Martial Peak

Chapter 3573

Chapter 3573, World Creation

After confirming the direction, Huo Lun hurriedly flew over to look for the item. A burst of even happier laughter rang out a short while later. This time, he had picked up a Space Ring; moreover, there were countless treasures and wealth stored inside. He even found nearly a thousand Myriad Demon Pills!

These were Myriad Demon Pills! Treasures he would never even come across under normal circumstances. And yet, he had obtained nearly a thousand of them in one go. He almost thought that it was a dream. [With so many Myriad Demon Pills in hand, I only need to focus on meditating and cultivating for a time before I become a High-Rank Demon King. At this rate, even becoming a Half-Saint might not be a dream!]

So many Myriad Demon Pills were definitely not something a mere Demon King could own. As far as he knew, only the top Masters of the Demon Realm were qualified to have so many Myriad Demon Pills, such as the Half-Saints. Thinking back to the spear he had just picked up, he suddenly understood something. [I picked up the personal items of a Half-Saint who had died!]

Huo Lun jumped in fear the moment that thought came to him. For a Low-Rank Demon King like him, a Half-Saint was an extremely superior existence. Just who could kill a Half-Saint?

The shocking discoveries were far from over though. Over the next few days, Huo Lun kept seeing things falling from the sky. These were things that this world could not digest, and most of them were Demon Artifacts. Moreover, a lot of the Demon Artifacts had lost a great deal of spirituality. Their owners seemed to have experienced an extremely terrifying battle before returning to Great Demon God’s embrace. These Demon Artifacts were the weapons left behind by those who were slain in battle.

Huo Lun also picked up many Space Rings and gained quite a fortune; however, the only Half-Saint’s Space Ring he picked up was the first one. Although there was much good stuff in the rest of the Space Rings and a few Myriad Demon Pills could occasionally be found in some of them, none of them could compare with the wealth contained in the first Space Ring he picked up.

This situation continued on for seven or eight days before the crack in the sky gradually closed under his anxious gaze and nothing was swallowed into this world again. Huo Lun waited for a long time, and after making sure that there was nothing else he could benefit from, he finally turned around and headed back to his log house with a look of excitement on his face.

At this time, he was no longer complaining about being a bird trapped in a cage. Which person trapped in a cage could obtain such terrifying opportunities? The wealth he gained over the past few days was more than what he could have gotten even if he lived a hundred lifetimes.

He flew towards the mountain in a rush, but just as he was about to return to his residence, he suddenly paused in mid-air. He lowered his head and looked down. A moment later, his eyes narrowed. The mountain on which he had built his log house had gotten much higher! It definitely was not his imagination. Even if he had never measured the height of this mountain, his perception as a Demon King could not be wrong.

The mountain had gotten taller, the soil underneath had become thicker, the World Principles had become more perfect, and the World Energy was obviously more abundant than before. At some point in time, subtle changes had taken place throughout this world.


Sky Continent was once located had become a Void. The entire continent had been devoured by Gun-Gun. An

Kai turned around, passed through the Territory Gate, and sealed the Territory Gate behind him. He then

than ten Half-Saints back then and the personal items of these Half-Saints had of course become ownerless at the time. Most of them had been found and retrieved after the incident; however, one Space Ring had been unaccounted for. That Space Ring had now benefited

continents in the Demon Realm. His nominal reason was to repair and maintain the Territory Gates, the

matter had been delayed until now. Nobody would suspect anything if he chose

continents previously, only feeling it was a bit wasteful to leave the fragments to be devoured by the Void. In any case, Gun-Gun had a precedent of devouring, and it was never a bad thing to expand

the broken continents contained a part of the World Principles of the Demon Realm. Although the World Principles were as shattered as the continent themselves, Gun-Gun was never one to reject anything that came its way. As the saying went, ‘many grains of sand can build a tower’. When the quantity causes a qualitative change, the Sealed World Bead might undergo an amazing evolution in the future. If this idea was feasible, then he might be able to lead the battle between

Ya knew the whole Demon Realm’s situation like the back of his hand; therefore, having him as an adviser made things much easier to

talked with Bai Ya for a few days, but it was enough for him

Kai would stop every so often, instruct the Soaring Snow Ice Guard to seal off a certain area and disappear for a few days on his

noticed how strange Yang Kai was acting, because he had not repaired nor maintained any of the Territory Gates throughout their journey at all. Instead, he seemed to be leading the army of five hundred thousand on a scenic tour throughout the various continents of the Demon Realm. Moreover, he seemed to have some sort of particular reason for stopping at certain places. It suggested that there was some sort of special

Soaring Snow Ice Guard raised a blockade were places where a Territory Gate once existed. In addition, those Territory

Ya couldn’t help feeling shocked. As a Half-Saint, it was only natural that he was quick-witted and an

Territory Gates to the continents that were lost and

start a war with the Star Boundary regardless of the costs. The first reason was the Demon Race themselves

were still able to connect with each other so not much changed in the lives of the Demon Race. However, the key point was

once all the Territory Gates disappeared and the connection between the continents were lost completely. At that time, even the Demon Saints were incapable of predicting what might happen. It might signal the end of

could even enter them! Combined with his ability to repair and maintain the Territory Gates, it was enough to maintain the safety of the Demon Realm during his lifetime. The Demon Realm would be able to avoid its fate of destruction. If that was the case, then what was the point of the battle between the two worlds? What was the point of countless Demon Race warriors, Demon Kings, Half-Saints spilling their blood in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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