Martial Peak

Chapter 3754

Chapter 3754 – Li Wu Yi’s Test

The space surrounding Yang Kai became compressed. Every part of his body was placed under great pressure and creaking sounds rang out from his bones. All this while, he had always used Space Principles to restrain his enemies’ movements. Now that he was facing Li Wu Yi, he finally got a taste of what it was like for those people he had restrained in the past.

The Space Principles that pressed down from all directions were not something he could resist with his physical body alone. If he continued to endure by willpower, he would eventually be squashed into paste.

Giving a furious roar, Space Principles fluctuated above his hands as he slowly pushed them out to the sides, as though he was pushing open a set of invisible doors. Following his movements, a ripple that was visible to the naked eye spread out into the surroundings. The Space Principles pressing down on him immediately eased up considerably.

A trace of appreciation flashed across Li Wu Yi’s eyes before he suddenly flattened his palms that were pressed together and swiped out horizontally at Yang Kai.

In the next moment, Yang Kai saw a Void Crack forming out of nowhere at the spot between his waist and abdomen. It was as though that Void Crack had always existed in that spot and was only just rearing its ugly head at this moment. His expression twitched involuntarily.

[I see. So Space Principles can also be used in this way.]

Before he could fully appreciate Li Wu Yi’s ingenuity, that several-metre-long Void Crack sliced through his skin like an indestructible blade. A stabbing pain came out as even the physique he was so proud of could not withstand an attack like that.

The pressure surrounding him was still in place, causing him to struggle to move. It was too late for him to retreat at this point. Even though his life was at stake, his mind was strangely calm and he was not the slightest bit panicked. Reaching out his hand, he grabbed at the Void Crack.

His large hand transformed into a Dragon Claw when his fist closed in a grip. He was grasping the Void Crack in his hand, causing it to struggle as if it had a life of its own. Exerting more force, Yang Kai’s claw closed tightly and the Void Crack shattered.

He was the only one who could do something like this because he was also proficient in the Dao of Space. How could just anyone grab a Void Crack with their bare hands? It would surely end in tragedy the moment they came into contact with it.

On the other side, the admiring light in Li Wu Yi’s eyes grew stronger when he saw Yang Kai easily dealing with his sure-kill attack. It was just that he concealed his emotions very well, so the depths of his eyes remained as cold as ever. He looked like he would not stop until he killed Yang Kai on the spot. His palms that were placed flat against each other suddenly pulled apart. He slowly moved his palms in a spinning motion, rotating his hands against each other…

Yang Kai’s expression changed drastically. He felt as though the space he was standing in had undergone Earth-shaking changes. The space around his upper body turned in a clockwise direction while the space around his lower body turned in an anti-clockwise direction. The spinning motion was slow but firm and unyielding. As a result, the space he was standing in became disjointed.

His body was twisted into a very strange posture in an instant. Both his upper body and his lower body were twisted in opposing directions and a painful creaking sound rang out from all his bones.

more to restore the chaos to order. Creaking sounds rang out incessantly. Concurrently, the

Yi’s expression became solemn. His slowly spinning palms seemed to face some kind of resistance and their speed of rotation became

space shattered and Yang Kai’s body, which was twisted strangely, returned to normal. At the same time, Li Wu Yi clapped his palms together

Li Wu Yi, Yang Kai no longer held back. He had lost his temper. It didn’t matter why Li Wu Yi was

best way to deal with the strongest Master beneath the Great Emperors who, like himself, was also proficient in the Dao of Space was to go on the offence, not passively try to escape. There was no point in trying to escape from

Moon Blades flew out towards Li Wu Yi with the last one being much larger and

of the Space Principles was instantly flattened. The Moon Blades didn’t even manage to approach Li Wu Yi before dissipating into nothing. Only the last and largest

glanced at Yang Kai and spoke in a calm tone. He had discussed the Dao of Space on numerous occasions with Yang Kai; hence, he was familiar

“If the Moon Blades won’t work, then what about

aura of chaos and nothingness fluctuated within the black ball, similar to the

that this attack was much stronger than the previous Moon Blades; thus, his desire to learn the secret behind it was stimulated. To his surprise, the Divine

that moment and Li Wu Yi was hit by the brunt of the attack. He had a hard time

everything calmed down, there was a large

to defend against that horrifying power at the last moment and his distorted figure returned to normal when

let out a sliver of a smile and commented,

already arrived

Kai’s figure abruptly retreated and flashed straight into the Void,

scattered into nothing, Li Wu Yi stepped forward

witness this sight, they would think that there was something wrong with their eyes. The erratically flickering figures were extremely elusive. They might be here one moment only to appear

chasing and who was being chased. What bystanders could not see were the countless manoeuvres and numerous

turning from illusory images to solid matter. They appeared together, standing in their original starting position with the original distance between them. It was almost as if they had

each other, Yang Kai furrowed his brow tightly. On the other hand, Li Wu Yi smiled with a hint of relief in

dry lips and

Wu Yi had truly released a terrifying murderous intent as though he wanted to kill Yang Kai on the spot; however, after fighting the other party, Yang Kai soon realised that the battle had many elements to it that

he not have any powerful Secret Techniques or artifacts on hand? If he really wanted

only one thing Yang Kai could not understand. [Why is he testing me at this time? If

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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