Martial Peak

Chapter 3445

Chapter 3445, Li Shi Qing

The majority of the battles in the Blood Arena would end up with the death of one side. At this moment, the winning Demon was holding a blood-drenched severed head up high and a beating Demon Heart in his hand on a mountain peak, turning around to show the audiences his triumph. The Demons seemed to love this bloody and cruel scene, and they cheered loudly.

After a long time, the winning Demon stuffed the beating Demon Heart into his mouth and chewed on it with a delighted look on his face, as if he was eating the most delicious delicacy, all while blood seeped out of the corners of his lips…

The field in the center suddenly went pitch-black, and nothing could be seen. The cheers from all around gradually subsided at this moment, but no one was surprised. Yang Kai followed the crowds, and watched quietly for a moment before he and Xiao Wu found their seats and sat down.

While waiting, some women who were dressed in revealing clothing went through the audience seats with a tray. There were cups on the tray, which were filled with scarlet liquid. He had no idea what this liquid was; however, Yang Kai saw that many Demons holler at those women, bought this beverage in exchange for some Demon Crystals and drank it with great relish.

Out of curiosity, Yang Kai also bought a cup for a thousand High-Rank Demon Crystals.

Yang Kai took a sip of the drink and found it tasted a bit like blood, so he turned to Xiao Wu and asked, “What is this?”

Xiao Wu answered with a pale face, “When certain women make… mistakes, they are imprisoned and are fed with some special types of food. After a few years, their blood will undergo certain changes, then their fresh blood will be drawn out and after some modifications…”

She did not dare to go on, but Yang Kai already understood it.

“What an eye-opener.” He nodded slightly.

After saying so, he gulped down the liquid in one go and revealed a face looking like he still wanted more.

Xiao Wu was flabbergasted! [Isn’t he a Human? Why is he as bloodthirsty just like us Demons?]

After waiting quietly for a moment, the field in the centre below suddenly lit up again, but this time it was no longer a world of ice and snow, but a field covered with yellow sand. Sure enough, as Xiao Wu mentioned before, a Spirit Array was arranged in the Blood Arena, and the field could be changed freely by activating it.

A Demon King soared into the air and shouted excitedly, “The next battle is between Du Feng and Kuang Mang. If Du Feng wins this battle, it will be ten consecutive victories for him and he will win the rich prizes provided by the Blood Arena! Du Feng is experienced and cunning; however, although Kuang Mang has only fought three times in the Blood Arena, he cannot be underestimated, for he has crushed each of his opponents in the past three battles! Let us watch and witness which of them is stronger in this battle!”

When the voice fell, two Demons came out from opposite sides of the Blood Arena respectively.

Both Demons were Demon Kings and from the fluctuations of their Demon Qi, it was apparent they had almost the same cultivation. One was thin and small in size, while the other was burly and tall, forming a very sharp contrast between them.

could be seen, and the two Demon Kings looked at each other from across the sand with cold, murderous eyes. Neither of them

taking out their entry tokens and sending their Divine Senses

explained, “They are betting. If Sir wants to bet, just pour

inside. Betting options were added; however, by the look of the odds, the Blood Arena was obviously biased towards Du Feng, because the compensation was

Kai’s personal betting

Crystals on hand and he was a newcomer who had never seen these two fighters before, so he was not ready to bet. Therefore, he planned to

to understand the rules here before

seats finished


in just ten breaths of time. Just like the Demon emcee said, Du Feng was more experienced in battle. His moves were extremely tricky, and coupled with his dexterity, he suppressed the burly Kuang

excellent. Although he was always on the defensive and did not attack, the scattered attacks of Du Feng had

were locked in a heated

Kings was naturally extremely electrifying. Their Demon Qi surged and trembled, which

retaliate. On the contrary, his opponent was constantly pushing him to consume his energy and

Feng rushed in rashly with a dagger in hand, ready to land the fatal blow. However, against expectations, Kuang Mang’s body burst out a golden light, covering

Feng’s body suddenly stiffened,

and smashed a heavy round Demon Artifact in his hand

land on his head, his body

flashed towards the centre

again with his back facing Kuang Mang, his hand slowly playing

his attacking stance, but his body was petrified in place. The smile on his face was still frozen there, but his eyes were

onto the ground, sending the sand flying everywhere. There was no wound on him, but neither

burst of cheers came out from the audience. The Demons who won their bet were naturally elated, while the faces of the Demons who lost their Demon Crystals turned ugly as they started cursing. If Kuang Mang had not died, perhaps they would

preparation for

if there was a wide gap in their strength, the show would be boring. Countless Demons bet each round, but the Blood Arena was there to

Yang Kai admired Yu Ru Meng secretly, wondering how

several rounds of battles, Yang Kai became familiar with the rules here, so he was done with waiting. He also bet several times in the next

of thousands of Demon Crystals to earn him a pot full of money, but it turned out that he

this, he almost cursed out of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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