Martial Peak

Chapter 3733

Chapter 3733 – Dark Clouds Gathering

The third young woman had a pretty face and her whole body was filled with a youthful aura; even so, her beautiful eyes were filled with murderous intent. The butterfly wings on her back flapped gently behind her. She might only be in the Second-Order Emperor Realm, but her slender body was emanating a Divine Spirit’s aura.

Lan Xun, Lin Yun’er, and Mo Xiao Qi, two daughters of the Great Emperors, were fighting side by side with the disciple of another. Furthermore, they were stopping a Half-Saint’s killing spree with their slender bodies.

Logically speaking, it was impossible for the average Emperor Realm Master to fight a Half-Saint. Even a Third-Order Emperor could only flee for their lives in front of a Half-Saint. Be that as it may, not a single one among these three young women was ordinary. With the treasures in their possession and the heritage they bore, how could they be compared with ordinary Emperor Realm Masters?

Lan Xun’s World Pagoda was a core treasure of Star Soul Palace; moreover, inside Star Soul Palace, she could mobilize far more of the World Principles to assist her than normal. On the other hand, Lin Yun’er’s black wok known as Unlimited Return was even more mysterious and unpredictable. Although Mo Xiao Qi had no comparable treasure on hand, she was born on Spirit Beast Island and Martial Beast Great Emperor had long ago planted the spirit of the Heavenly Illusion Butterfly Divine Spirit in her. As her strength and cultivation became more powerful, it became easier and easier for her to wield the power of this Divine Spirit like it was a part of her body.

By fighting three against one, they barely managed to maintain a stalemate situation; however, it was delusional to think that they could kill the Half-Saint they were facing. It was impossible unless he made a fatal mistake.

“You three little bitches… Just wait until this King captures you! I will make you wish you were dead! You will beg for death by the time this King finishes with you!” The Half-Saint was tall and broad-shouldered. The muscles all over his body were bulked up and contained great explosive power while his skin was the colour of stone. It was obvious that he was a Stone Demon. The Stone Demon Clan had inherently powerful defensive abilities and could ignore most light injuries. In addition, their natural strength was incredible. Although they were not as strong as Strength Demons, they were by no means any less than the other Demon Clans.

Among the hundred Clans in the Demon Realm, Blood Demons were the fastest and most cunning, but Stone Demons were the most difficult to kill. The three young women in front of him were indeed extraordinary, but even so, he believed that as long as he did not give them an opening, they would not be able to do anything to him. All he needed to do was drag out this battle and he could get eliminate them one by one once they were exhausted.

“Talk after you prove you have the ability!” Lan Xun’s beautiful eyes flashed coldly. Her father had lost his life in the Demon Realm, and now, the legacy he left behind was being invaded by the Demon Race. It could be said that her hatred for the Demon Race was carved into her bones. At this moment, she was cursing the Heavens for not giving her enough time to fully grow into her potential.

While she spoke, Lan Xun extended her hand forward. A green vine suddenly shot out of her sleeve and wrapped around the Half-Saint. The Artifact Spirit of World Pagoda had taken the form of a mimosa plant; therefore, the power of the World Pagoda took on the appearance of a plant when Lan Xun activated its power. If the Half-Saint could be fully wrapped up in the green vines, she could figure out a way to drag him into the World Pagoda and fight him to the death. Her strength would be greatly improved inside the World Pagoda. On this point, it might not be comparable to the advantage Yang Kai received inside the Small Sealed World, but the principle was the same.

When Lan Xun made her move, Lin Yun’er and Mo Xiao Qi did not stand around idly.

Lin Yun’er took the black wok that she had always worn on her head like a hat and threw it forward in the direction of the Half-Saint, letting out an oddly cute cry, “Eat this!”

forward along with the black wok. What she cultivated was Iron Blood Great Emperor’s Iron Blood Record, so attacking her enemy with her bare fists was what she excelled at. Her fists were invincible, capable of crushing

more so since this Divine Spirit’s greatest ability was built upon a person’s achievements in Soul cultivation. The shining powder had the

the first time these three young women had joined forces. Through the battles over the past few days, they had connected together as though they were one entity.

sight and the Demon Qi in his body surged as he fiercely threw a punch in

him was smashed to pieces before it could get close. Although it repaired itself immediately,

On the other hand, Lin Yun’er lunged at the Stone Demon under the

the slightest touch would make the other

key determining factor

of smashing mountains only made the Stone Demon stagger backwards slightly, however. On the contrary, her face crumpled into an expression of pain; even so, she did not retreat. Lin Yun’er raised her fists again and prepared to continue her assault. Her Honoured Master had once said that there

were doing, Lan Xun turned to look in the direction of the sound and her beautiful eyes contracted abruptly at the sight. A swirling sand pit had appeared under Mo Xiao Qi’s feet without them noticing. Two large hands reached out from the sand pit, grabbed her by the ankles, and dragged her downward. Her feet were already sinking into the sand pit by

Sand Demon!

were very difficult to

of her wrist, and the green vine shooting outward immediately turned

the Heavenly Illusion Butterfly. The Stone Demon Half-Saint immediately woke up from

flying backwards as she coughed up a mouthful of blood in mid-air, dyeing the front of her shirt red. Unlimited Return was also sent flying backwards by the Stone Demon, just like its Master. Despite getting injured, Lin Yun’er deftly spun through the air three times like a swallow before landing at Mo Xiao Qi’s feet and striking the ground

been heaving violently stopped moving all of a sudden. At the same time, the force that was restraining Mo Xiao Qi loosened and

women stood side by side once more. A stench of blood wafted out from the crack in the ground. It was obvious that the Sand Demon who had hidden in the ground and attacked Mo Xiao Qi was dead. The Sand Demon was only a Mid-Rank Demon King who seemed to believe that there was an opportunity here that he could take advantage of. Who could have known that he would end up in such a state in the blink of an eye? Even so, he had accidentally helped the Stone Demon Half-Saint. The Stone Demon Half-Saint would have been attacked by Lan Xun and the others otherwise. While he would not have been affected by those

before frowning and turning to look around at his surroundings. At some point, the commotion in the battlefield had died down; in fact, it was dead silent. Everybody had stopped fighting at that moment, but

others had noticed this too and they began looking around

Xiao Qi looked up at the sky, “Look over

gathered in the sky with lightning flashing and thunder rumbling. Furthermore, the dark clouds loomed so low that the sky looked like it was about to collapse. Amidst the flashing layer of clouds came an impressive sense of oppression, as if something terrible

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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