Martial Peak

Chapter 3412

Chapter 3412, Won

After listening to Yang Kai’s warning, Ma Yin and the others finally understood what happened to Lin Tong just now.

The Sand Demon, who was strong enough to trap the Second-Order Emperor Realm Lin Tong, was surely a Demon King Realm Master, but such a Master was still killed by Yang Kai’s stomp, so just how strong was Yang Kai really?

But there was no time to remain shocked as a large number of Demons were now pouring through the unguarded breach in the Defensive Array.

And in the absence of Yang Kai, Demon Race members were also swarming through the breach he had previously been defending.

More and more Demons poured into the city, engaging the cultivators of Tiger Roar City in close quarters, starting a fight to the death on the city wall! People on both sides continued to fall as, for the first time, the cultivators on the city walls were fighting the Demon Race hand to hand, but how could these exhausted and demoralized cultivators stand against the fearless Demon Race. Many collapsed at the first encounter and were completely routed.

The role of the Military Enforcers finally came into play. Yang Kai was not bluffing when he said that 5,000 enforcers had been deployed. They really existed.

Anyone who took a step back was beheaded by the Military Enforcers the next moment.

With the Demons before them and the Military Enforcers behind, many defenders quickly understood their situation. If they took a step back, they would die without a doubt, but if they stepped forward to fight, they might have a chance to live. At this moment, there was only one choice for them, and coupled with the shocking sight of Lin Tong’s heroic sacrifice, many cultivators’ felt a rush of hot blood as they let out war cries and charged straight at the Demons. Even if they died, they wanted to bite off a chunk of Demon flesh before they fell.

Yang Kai timely raised his sword and shouted, “So long as a single person lives, the city remains standing, the moment everyone dies will be the moment the city is destroyed, attack!”

After a short moment of panic and disorder, Tiger Roar City’s morale finally started rising as they counterattacked the Demon Race in teams. Ma Yin even set an example and charged to the forefront, acting no weaker than any man.

Right then, mysterious and obscure incantations started ringing as a halo enveloped the cultivators of Tiger Roar City. With a wave of Yang Kai’s hand, two Shamanic Spells, the Bloodlust Spell and Life Chains, were activated.

Under the Bloodlust Spell, the timidity of Tiger Roar City cultivators was swept away and replaced with a desire for battle. As for the Life Chains, they connected the vitality of thousands of cultivators, allowing them to withstand more damage without dying.

The line must hold!

Everyone was amazed to find that even after the Defensive Array had been breached by the enemy at multiple locations, Tiger Roar City was actually able to compete with the Demon Race Army despite being outnumbered, preventing the enemy from completely breaching their defences. Only a small part of the enemy army was able to reach the actual city, which boosted the defenders’ confidence. It let them know that the Demon Race was not immortal or invincible, they could be killed just like anyone else.

The locations of the ten or so Emperor Realm Masters turned into forbidden zones. The Demon Race Army was unable to break through their line of defence at all as, no matter how many charged, all of them fell. Obviously, the enemy Demon Kings took notice of this situation and acted accordingly, attacking the Emperor Realm Masters of Tiger Roar City.

This was exactly what Yang Kai wanted though.

enemy army, he might not be able to find them in all the chaos; after all, there were just too many people fighting now. But now that the Demon Kings had revealed themselves, it gave Yang Kai a chance

in droves. One by one, the Demon Kings were killed by Yang Kai, and without their commands, the Demon Race Army, which had been moving and attacking in an orderly manner, slowly started to become disorganized. However, being brave and fearless of death, the Demons continued charging straight into the Tiger Roar City’s defence line, giving the defending side an opportunity to encircle

half a day, the Demon Race Army was still attacking, but the situation had taken a sharp turn. The city walls of Tiger Roar City were completely blanketed by a floor of severed heads, all of them belonging to the cultivators of Tiger Roar City. There was not a single

Race Army’s size had dropped by

something was wrong because there weren’t any signs of Demon Kings on the battlefield, not even a single

was now a heap of loose

not make meaningless sacrifices. When they saw no hope of victory, they naturally chose

slow withdrawal began as the Demon Race Army

at this moment, the creaky Defensive Array was suddenly withdrawn as Yang Kai, leading over 10,000 cultivators, charged out, chasing the retreating Demons, hunting

did they finally beat the gong and

looking in the direction of the Demon Race’s escape. Everyone was dyed red, as if they had just walked out of a sea

[We won!]

everyone’s surprise, Tiger Roar City won the battle even when they were so heavily outnumbered. More importantly, they only paid a small

would be added to the Demon land, but reality

who made this reality a

turned towards the bloodied Yang Kai, one after another. Each and every one of them had a look of reverence on their faces. Had Yang Kai not been acting as a mountain, blocking the breaches in the Defensive Array, Tiger Roar City would not have had the chance to reduce the numbers of the Demon Race Army to the point where they could repel them. Had Yang Kai not dived into the enemy lines and taken out all the Demon Kings alone, the Demon Race Army would not have been reduced to a heap of loose sand that could easily be scattered. Had Yang Kai not used those marvellous

Yang Kai not brought the cultivators to rush out and hunt down the fleeing Demon Race,

of the three

had the highest praise

cupping her

Tiger Roar City to Yang Kai, and coupled with Yang Kai’s astonishing performance in this battle, no one else could be the City Lord of Tiger Roar City; only Yang Kai was eligible

of the High Heaven Palace, Yang Kai naturally didn’t care about being the City Lord of Tiger Roar City, but at this moment, he didn’t decline it either. He just nodded and gave his order, “We return. The Demon Race will make

“Yes!” Everyone responded.

the injured went to be

victory still ringing in their hearts, many cultivators in Tiger Roar City

Mansion, Yang Kai was sitting in an open pool with a contemplative look on his face. Yu Ru Meng was sitting by the water, dangling her bare feet as she glanced over at

‘shame’. Yang Kai was taking a bath right in

this city?” Yu

try his best to do what is entrusted

old man was just spouting some wishfully thinking before his death. Did you really

even taking into consideration City Lord Lin’s last request, Tiger Roar City has to be defended!” Just as he had told Lin Tong before, the three territories had come to support the Western Territory not just to rescue them, but to rescue themselves;

Meng stated, pouting, “The Demon Race won’t give up. They will return stronger the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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