Martial Peak

Chapter 3321

Chapter 3321, Tricked

After washing up at Ling Yin Qin’s secluded residence, Yang Kai put on a new set of clothes and sat down with his legs crossed to adjust his breathing for an entire night. At the break of dawn the next day, he stepped out of the house, feeling re-energized.

When Ling Yin Qin and Lan He, who had been standing guard outside the house for the entire night, saw him, they were shocked by his incredible restorative ability. After the battle with the purple-robed man yesterday, there was basically no spot on Yang Kai’s body that was still intact; however, after only one night, not a single trace of injury could be seen.

This kind of restorative ability was inconceivable.

The old man was outside the house as well. A glint flashed across his eyes when he saw Yang Kai as he called out respectfully, “Young Master!”

Yang Kai shot him a look and grinned.

After one night of rest, he had figured many things out. Although he still wasn’t sure about the old man’s identity, or which Divine Spirit the latter was, he was certain that there was only one reason that the old man was willing to disparage himself by calling him ‘Young Master’.

[This old fart wants to seek my protection!]

The previous day, the old man had said that even if Li Wu Yi wanted to bring him back to Spirit Beast Island, he had to ask for Yang Kai’s permission first.

[Do I even have the right to interfere in such a matter? If Li Wu Yi wants to take him back to Spirit Beast Island, I’d definitely agree to it. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say this old man looks pure evil. If he stays by my side, he might do something immoral and ruin my reputation. Moreover, given the power he showcased, I would not be able to suppress him.]

Therefore, although Yang Kai was pleased that someone so powerful was calling him ‘Young Master’, he wouldn’t want to accept this walking disaster.

Even if Yang Kai was able to give shelter to this old man, he didn’t find it necessary to do so, to say nothing of the fact that he wasn’t capable of doing it in the first place.

The old man didn’t seem to be aware of Yang Kai’s meaningful grin as he said, “Young Master, what are your orders?”

“I wouldn’t dare to order you around!” Yang Kai waved his hands, then turned to look at Lan He, “Where are the two Seniors?”

Lan He replied, “The two Seniors are staying at Heavenly Wolf Valley’s reception palace.”

“Lead the way, please.”

Yang Kai to meet Li Wu Yi and Jiu Feng. Ling Yin Qin didn’t follow them as she wasn’t familiar with the two. Moreover, there was a

the reception palace

Yang Kai searched around for a long time before they found the pair standing by the railing and gazing out at the valley. While Lan He stopped at

Kai seriously cupped his fists,

Li Wu Yi arched his brow, Jiu Feng replied with a smile, “You called us Big Sister and Big Brother yesterday, so why do you call us

that two Seniors intended to make it seem that we were close in order to raise my status and force my enemy

paused for a moment before continuing, “Moreover, Xiao Qi and I call each other Brother and Sister, and she calls you Uncle and Aunt. If I claim to be

not too foolish.” Jiu Feng’s

Yi stated, “It’s just a form of address, so we don’t mind either way. By the way, I thought you had gone to a Lower Star Field.

“Not long ago.”


shivered slightly. Although he wasn’t born in the same era as Wu Kuang, he was aware of what horrible crimes the latter had

a sigh, “I found him, but there was nothing I could

Luo Star Field. Now that he had refined the Star Field Source of Heng Luo Star Field though, Wu Kuang would not have the chance anymore. Wu Kuang would also be suppressed by the Heavenly Way when he was in a Lower Star Field unless he refined

Kai went on to explain, “Moreover, Wu Kuang’s condition is special now. Even if I had

about, so he

same body at the moment. It wouldn’t matter if it was a random individual, but it was Bustling World Great Emperor’s body and Soul Wu Kuang was sharing at the moment. Even if they had a chance, they couldn’t possibly kill both Wu Kuang and Bustling World Great Emperor. After giving it a thought, Yang Kai knew that it would ultimately be up to Bustling World Great Emperor to resolve the issue himself. Unless Duan Hong Chen

person at fault for this whole mess

opened, Bustling World Great Emperor would waste his cultivation and begin cultivating from the beginning so he could enter that place and search for the whereabouts of Wu Kuang’s Soul. This time, Duan Hong Chen had the chance to die together with Wu Kuang, but Yang Kai interfered, and after a series

falls, those who stand above us will hold it up, so don’t worry

understood that they should just let the Great Emperors deal with their own internal affairs. It was pointless for them

the subject, “There’s something I need to

“You want to ask about that

Jiu Feng,

dejected Jiu Feng sighed, “Things ended quite miserably for her. Members of the Dragon Clan are arrogant and xenophobic, so what she did was intolerable

flared like a blinding sun, causing Jiu Feng to widen her eyes. The old man also looked at him in shock. It was incredible that he was able to release this kind of murderous intent in his realm. [Who is this Dragon girl? She seems to be his reverse scale. Has this brat hooked up with a woman

aching, Li Wu Yi rubbed his temples and

Yang Kai’s aura suddenly deflated as he turned to look at Jiu Feng, only to see that she was looking back at him teasingly with a

[She tricked me!]

his eyes, “Senior Jiu Feng, you’re too

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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