Martial Peak

Chapter 3679

Chapter 3679, Kill

After more than ten years of hard work and persistence, Yao Si managed to build up a strong foundation for the Sixty-First Army. His hard work earned him the highest respect from everyone, and no one would object to the fact that he was the Army Commander’s Adjutant. They also admired Yang Kai for his shrewdness as he managed to make Yao Si side with them; otherwise, their army wouldn’t have become what it was now.

Presently, all the top talents, Emperor Realm Masters, and Monster Kings, had gathered together in the hall of High Heaven Palace, for which Yao Si deserved the biggest credit.

Yao Si went on to say, “An army cannot be established without a Standard. The army’s morale lies with the Standard. Wherever the Standard leads, the army will charge forward. Sir, please choose a Standard.”

All fifty-four armies in the Star Boundary had their own Standards. Wherever the Army Commander was, their Standard would be too. A Standard was the spiritual support for the army. The Sixty-First Army had just been established, so naturally, they needed one as well; however, Yang Kai had left the Star Boundary more than ten years ago, which was why this matter had been held up until now. Since he had returned now, it was the best time to choose a Standard.

Yao Si had already made some preparations. After he finished speaking, ten disciples from High Heaven Palace stepped into the hall with different flags in their hands. Then, they separated into two rows and took a seat in the middle of the hall before they raised their hands and expanded the flags.

After that, Yao Si said, “These are the final ten flags that the Division Commanders and I have selected. Sir, please choose the flag you prefer to be the Standard.”

Yang Kai nodded his head and rose from the chair. With his hands behind his back, he walked up to the flags and examined them.

It had to be said that Yao Si and the Division Commanders had put in a lot of effort in selecting these flags; after all, the Standard would become the symbol of the Sixty-First Army in the future, so it couldn’t be too gaudy. At the same time, it had to appear authoritative and carry a meaning with it so that others could recognise that it was the Sixty-First Army’s Standard at first glance. It was indeed a difficult task.

All the flags came in different patterns. As Yang Kai went through them, Yao Si, on the side, explained to him what every pattern symbolised.

Yang Kai nodded from time to time as he listened to him; however, after going through all the flags, he fell silent and furrowed his brow.

Seeing that, Yao Si said, “Sir, if you’re not happy with these flags, I’ll tell the vexillographers to make some changes until you’re satisfied with them.”

Yang Kai replied, “There’s nothing I’m not satisfied with.” Frankly speaking, all the flags were excellent, and every one of them was good enough to be shown in public; however, he just felt that something was lacking.

“Sir, which one do you prefer, then?”

collective power. So, we’re bound to be the main force on the battlefield in the future, and the responsibility on our shoulders is especially heavy; therefore, our Standard has to be more outstanding than those of other armies.” After he finished speaking, his gaze brightened all of a sudden as he extended his hand, “Bring me a sheet of paper and a

prepare the items. All ten disciples, who were holding the flags, left the hall and in just a moment, a few disciples rushed into the hall. Two of them separated and held both sides of a piece of white paper that was as large as a flag. On the other hand, the other disciples had a

paper, but instead of drawing on it immediately, he stared

was just seated beside Hua Qing Si, so he leaned close to her and asked in a small voice,

head and spoke to him via Divine Sense, “I’m not sure whether he can draw.” There was a tinge of worry on her alluring face as she prayed that

Army would be embarrassed when others saw the flag. She knew that Yang Kai could be a little willful at times, but

suddenly felt that the temperature in the hall had plummeted as a chill ran down her spine. Instinctively, she circulated her Emperor Qi and lifted her head, only to see that Yang Kai was extremely

that moment, and as soon as the tip of the

lightly took a few steps backwards. Looking at his work from afar, he grinned and said, “Good. This will be our

on the paper, and seeing how satisfied he was, they craned their heads in an attempt

paper clearly. His brow twitched as he wanted to say something, but soon, his face relaxed and he waved his hand at the disciples, who

everyone. It was then that all the top cultivators

large character, ‘Kill’. The character wasn’t beautifully written, but it was imposing. At a glance, every stroke of the word seemed to have

Qi aptly said, “Sir, we are all willing to follow you

hurriedly rose from the chairs and cupped their fists, “Sir, all of us are

only one meaning for our Standard, ‘Kill’. Our job is to kill all the Demons who dare to invade the Star Boundary! We will let them know that the Star

“Yes Sir!”

“Sir, this subordinate is willing

Dragon who came from Dragon Island, so naturally, she was placed in the Heavenly Dragon Division. Supposedly, the Standard-Bearer should be someone from the Colour Guard, so it had nothing to do with her. She must have an ulterior

just when he was about to tell her to step back, Yao Si said, “Sir,

Upon realising that Yao Si was right, he nodded, “En, since you have the heart to bear this service for us, this King shall appoint you to be the Standard-Bearer for the

may rest assured, I shall protect the Standard with my life.” An elated Fu Ling took the paper from the

draft of the flag while the true Standard had to be created by someone else, so Fu Ling left to look for

to do. Yang Kai swept a glance over them and said loudly, “All the Demons in the Star Boundary have either been destroyed or accepted into our own armies. Presently, all fifty-four armies are assembling in the Western Territory, so we mustn’t be absent. All Division Commanders, after you return, you must begin preparations. At the break of dawn three days hence, we

Kill!” All of them in the hall started chanting. The Monster Kings

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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