Martial Peak

Chapter 3447

Chapter 3447, As Easy As Chopping Melons and Vegetables

Despite being worried, Xiao Wu remembered Yang Kai’s previous orders clearly. Quickly taking out her entry token and pushing her Divine Sense into it, she saw the betting information for this free-for-all battle in the entry token.

The betting system was different from the previous ones. The previous bets only had two options, but this time, there were as many as seventy or eighty choices. In other words, there were at least seventy Demon Masters in the Blood Arena at the moment, and they were basically all Demon Kings.

Each Demon participating in the fight had their own identity number listed in rows and columns, followed by a simple introduction of their cultivation. Some famous ones even had their own nicknames. Du Feng, who won the Blood Fight before, was impressively listed.

Yang Kai naturally did not have any nicknames. Xiao Wu browsed column by column and quickly found Yang Kai’s number. She glanced at the odds at the back and was startled, thinking she must have read it wrongly.

She took a closer look and confirmed that she did not misread. Yang Kai’s odds were ten to one!

She felt a little odd because the odds are a bit too skewed and seemed very abnormal. Looking at the odds of other Demons, they were all within a normal range. There were a few others whose odds were also ten to one, but those Demons were all Demon Great Generals so it was basically impossible for them to survive to the end.

However, the odds for Demon Kings basically fluctuated in the range of one to one, to two to one at worst.

But the information marked beside Yang Kai’s name listed him as a Mid-Rank Demon King! What was happening? With such unreasonable odds, it was as if the Blood Arena was sure that Yang Kai was bound to die and deliberately decreased the odds to scare off betters.

Xiao Wu didn’t understand it, but she could not afford to contemplate too much at this point. If she delayed any further, the time for betting would end.

She gritted her teeth and closed her eyes, then followed Yang Kai’s instructions and bet one hundred million on him!

After doing all of this, Xiao Wu fell limp, as if all her strength had escaped from her body. She had never felt this much pressure in her life.

On the other hand, in the Blood Arena, Yang Kai stood calmly, gazing at the Demon Kings gathered around him. He swept his Divine Sense over them, getting a full view of their details. There were four Low-Ranks and one Mid-Rank…

Converting their cultivation to Human standards, it was equivalent to four First-Order and one Second-Order Emperor.

[What gave them the confidence to surround me here?]

fingers, stretched his arms downwards, shook his neck, and loosened his shoulders, seemingly stretching before a big fight. The several Demon Kings looked

bangs, the free-for-all

Kai, wanting to teach him the cost of being so rampant. He grinned cunningly as he approached Yang Kai in just two steps, thickly coated in Demon Qi, as if he could


out a punch, but there was no flutter of power or fancy display of

*Hong… *

his eyes. An unimaginable sense of

opponent’s punch smashing his fist into a mist of blood. The violent power did not stop there though as it travelled up his arm,

an explosion of blood mist, the Demon King vaporized. The Low-Rank Demon King

was slow to

Yang Kai’s capabilities before making their next move, failed to even come to their senses before Yang Kai, wrapped

punch, then without taking a second look, turned and flew towards a third

of his punch landed on the second Demon King,

they could hardly believe their eyes. In a brief moment of hesitation, the third Demon King who was punched


from Yang Kai, but before they could, Yang Kai glanced back suddenly,

they were bound by some invisible shackles. Not only could they not move, but the two Demon Kings were also quickly drawn towards Yang Kai by a strong, irresistible force. Their eyes darting around in panic, the two Demon Kings struggled violently, but only got even more desperate when they watched themselves getting closer

a stretched bow, and

hit the two remaining Demon Kings. The Mid-Rank Demon King and Low-Rank Demon King were almost indistinguishable at this moment as their bodies burst into raining chunks of flesh and blood, dying the ground around

shocking scene and applauded madly with wild excitement. The abnormality of the situation attracted the attention of others, and more

where Yang Kai crushed and killed five enemies alone, the condition of the battlefield showed that a bloody battle had broken out here a moment ago, and it did not look like a solo fight, because the battle traces left behind definitely were not left by the death of a single

all, the free-for-all battle had

and their curiosity turned into amazement. They paid extra attention to Yang Kai, wanting to see if this guy was really that strong that he could kill five Demon Kings by himself in the blink of an

instantly became upset. Had they known that this guy was so powerful, they would not have hesitated to place their

today, she would be doomed. The best she could hope for was a swift execution, but her most likely

erupted all around her, lest she was shown the scene that she

hand suddenly patted her shoulder gently as a Demon sitting behind her told her kindly,

stunned, and slowly removed her hands from her face. She opened one eye anxiously and glanced into the Blood Arena. Yang Kai stood there safe and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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