Martial Peak

Chapter 3408

Chapter 3408, If the Lips Are Gone, the Teeth Will Grow Cold

A bloody aura filled the air as the ground around the city gates became like Hell on earth. Hundreds of corpses were lying everywhere, with their heads all stacked into a hill. The sight of this terrifying scene made the onlookers’ blood run cold as they went completely silent, like the cicadas in winter.

Among them, some may have had the same thoughts as the Five Great Families; they wanted to escape from Tiger Roar City. Otherwise, they would not have gathered here, but the example made of the members of the Five Great Families was enough to make them understand and none dared to have any other ideas now.

[This Palace Master, who hails from the Northern Territory, kills people without even batting an eye! He has no humanity at all!] Everyone looked at Yang Kai with a fearful gaze.

Yang Kai, on the other hand, was completely at ease, still playing with the Array Jade in his hand. Suddenly, he looked up at Gao Xue Ting and stated, “Senior Sister Gao, ask the Temple disciples to remove everyone who is presiding over the Defensive Array and take their place.” While speaking, he threw the Array Jade in his hand to her.

Gao Xue Ting nodded her agreement after hearing this and immediately started arranging things.

With the city being this big, it was natural that the defensive Array wasn’t managed by just a single individual. There were at least several dozen people managing the array, and each of them had a Sub-Array Jade while the City Lord, Lin Tong, should have the Main Jade which controlled the overall Array.

Since even the Five Great Families members were acting like this, precautions had to be taken. If the Temple disciples were managing the Array, this kind of situation could be prevented. For Yang Kai, the cultivators of Tiger Roar City were still outsiders, so he would not feel secure if the supervisors of the defensive Array were not his own people.

The Demon Race Army was at the gates, and to resist the foreign invasion, order must be kept at home first.

Yang Kai took out a communication artifact and contacted Li Jiao, asking about the Demon Race Army’s situation.

Right at this moment, a ripple suddenly spread through the defensive Array of the city as strange fluctuations undulated.

Yang Kai turned his head and asked, frowning, “What happened?”

Gao Xue Ting shook her head, indicating that she had no idea either.

Rather the Dao Source Realm old man, who was managing the Array before, replied, “Someone opened the Array somewhere.”

Yang Kai’s face turned colder when he heard this, “Courting death!”

The reason why he asked Gao Xue Ting to replace Tiger Roar City residents was to prevent a similar situation to the Five Great Families from happening again, but he didn’t expect such a situation to happen even before that plan could be implemented. Someone fleeing just as the battle was about to begin would negatively affect morale, especially when the enemy already seriously outnumbered them. This battle was not going to be easy no matter what, and if morale was low, Tiger Roar City definitely would not be able to hold on. At that time, whether it was the Azure Sun Temple, Fire Dragon Palace disciples, or Ahan Temple disciples, all would suffer.

“Where?” Yang Kai turned his head and asked the old man.

The old man immediately pointed in one direction, “If this Old Master sensed it correctly, it should have been over there.”

old man pointed, Yang Kai’s figure disappeared

certain section of the city wall on the east side of Tiger Roar City, Yang Kai suddenly appeared, and as expected, he saw a gap in the defensive

familiar, thinking he had

face was livid, staring in the direction where the figure was fleeing. Sitting next to him in a cross-legged position was Vice City Lord, Ma Yin, who was bleeding from the corner of her mouth.

it?” Yang Kai coldly

facial muscles twitched as he replied in a

suddenly came to a realization. No wonder the escaping figure looked familiar, it turned out it was one of the

the battle! If word got out, how would the native cultivators of Tiger Roar City find

Wu Zi Jin should be leading by example, but now he was openly displaying cowardice. If Yang Kai’s guess was right, Wu Zi Jin even attacked Ma Yin in order to facilitate his own

Roar City were really flustered.

everyone make plans to leave Tiger Roar City as quickly as possible. Now, it became

Great Families and a Vice City Lord didn’t even have the courage to stay and fight the Demon Race, so what was the point of the reinforcements

his head and asked Lin Tong, “What is Sir City Lord’s plan? If you want

long as a single person remains alive here, the city will survive, only when all have fallen will the city

looked up at Yang Kai, “This Ma entreats Palace Master Yang to lend his assistance to my Tiger Roar

this, “It seems that not all the people of Tiger Roar City covet

angrily proclaimed, “We are ashamed of that old dog surnamed Wu. If he doesn’t

won’t need to

Yin could even understand what Yang Kai meant, she heard him speak again, “I’ll be right back. While I am gone, I ask Sir City Lord

figure flickered before

saw a blur rapidly shooting off into the distance before completely disappearing from her sight in the blink of an eye. Only when Yang Kai’s figure had vanished over the horizon did she come

head start. Although Palace Master Yang’s cultivation is one Minor Realm higher, Old Dog Wu is fleeing for his life so catching him shouldn’t be easy. Wouldn’t it be a waste of energy to chase after him at this moment? In any

Yang is proficient in the Dao

of the Dao of Space!” Ma Yin’s slender brow momentarily rose. Finally, she understood why Yang Kai’s speed was so astonishing and why his figure seemed to flicker in and out of existence as it moved,

his use

had started speaking, there was just a small black dot on the horizon, but by the time she finished, that small black dot had grown to

blink of an eye, a figure was

other than Yang Kai, who had just


more than ten breaths, yet when Yang Kai returned, he did so with a person in his grasp. When she recovered from her initial shock, Ma

Jin, who was going all out to escape, and brought him back. If Ma

as if he was lost in

Wu Zi Jin, who was being held by Yang Kai, was continuously coughing

threw the battered man in front

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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