Martial Peak

Chapter 3542

Chapter 3542, Reneging on One’s Word

In a mountain valley of Eternal Sky Continent, Li Shi Qing woke up from her unconscious state. She glanced around and did not see Yang Kai anywhere. On the other hand, many members of the Demon Race were gathered around the Demon Mirror that Yu Ru Meng had left behind. They were looking into it with anxious expressions.

Rubbing her neck, she thought back to what had happened just before she fell unconscious. [I vaguely recall being knocked out by Yang Kai… That’s right! The Great Emperor is in danger!]

As soon as that thought crossed her mind, she woke up completely.

At that moment, the members of the Demon Race gathered around the Demon Mirror suddenly let out a cry of exclamation as if they had witnessed an extremely incredible scene. Feeling suspicious, she walked forward, approached the Demon Mirror, and looked into it. Just from that single glance, her beautiful eyes widened to the size of saucers and her tender body began trembling.

There were two figures standing upright in the mirror. Moreover, these two figures were being watched from very far away. Even though they were very far away, she could recognize who these two figures were. One was Yang Kai and the other was Bright Moon Great Emperor!

At this moment, one of Yang Kai’s fists was stuck in Bright Moon Great Emperor’s chest. He had blasted a huge hole in the Great Emperor’s chest. Blood was spilling out of the corners of the Great Emperor’s mouth, and the originally white clothes were completely dyed red with blood.

[What happened during the period I was unconscious!? Why did things end up like this!? I can’t believe Yang Kai killed Bright Moon Great Emperor!] This terrifying thought and the shocking image in front of her turned into an endless buzzing in her head. Unable to bear with it, her vision went dark and she fainted once more.

Yang Kai flipped himself onto Zhui Feng’s back, who then carried him towards the nearest Territory Gate with a loud neigh. His hooves were blazing with golden flames, leaving a burning trail behind him.


Countless Divine Senses were locked onto the pair, and murderous intent extended out toward them. Even though Yang Kai knew that Yu Ru Meng was here on Eternal Sky Continent, he didn’t feel the slightest sense of security from that knowledge.

Yu Ru Meng probably could not help him under these circumstances. If he wanted to survive, he had to escape quickly. The further he fled, the better. The best would be if he could pass through the Two Worlds’ Passage and escape back to the Star Boundary!

The Twelve Demon Saints of the Demon Realm and even Night Shadow Great Emperor, Can Ye, were currently gathered here on Eternal Sky Continent. Now was the time when the defence at the passage was weakest. It was also the best chance for him to escape.

putting Li Shi Qing into the Small Sealed World ahead of time. She would definitely suffer the consequences of his escape. Unfortunately, he couldn’t spare the time to worry about her right

shock, Zhui Feng had already rushed out of the encirclement with Yang Kai on his back. This instantly enraged those Half-Saints, and they began pursuing Zhui Feng and Yang Kai using various

Demon Saints were looking extremely gloomy. Only Yu Ru Meng showed a mixture of pleasant surprise and worry on her face. Although she had always known that Yang Kai was more receptive to the Star Boundary’s Will than the Half-Saints of the Demon Realm, she never thought of letting him participate in this struggle for it since he was not strong enough. What she had not expected was that Yang Kai would actually become the final winner. Furthermore, it seemed

who had been killed by Bright Moon, was nothing in comparison. In any case, Yue Sang had defected over to Xue Li so he was no longer her subordinate. So what if he died? It didn’t matter to Yu Ru Meng anymore. On the other hand, the fact that Yang Kai received this opportunity was tantamount to taking a giant step toward the Grand Dao in advance. How could she not be elated by that? Meanwhile, her worry stemmed from the fact that

thought went through her mind, Xue Li’s furious outburst entered her ears,

he turned into a ray of blood light and sped off in the direction Yang Kai was escaping. It looked like he was going to stop Yang Kai personally. It wasn’t just him though as

the Demon Saints could not. Once these Demon Saints blocked his path, he would definitely be

and raised a hand to block her

actions were casual, but it felt like there was an iron wall standing in her way. Even

in the direction where the figures were leaving

Meng gritted her teeth and snarled, “Yang Kai is mine. How can I not intervene in this matter!? Besides, we agreed in advance not to interfere in this fight over the opportunity! They will compete between themselves,

the target of the

at her, “He is not one of us. How can such an opportunity be

been demonified. He also made a lot of contributions to the Demon Realm. Why

is not strong enough. What can he do even if he obtained this opportunity? How long will

right now. Moreover, one of them, Bustling World Great Emperor, is missing. Yang Kai doesn’t make a difference in this equation, whether he exists or not. What you want is

can truly undergo Demon Transformation and become a part of the Demon Race, he will

escaped, clenching her hands so tightly that her fingernails cut into her palm painfully. Although Yang Kai had undergone demonification once in the Star Boundary and had been overflowing with Demon Qi at the time, he seemed to have returned to his original state

with a heartbroken look, “If he dies, who will repair and maintain

to somebody else when he dies. Only then will others have the opportunity. As for those Territory Gates… we can only

her eyes in pain. A long while later, she abruptly opened her eyes and the Demon Qi in her body surged. She struck out at him and shouted, “I really can’t stay here and do nothing after all! Pardon my

did not move. Even so, his body moved backwards several thousand metres and easily avoided her attack as he calmly stated,

furious that she smiled instead, “Don’t even think about touching a hair

eyes flashed as a strange light suddenly burst out at that moment. It was as

threw a punch, and a huge hole instantly appeared in the already turbulent space,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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