Martial Peak

Chapter 3398

Chapter 3398, Misunderstanding

The Revolving World wasn’t that big, but it wasn’t small either. Last time, Yang Kai, the Zhu brother and sister duo, and Li Jiao stayed in this world for several months, but even if they weren’t familiar with this place, they wouldn’t be too unfamiliar with it either.

Hovering in the sky, Yang Kai calmly found his bearings before he made a beeline toward the location of the Human Imperial City.

After half a day, an inverted bowl-like green curtain of light appeared in his sight as he sensed a familiar aura from it.

That was the Human Imperial City’s protective shield.

Yang Kai also knew that it was the power of the Sacred Tree.

Since the Demon Realm Principles were currently dominant in the Revolving World, it was the time the Demon Race could run rampant. On the other hand, the residents of Human Imperial City were unable to leave the protection of the Sacred Tree, otherwise, their minds would be corrupted by the Demon Qi and they would degenerate into Demons.

Every time this happened, the Humans, who had ventured out of Human Imperial City, would return to avoid the Demon Qi.

Yang Kai recalled all the information about Human Imperial City and the Sacred Tree in his mind, and after a short while, he arrived outside its gates.

However, the next moment, the warning bell on the tower on the city wall suddenly started ringing as someone shouted in a loud voice, “The Demon Race is attacking, the Demon Race is attacking!” Although the cultivation of the person shouting wasn’t that high, he was still a Dao Source Realm so his cultivation was sufficient to make his voice resound throughout Human Imperial City.

The endless streams of people suddenly fell into a strange state of stillness in an instant, and after three breaths, everyone started running around, shouting in a panic.

Yang Kai was momentarily stunned. [The Demon Race is attacking? Where is the Demon Race?]

He turned his head left and right, looking around, but suddenly, realization dawned upon him, […He’s not referring to me, is he?]

Yang Kai lowered his head, gazing down at the tower that rang the warning bell, and discovered that the Dao Source Realm cultivator, who was shouting, was looking at him with deep hatred and pain on his face.

Yang Kai’s facial muscles momentarily twitched. He really wanted to pluck this fool’s eyeballs out and let him have a closer look at himself. [How do I look like a Demon Race member?]

But after giving it another thought, Yang Kai couldn’t blame this man for this misunderstanding; after all, the Demon Realm Principles were flowing outside, so only the Demon Race could move about freely.

Him showing up now would inevitably cause others to have a misunderstanding.

Having thought this through, Yang Kai shouted aloud, “This King is not a member of the Demon Race, everyone does not need to panic!”

cultivator completely ignored him and kept ringing the bell, warning

of them on edge, as if they were about to face a difficult enemy. There were even several

of Human Imperial City wasn’t that big, due to its special environment, the number of Emperors here was actually quite high. When Yang Kai came here

thinking this, he heard someone suddenly shout

focused his gaze towards the source of the voice and saw a Second-Order Emperor Realm elderly man, so he lightly nodded to him and replied, “This King is Yang Kai, not a member of the Demon Race. I ask the Old Sir to lower

man immediately shouted in anger, “How dare a Demon like you speak of honourable Human Sovereign through your dirty mouth! If you have any sense of propriety, you will quickly retreat, or you will definitely

as he tried to explain himself again, “Old Sir, take a close look at this King! Does

lies! I will give

sigh before asking with a helpless look on

The elderly man

lips as he slowly stretched his hand towards the green light screen, speaking, “In

a Demon was exposed to this aura, they would be heavily injured if not dead; otherwise, Human Imperial City would not have remained safe and sound even after so many millennia; it would have long been

trying to intrude

old man’s face suddenly stiffened as his eyes

And not only that,

[How is this possible!?]

blessing and had been sheltering Human Imperial City for over a hundred

Race really attacked the city, it was absolutely impossible for them to break in. Fortunately, Yang Kai never intended to break this barrier, he only wanted to cross it; after all, the resources here were of great

so from the start, he was like kin to the Sacred Tree. As such, when he tried to enter the city, why would the Sacred Tree

too nervous, but now, he was left with no choice but to

ripples continued to spread and soon Yang Kai’s arm slipped through the barrier, followed by half of his

breaths of time, Yang Kai was already inside

of Human Imperial City were aghast at the sight of

through the protection of the Sacred Tree and enter Human Imperial City, it meant that other Demons could do so as well. In other words, Human Imperial City was no longer safe! But in this world, where could they go except for Human Imperial City? If they left the shelter of Human Imperial City and the Sacred Tree, they would really be standing at

their senses as the elderly

Yang Kai. Even now, he still believed that Yang Kai was a member

straight at Yang Kai. A faint tiger roar suddenly

up, casting

Yang Kai’s forehead as

an enormous Dragon’s illusory phantom manifested, biting down on the White Tiger in one go. The White Tiger illusion let out a miserable howl before it

Yang Kai made a move, he noticed Yang Kai’s cultivation was that same as his own, Second-Order Emperor

seems… a little unusual, I’m not his

figure suddenly appeared right before his face. When the elderly man regained his focus, he realized that the one standing before him was none other than the Demon

old man was struck with panic and hurriedly tried

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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