Martial Peak

Chapter 3496

Chapter 3496, Telling a Story

The 18 floors of the Frozen Nether Ice Prison got colder and colder as one went further down, with a great leap in intensity at every sixth floor. For example, the degree of cold between the 6th and the 7th floor definitely could not be described in the same words, as was the case for the 12th floor and the 13th floor!

Bei Li Mo was clearly angered by Yang Kai’s vicious words; otherwise, she would never have thrown him into the 13th floor. Previously, she had only meant to teach him a small lesson by tossing him into the 7th floor, but now, tossing him into the 13th floor would be a real punishment. For him to resort to cursing when he couldn’t beat her fairly, wasn’t this man a little too petty?

And in just a dozen breaths after the order was given, the Stone Demon arrived at Yang Kai’s cell and looked at him with a pitying gaze through the window.

Yang Kai wiped the spittle away from his mouth and pointed his nostrils at him, “What!”

The Stone Demon shook his head and sighed. Having no intention to say anything more to this lunatic, he simply took out a token and opened the cell’s seal; then, after opening the door, he cocked his head at Yang Kai.

Yang Kai grinned, “That bitch wants to see me? Tell her to get her ass over here herself.”

“You think too highly of yourself!” The Stone Demon coldly snorted before reaching out to grab him.

Yang Kai instinctively tried to dodge, but he was helpless due to the seal that Bei Li Mo put on his body. Even though his physique was still as sturdy as before, about eighty percent of his strength was gone so he was still grabbed by the Stone Demon with ease.

Following that, the Stone Demon dragged him deep underground.

Yang Kai had a bad feeling about this, but that only served to infuriate him. It was simply impossible for him to bow his head, so he twisted and struggled as he shouted, “Let me go, this King will just follow you! But you better tell Bei Li Mo that unless she comes to apologize herself, then this King definitely won’t forgive her, and will never give her what she wants either.”

The Stone Demon let out a laugh, completely ignoring him.

Soon after, a straight tunnel down appeared before them. Following the stairs, they reached the next floor, but they didn’t stop. Instead, they kept going down…

Only then did Yang Kai realize that this Ice Prison did not consist of just a single floor, but it was rather made up of many, and each level down had a harsher environment. He knew that the reason why he was being moved deeper down was because his insults to Bei Li Mo had been passed to the ears of its target, but that was no surprise. Since Bei Li Mo wanted him to restore the Territory Gates, then she would definitely keep a close eye on his movements. She wouldn’t want him to actually die, either.

After moving six floors down, the Stone Demon finally threw Yang Kai into another cell. Then, locking up the door, he turned and left.

Yang Kai was shivering from the freezing cold. The place was much colder than where he was previously. Even though it was cold in the previous cell, he could still easily resist it with his tough body, making him feel just a slight chill, but he was feeling the cold quite strongly on this layer. In just a moment, Yang Kai could feel the blood flow in his body slow down considerably. The omnipresent chill in his surroundings was just like an invisible toxin that was constantly encroaching his body, seeping through his pores into his five viscera and six organs.

place for a while, but it didn’t help to reduce

round of curses. He would only get colder and colder if he just sat around like a fool, while he could freshen his spirits a little by cursing. Maybe it

Venerable? The Stone Demon had no idea how long this Human could hold on for. The coldness on the 13th

of this Human’s body. A full three days later, Yang Kai was still

these three days, the Holy Venerable would ask about the Human’s situation almost every day, and the Stone Demon didn’t dare to hide anything so he could only report the truth as it was. It was likely the Holy Venerable’s anger wasn’t light either. He

the cell next to him, “Little brat, you’ve been yelling for days and it’s the same old pattern each and every day. This

was more or less surprised to hear someone speaking

Demon King. Yang Kai had no idea what they had done, but their numbers weren’t great. He had only seen less than ten of them, but these guys were indifferent to anyone who entered this place. They just sat cross-legged in their own

for themselves. Once the Demon Qi in their bodies was fully consumed,

should be the one staying diagonally across from him. Yang Kai looked through the window, but did

may have a point. Why don’t you say a few words and see whether

that side for a while before the Demon continued, “I don’t have the guts to be as bold

Bei Li Mo. What confused him even more was how Bei Li Mo did not rip out his tongue for daring to curse a Holy Venerable like her. This was something that

you do leads to death regardless, so what courage do you need to

many different kinds of deaths. I

suddenly emerged from the other side, “Hey, you there, stop disturbing him. Let him

place to be so lively. Who cares whether he’s

ignore him.

or cry at this. If one were to ask the Demon

you curse before my death would at least soothe my heart a bit!” Someone else urged

once was a poor couple in Demon Realm’s Soaring Snow Continent. Bearing a daughter, they named her Bei Li Mo. Since young

snow-white legs swayed off the edge of the cliff as the wind whistled by, blowing up her hair. She leaned against the window, seeming

a light sip from it. Her lustrous red lips like gemstones were stained with a

Ice Prison heard this, her eye twitched. She answered in a soft voice,

frowned, “Still well?” That was the same

has still underestimated the sturdiness of his body. The report from that side details that even though he wasn’t as relaxed as before, his life

still cursing me?” Bei Li Mo asked in a calm

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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