Martial Peak

Chapter 3451

Chapter 3451, Good Idea

“It’s none of your damn business who this Lady likes!” Bo Ya scolded, completely unashamed by Yang Kai’s exposure of such private information.

Yang Kai grumbled in his heart, but was too lazy to be bothered by her bad attitude. He thus turned his head and looked in the direction where the Blood Demon had fled, and asked, “Since you have seen through their plot, you obviously have a way to deal with it, right? Let’s hear it, how can you and I work together?”

The corner of Bo Ya’s mouth twitched as she looked at Yang Kai mockingly, “Of course you will be the one charging forward and attracting their attention while I ambush from behind and shoot them down one by one!”

This was the most straightforward solution. It had zero guarantees of safety for Yang Kai; after all, no one could guarantee whether Bo Ya was in on this conspiracy, and there was no guarantee that she would not shoot Yang Kai from behind as well. She thought Yang Kai would refuse her, and then try to come up with a better plan together, but he simply nodded after a brief moment of contemplation, “Good idea, let’s do that.”

Astonishment flashed across Bo Ya’s eyes as Yang Kai’s reaction was quite different from what she had expected, [Is he that confident?]

In the next moment, Bo Ya felt a tap on her shoulder, but was shocked to realize that Yang Kai was staring at her solemnly, “Let’s join hands and wreak havoc!”

Bo Ya’s back was suddenly covered in a layer of cold sweat as she did not even notice when Yang Kai had gotten so close to her. In other words, if this man in front of her wanted to kill her, she would have died just now…

[Is this a warning?] Bo Ya frowned before she suddenly laughed. The stronger Yang Kai was, the higher the chances of success were if she teamed up with him. Right now, she was only afraid that Yang Kai was not strong enough.


Above the mountain, the blood-red beam flew down and stopped at the summit, revealing the figure of the Blood Demon who had fled before, his face full of helplessness.

All the hidden Demon Kings came out when they saw him, gathered around, and whispered together. Several Demon Kings suddenly revealed resentful expressions.

No one knew what they were discussing, but the Demons in the audience could pretty much guess the content of their conversation. It could only be about the failed plan to lure the enemy into their trap, and about what they would do next…

At this moment, there was an uproar from the audience as everyone fixed their eyes at Yang Kai and Bo Ya in a daze.

The man and the woman seemed to have sealed their deal to team up and were now heading towards the direction where the Blood Demon had fled.

covered her red lips with a

scrunched up in pain as he wailed, “What is he doing? Isn’t he walking right

how could he have known that this Feather Demon was also an idiot and followed Yang

living?] The Demon Great General could not bear watching anymore for

no sign of Bo Ya next to him. The woman had already concealed her aura and was trailing Yang Kai by about ten kilometres, keeping

was almost impossible to detect her

several kilometres and reached their destination in

Kai a sense of danger and hostility. Based on his Divine Sense, there were more than ten Demons Kings of all rankings hiding within the luscious greenery, including a few High-Rank Demon

almost passed out in her seat, silently screaming

was also holding his breath, his eyes glued to Yang Kai’s figure, praying that he could sense something abnormal and then leave

Yang Kai cupped his hands

the trees left and right as if thunder had struck, and

General slumped on his chair, looking close

she grumbled, [This guy… What the Hell is wrong with him? All the enemies would know that you’re here when

decision of teaming up with Yang Kai felt like not such a good idea after all. She even had the urge to just turn around

mountain peak, the more than ten Demon Kings were still gathered together. It seemed that there was a dispute among them and they were still deep in

plan to lure the enemy into an ambush had failed, they would have to come up with another one, but now that the prey had

of eyes quickly exchanged glances before one of the Demon Kings rose into the sky and flew straight to the foot of

the Blood Demon earlier was ‘repelled’ by Yang Kai once, so his reappearance would cause

on his frame and every inch of his skeleton was inky black, except for the two

Yang Kai had killed a lot of Demon Kings in this Blood Arena already, so

as he pointed downward, and a sharp bone spur wrapped in dark

a sneer, Yang Kai stood in place with his head slightly hung,

also surprised. [Didn’t they say that this guy was very strong and killed a lot of Demon Kings along the way? How could he be

died at his

would they need to go through the trouble of baiting and ambushing him?

rib bone from his abdomen. The bone glowed, looking like a sword sharpened to the extreme. It was actually a high-quality

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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