war on

they had quite a few Origin King Realm Masters, there was only one Third-Order Origin King, the Great Elder, Ye Xi Yun, guarding this place. The other top Masters were no longer on Shadowed Star as they

a move,

Ye Xi Yun made a move, she couldn’t have achieved this kind of result, unless those people had returned to High Heaven Sect and joined

could think of. If that was the case, then everything made sense to her

details, but it’s the best time for us to make a

chair and sneered, “It’s time we

destroyed, so it was no wonder that their forces on the ground became flustered. Certainly, Qiu

her. All of

lights were flickering in the sky that was hundreds of kilometres away. They were as bright as

that, she turned to look at the other side and saw a

Grand Desolation Star Field had become flustered after their Starships were destroyed and they no longer dared to remain on Shadowed Star, so they attempted to run for

snickered to herself, [Shadowed Star

into the sky to chase down the hated enemies they had fought with for the past five

Shadowed Star as similar sights could be seen everywhere. However, those who were racing after their enemies couldn’t shorten the gap between them. After all, those from Grand Desolation Star Fields were not weaklings. They must be quite powerful to have

soon. Gritting her teeth, she performed a hand seal with both hands, upon which a layer of pink mist wafted from her skin. Suddenly, her pace quickened

to see a beam of red light shooting towards them at incredible

been fighting with Qiu Yi Meng in the past few years. He was a thin man who appeared to be in his forties. Although he had been drooling over Qiu Yi Meng’s beauty since

nice if I can get myself

spoke to his subordinates with Divine

this, she

let you leave

you die!” Qiu Yi Meng’s shout resounded even before

Bian Hong simply cackled as he pretended to flee as he turned his head and mocked her, “Little Girl, are you reluctant to

vulgar language elicited a laugh from his

hand as her long sword pulsated. Lights could be seen flashing across the blade, and the power of wind converged at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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