Martial Peak

Chapter 3536

Chapter 3536, Fatal Blow

Yang Kai never imagined that he would witness the fall of a Great Emperor with his own eyes one day. He did not know what the Great Emperor War had been like tens of thousands of years ago, but it must have been simply astonishing with Heaven Devouring Great Emperor dominating the battlefield. Although many Great Emperors had worked together to fight him, quite a few of them had still been killed in the end. Wu Kuang, who cultivated the Heaven Devouring Battle Law, had terrifying recovery abilities and endurance, but even he had lost his life in the Shattered Star Sea, so what more need be said about Bright Moon?

Yang Kai should have expected this situation a long time ago. Even so, he found it hard to believe when he actually witnessed it. His figure swayed and he instinctively began to push his Space Principles to rush over. It no longer mattered what he could do to help, he was the only one who could save Bright Moon now. If he didn’t do anything, then there was nobody else in this world who could give Bright Moon a hand. As for the consequences… Yang Kai had no time to think about them. The main reason why he came to the Demon Realm was to save Bright Moon. Now that Bright Moon was in danger, he could not simply stand by and watch him die without doing anything.

Cries of exclamation came from many Demon Saints in the Demon Mirror. The scenery in the mirror was also retreating rapidly and it was obvious that Yu Ru Meng was fleeing from the battlefield after sensing something was wrong, so as not to be affected by Bright Moon’s self-destruction. A moment later though, her shout came through the Demon Mirror loud and clear, “Damn! We were fooled!”

Yang Kai froze in his tracks and the Space Principles around him instantly fell silent as he turned his head to look at the mirror. The incandescent light that originally filled the entire mirror had disappeared at some point. In Yu Ru Meng’s field of vision, Bright Moon had turned into a white streak. Just as the many Demon Saints pulled away and retreated, he took advantage of the opening to rush out of the encirclement and dash in a certain direction.

Xiu xiu xiu…

The sound of something slicing through the air echoed as the Feather Demon Demon Saint Fu Yu stood above the clouds and rapidly drew her bow. Several rays of light flew out like falling stars chasing after the moon. Those arrows ignored the barriers of space and appeared right behind Bright Moon the moment they left the bowstring.

Yang Kai had only just begun to feel relief when anxiety filled him again. Even though he had never experienced it before, he could still imagine the horror of the Feather Demon Saint’s archery skills. Bo Ya was only a Mid-Rank Demon King, but more than one High-Rank Demon King had died at her hands. The Feather Demon Clan specialized at sniping from a distance. Bright Moon might not be able to avoid such an attack in his best condition, so what about now?

Just when Yang Kai was feeling extremely nervous, Bright Moon’s figure urgently swooped downward, as though he had grown eyes on the back of his head. He narrowly avoided the series of sharp arrows, but before Yang Kai could rejoice, those arrows that were like streaming lights simultaneously turned around and chased after Bright Moon without pause.

Fu Yu’s arrows seemed to be guided by her Divine Sense to lock onto Bright Moon. Even if he escaped to the ends of the world, he couldn’t get them off his tail. He twisted and turned several times but still couldn’t shake off the streaming arrows chasing him. Taking advantage of his preoccupation, the Demon Saints he had deceived previously regained their senses and their figures shifted as they gathered around from all directions. It wouldn’t take any longer than three breaths for Bright Moon to be surrounded again. Then, he would lose his slight opening he spent so much effort creating. As such, he was extremely decisive. Flipping mid-air, Bright Moon weaved a set of hand seals and flashes of moonlight swiftly shot out behind him.

An explosion rang out and the flashes of moonlight vanished out of sight. The streaming arrows were shot down, one after another. Blood flowed from the corners of Bright Moon’s mouth due to the shock. The price might have been high, but he would still have a good chance of escaping as long as he managed to disrupt Fu Yu’s attack. The encirclement of the Demon Saints had yet to close and the Blood Demon Saint, who was the one nearest to him, was at least fifty kilometres away. He might be able to take this chance to escape as long as he could rush to the nearest Territory Gate…

was at that moment that a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Bright Moon like a ghost, and a gleam of

Bright Moon was still facing the various Demon Saints when, behind

to fade

retreated, avoiding the blow and stood at a distance of several thousand metres away from Bright Moon, glancing forward with an indifferent gaze. The

complicated looks. They didn’t show any excitement at their success nor hostility towards their enemy. Even Xue Li and Huo Bo, who had been fighting Bright Moon before,

was nearly severed in two from that blow, and the Demon Saints no longer needed to take action. That was because Bright Moon would never escape from

that none of them could interfere unless forced to do so. Whoever received this opportunity would be up to the means of the Half-Saints

front of the mirror, Yang Kai clenched his fists, ground his teeth, and muttered coldly. However, he soon discovered that the person who had attacked Bright Moon was not Wu Hua. That was because the Shadow Demon Saint, Wu Hua, was clearly standing on the

it wasn’t Wu Hua, then

dare to attack a Great Emperor at this time would definitely be a Demon Saint.

Yang Kai’s mind flashed back to the time when he was attacked outside Orthodoxy Temple. That scene was extremely similar to what had happened just now. In that tense moment, a name

Great Emperor,

seemed that Can Ye had been hiding in Eternal Sky Continent for a long time now, just waiting to land a fatal blow on Bright Moon at this critical moment. Yang Kai wasn’t expecting this, and it was clear that Bright

Great Emperor was fading quickly. A feeble light appeared at the location of the huge wound. It was barely able to stop the deterioration of the injury, but it was just part of his dying struggle. Can Ye’s blow had not just sliced open a wound that was visible to the naked eye. It had also sliced through the invisible

to face Can Ye, and wiped at the blood at the corners of his mouth with his hand. Although he was in a desperate situation, his expression remained unchanged in the face of death and his dry lips

Ye, the two worlds’ passage would not have been opened. If not for Can Ye, there would be no war between the Star Boundary and the Demon Realm. It could even be said that most of the responsibility for the current situation in the Star Boundary

in a black shadow gradually faded and slowly vanished out of sight. Just

Saints. In the end, his gaze landed on Huang Wu Ji as he spoke softly, “Many thanks for joining hands and facing me. I will

one hand behind him, lifting his other hand slightly to gesture

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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