Martial Peak

Chapter 3202

Chapter 3202, Guarding Against Thieves

Inside her palace, Luan Feng sat at the forefront, dressed in luxurious robes with a phoenix coronet on her head. She was sitting motionlessly as somebody paced about in front of her with an anxious expression. Moreover, that person kept glancing out the window from time to time, as if waiting for something.

That person appeared to be a man of superb stature. He was wearing a beige-coloured robe and his hair was carelessly pulled into a bun behind his head with a jade hairpin. He was none other than one of the Three Great Divine Venerables of the Ancient Wild Lands, the West Divine Venerable Cang Gou. At this moment, the West Divine Venerable, who had always been unflappable in the face of great crisis, seemed to be deeply distressed for some reason and had a conflicted expression on his face.

After watching him pace about like a headless fly for some time, Luan Feng finally couldn’t stand it anymore, rubbed her forehead, and spoke up, “Sit down. You are making me dizzy.”

Cang Gou stopped and looked at her with a mixture of sorrow and fury, “Why is he here again!? Tell me! Why!? Why!?”

She weakly replied, “How should I know?”

“Didn’t the rumours say that he went to the Northern Territory and created a Sect there? What was its name…”

“High Heaven Palace!”

“Right! High Heaven Palace!” Cang Gou palmed his fist lightly, “I heard he is doing pretty well in the Northern Territory, so why is he not enjoying lording over that place and is instead here in the Eastern Territory again!?” [I’ve never met anybody like him. He crosses domains at his leisure like it’s nothing. He even regards the Ancient Wild Lands, which is famous for its brutality, as a place that he can enter and exit at will!]

Luan Feng said lightly, “He said he came here to collect a debt from me.”

“Debt? What debt!?” He widened his eyes and stared at her.

She lowered her gaze, “Who knows? Maybe he is just talking nonsense.”

He looked at her suspiciously, “Are you hiding something from us?”

She snapped, “What could I possibly hide from you!? Anyway, you didn’t leak this information out, right?”

Cang Gou scornfully replied, “I’m not a fool. Why would I leak something like this?”

“That would be for the best. If the Monster Kings learn that he is here…” Her words trailed off halfway. She couldn’t finish her sentence as just thinking about the scenario was enough to make her headache worse.

referring to as he had a look of grief and rage on his face. [I can’t believe that we, the dignified Divine Venerables of the Ancient Wild Lands, have to guard against a mere Human in the First-Order Emperor Realm like some unstoppable thief! Nobody will believe us if we say that he worries and frightens us. Since when have the Ancient Wild Lands

ten years ago, he had stirred the place up so much that his name had spread far and wide. If not for the Three Great Divine Venerables joining forces to suppress them,

looking for him for revenge. It was just that ‘that person’ was the only one who could communicate with the descendent of Heavens Order, so all the Monster Kings wanted to serve him. The reason being that if they could obtain the favour of Heavens Order’s descendent when the Blood Gate opens again one day, they would have

been clamouring that they wanted to replace Ying Fei, Xi Lei, and Xie Wu Wei to serve under Yang Kai despite the suppression of the Three Great Divine Venerables. Some even

Kings, who stood above others, would go to such great lengths to ingratiate themselves to a Human for an opportunity that was nearly impossible to come true. They were so desperate that they even abandoned their pride and honour as Monster Kings. Even the Three Great Divine

their ancestors. Most of the Monster Race in the

the Three Great Divine Venerables could not punish the Monster Kings even if they felt extremely exasperated and disappointed in them. Fortunately, the Monster

then. It had been a move of great foresight. Otherwise, the Three Great Divine Venerables would quickly become the Three Solitary Divine Venerables if Yang Kai were to come and go freely in the

Cang Gou suddenly seemed to think about something and felt concerned for a moment. The news of Yang Kai’s reappearance in the Ancient Wild Lands could not be leaked, or else the just settled Ancient Wild Lands

him up.”

house arrest the moment he finished reporting to her because she was scared that the news might leak

Cang Gou breathed a


immediately, “It’s right here. Are we really going to be able to solve this

an explanation or compensation for her actions back then. The easiest and most effective way to do that was to use money to buy peace. Unfortunately, this sum could not be provided by one person alone. It was a matter related to the entire Ancient Wild Lands after all, so there was no way the other two Divine Venerable

it can’t withstand his plundering. He took

Lands anyway. Just give them to him. Or…” Her beautiful eyes


That Heavens Order descendant had taken away Shi Huo’s Source like she was plucking a flower from the roadside. Who would dare to provoke her when killing a Divine Spirit was as simple as chopping up vegetables for her!? She was the natural enemy of all Divine Spirits. The

kill Yang Kai or not. How could the Three Great Divine Venerables working together fail to kill a mere First-Order Emperor Realm Master if they really

Wu is here.” Luan Feng suddenly raised her head and

them. That person was wearing a

toward Luan Feng, he asked,

Luan Feng nodded lightly.

let out a long sigh, “What

up the Ancient Wild Lands so badly. It would have been different if that person was strong to the point they couldn’t stand up to him. Divine Spirits might be powerful, but they were not unparalleled in strength; however, it just so happened that Yang Kai wasn’t particularly strong nor hostile towards the Ancient Wild Lands. It was just his existence in itself was enough to endanger

boy, making them realize what the saying ‘Decent people had short lives but evildoers lived for a thousand years’ meant. Naturally, this saying

is he

All I know is that he suddenly appeared in the Ancient Wild Lands yesterday and ran into a Monster Commander. He ordered the Monster Commander to

Monster Races see him?” Fan Wu felt as though

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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