Martial Peak

Chapter 3473

Chapter 3473, Besieging A Stronghold To Cut Down Reinforcements

At first, Bo Ya did not know what Yang Kai’s intentions were, but she soon began to understand.

Within a hundred kilometres, there were three places where ambushes were laid, each with a High-Rank Demon King assuming command! Although she was only a Mid-Rank Demon King and her Divine Sense was far weaker than Yang Kai’s, as a Feather Demon, she had cultivated a wondrous Eye Technique and could see some traces that others could not, allowing her to figure some things out.

This was obviously Blue Plains Continent’s plan. Bo Ya’s face turned solemn while thinking about it as she suddenly seemed to understand something. When she turned her attention to the Territory Gate, she saw Ke Sen leading a group of Demons to battle Blue Plains Continent’s forces in a seemingly intense melee.

Although Ke Sen was strong too, he had no chance to resist against six High-Rank Demon Kings on his own and win. Besides, a large number of other Mid-Rank and Low-Rank Demon Kings were surrounding his group too, with someone being killed from time to time.

Logically, it was impossible for Ke Sen to have held out until now, but under Bo Ya’s observation, she found that the Blue Plains Continent forces did not seem intent on killing Ke Sen. Instead, they seemed to be toying with him. They just besieged Ke Sen without giving him a fatal blow, putting Ke Sen’s life at risk, but not in immediate deadly danger.

[Are they besieging a stronghold to annihilate the enemy reinforcement?]

A realization dawned on Bo Ya.

It seemed that Blue Plains Continent was truly aiming for Yang Kai. First, they trapped Ke Sen here with overwhelming power, and they were now trying to lure out reinforcements from Cloud Shadow Continent.

Once Yang Kai, Lao Ke, and the others entered the encirclement, they would be sealing their own fate.

Bo Ya was immediately drenched in a cold sweat.

All of a sudden, her level of admiration for Yang Kai increased significantly. She had no idea how Yang Kai found the three ambushes, but judging by the calm way he was reacting, it was obvious he had anticipated all of this from the start.

However, Cloud Shadow Continent was still at a huge disadvantage in this battle. The gap between the two sides was too great. Whether it was in terms of High-Rank, Mid-Rank, or even Low-Rank Demon Kings, the odds were against Cloud Shadow Continent. Even if Lao Ke and He Yin arrived immediately, they would not be of much help to the current situation.

It seemed everything would depend on Yang Kai’s methods now. Bo Ya did not have high expectations of him, but she could not simply persuade him to escape, so she could only wait and act accordingly.

As they circled the battlefield, Bo Ya suddenly saw Yang Kai flicking something out of his hand. Before she could see it properly, the Tiger Head Chariot had sped up and flew straight in a certain direction.

In that direction, a group of Demons of Blue Plains Continent were hiding in ambush.

suddenly grinned at Bo Ya, revealing a mouthful

away. Emperor

Yang Kai had some clever plan in mind, but who knew this guy would just charge in recklessly while making such

won’t spot him or something? How can there be such a

to lure them in then annihilate them, they should have taken this opportunity to resolve the ambush from the outside. With

that Yang Kai has exposed himself, a

she vaguely felt that perhaps Yang Kai was doing this on purpose. She immediately focused her mind and a faint blue light appeared in her beautiful eyes. With the help of her Eye Technique, everything within a hundred kilometres

“Who is that?”

stared at the small charging sun and questioned. Another Demon King beside

incoming aura was strange, and the energy fluctuations were only equivalent to those of a Mid-Rank Demon King. Given that the aura was

“Everyone says that the Human Race is cunning and insidious, but it seems that they’re just a bunch of fools. This King is happy to accept such easy prey

Kings were not sure whether Yang Kai would come. If he didn’t, Ke Sen’s death would definitely be a heavy blow to Cloud Shadow Continent, which would be enough to affect Yang Kai’s power and ability to rule over Cloud Shadow Continent. If Yang Kai did come though, it would be the best case as their Blue Plains

Yang Kai coming to the rescue was no more

It was not long after the news of Ke Sen spread that the Human appeared and rushed directly towards them. The High-Rank Demon King was delighted, as he thought that pie had fallen from

he did not want to miss the chance in front of his eyes. As long as he could take the Human down, Sir Yue Sang would certainly reward him. Even though Yang Kai approached with impressive momentum, his cultivation was only equal to a Mid-Rank Demon King, so how strong could he be? Even the High-Rank Demon King lost his

or five Mid-Rank Demon Kings immediately volunteered. Sure enough, they would not let go of this opportunity to win

casually picked three Mid-Rank Demons and ordered them to bring Yang Kai back, dead or

chosen Demon Kings accepted the order gratefully, while those who were not selected were dejected and glared at

Kings were swiftly approaching each other, and they would

from the centre of the chaos, continuing to


gawked toward the front absent-mindedly. As

Demon Kings were killed off without complete corpses in a single exchange

felt fortunate that they

the ambush point with unstoppable force, his

“Courting death!”

hands. Pushing his Demon Qi, he swung the copper

blow was not fancy at all. Instead, it

with innate great strength. The High-Rank Strength Demon King possessed physical prowess on par with a True Dragon of equal cultivation, and that strength

dodge but found that he could not avoid this blow at all. The movement of this staff seemed simple, but it actually confined the surrounding space, making

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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