Martial Peak

Chapter 3664

Chapter 3664: Patron God

Initially, the leader of the Mussel Clan fled in embarrassment when he saw Yang Xue, then he became haughty in front of his secluded home. Now, he respectfully saluted Yang Xiao and Yang Xue. Anyone would be confused by his constant changes in behaviour.

Following him, the other Mussels saluted as well, including those little Mussels. The little ones had tiny, stubby limbs, but they still imitated their leader and performed a salute, which made them look truly adorable.

Yang Xue was lost for words for a moment before she asked, “Senior, what do you mean?”

Bang Bang’er replied with a smile, “We had some misunderstandings before this. I never expected that we were actually all one family and just did not recognise one another. Please forgive Bang Bang’er for offending you earlier, Patron God’s Legacy Disciples.”

Yang Xiao batted his eyes, “Are you talking about our Honoured Master when you mention this Patron God?”

He was puzzled by what the Mussel King had said, so he had to ask him about it.

Bang Bang’er quickly nodded, “En. My Mussel Clan has benefited greatly from Patron God over the years. That is why we address him in such a way, and we’ve always worshipped him in our Clan. Despite that, we have never had the chance to discover his true name. It wasn’t until today we learned that Patron God is actually the legendary Flowing Time Great Emperor. We are so ashamed.”

Yang Xue’s gaze brightened when she heard that, “You mean he hasn’t truly died yet?”

Even Yang Kai straightened up. If the Great Emperor was dead, how was he able to give them any benefits?

Bang Bang’er shook his head, “That is not the case.”

Next, he opened his mouth and spat out a bone, which appeared as spotless as a piece of white jade; however, the bone was different from the one Wind Lord with him and seemed to be a bone from the forearm.

Yang Xue was right to say that the Great Emperor’s remains were with Bang Bang’er. The leader of the Mussel Clan had basically refined the bone into his body and only took it out now.

Seeing the bone, Yang Xiao and Yang Xue immediately knew that it belonged to their Honoured Master. Others might not be able to sense it, but they could detect the Time Principles hidden inside.

Qiong Qi’s eyes turned bloodshot as there was indeed another bone. It seemed that the Great Emperor’s corpse had really been dismembered. He wondered how dangerous the Outer Universe must be that even a top cultivator like the Great Emperor ended up in such a miserable state.

hand and sported a conflicted expression. After a moment of hesitation, he respectfully extended the bone towards Yang

the bone, she shuddered for a moment. She didn’t make any move, but the bone suddenly glinted. Following that,

to be just a short moment, but it also felt as though a thousand years had passed, and when they came to their senses, they realised that the bone had become normal again, with no anomalies

think that what happened was just an illusion though. Flowing Time Great Emperor was extremely powerful, so even his remnant bones contained traces of his Divine Ability. Even though it had been a

a gentle look toward Yang Xiao and Yang Xue. Even though Yang Xue said she was Flowing Time’s successor, she couldn’t provide any evidence, so

said, “Our ancestor accidentally came across this bone many years ago. Even though he could tell that it was extraordinary, he was unable to unravel what secrets hid within it. Since then, the bone has been passed down over the generations.

him, “Senior, what do

God’s Legacy Disciple, you must stop addressing me

paused for a moment before asking, “How old do you all

question, but it was apparent that he wouldn’t have asked a random question for no reason.

look very old. Monsters are supposed to enjoy a long life anyway so… I would guess that you’re about two

straight away instead of keeping them guessing, “I don’t remember my exact age, but I’m over eight thousand

Kai and the others were shocked when they heard this. As compared to Bang Bang’er’s cultivation, he had indeed enjoyed an extremely long life at eight thousand years old. Furthermore, he didn’t even look that old. Nevertheless, they

couldn’t figure out the secrets inside it, but he realised that his life had been lengthened with the bone around. So, over the generations, every leader of the Mussel Clan had enjoyed a long life. Other than those who had lost their lives in battles against other Monster Clans, the longest-living King enjoyed a thirteen-thousand-year-long life. This was all thanks to Patron God’s

went on to say, “We have lived in this vast sea for many generations, and even though we refrain from fighting with others, calamities will still descend upon us from time to time. There are not many of us, and we don’t have a lot of top Masters. It so happens that several times in the past our Clan was almost wiped out. The reason we were able to endure was thanks to Patron God’s remains. While

the leader of the Mussel Clan. If he were in danger, the entire Mussel Clan would be at risk of going extinct. In

the previous

worshipped the bone’s owner and regarded him to be their Patron God. However, it wasn’t until this day that they

Bang Bang’er said with a smile, “We owe Patron God a huge favour. Not only have we found out his name today, but we have also realised that he has Legacy Disciples in this world. All of us from the Mussel Clan cannot

Junior Brother and I must offer proper thanks for returning these remains

us many times already. Since his Legacy

he really thought about the matter, but at the very least, he appeared sincere. In any case, it wasn’t like he had a choice. The Mussels were now surrounded by six Half-Saints. If he dared to say no, they would cease

to me,

the Great Emperor’s remains. If the bone was taken away from him, it wasn’t certain how long he

that I won’t live as long as the ancestors before me. Regardless, the years I should still live will not be taken away from me. Given my current condition now, I believe that I’ll still be around for another one or two thousand years

said, “My Junior Brother and I will make it up to you in

out a long breath as though he had put down something. After that, he sported a passionate expression, “We are honoured to have Patron God’s two Legacy Disciples here. If you are open to the

took a look at her

“In that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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