Martial Peak

Chapter 3782

Chapter 3782 – Groups Gather

Luo Meng pondered for a while before nodding in agreement, “Brother Yang, your words hold truth to them. In that case, let’s go forward together so that we can take care of each other.”

“Good!” Yang Kai nodded and turned his head to look into the depths of the hall. He had been ambushed by Luo Meng the moment he entered, so he had not had the time to look around yet. Scanning his surroundings now, he saw that the area ahead was so dark that he could not see anything. Even when he tried to use his Divine Sense to penetrate the darkness, it felt like a rock sinking to the bottom of the sea. There was no feedback whatsoever.

The inside of the entire hall felt like it was shrouded in a thick layer of fog. In addition, the source of that peculiar fragrance was very close at hand and a rich Grand Dao aura flowed around them.

“Brother Luo, have you checked out the situation ahead?” Yang Kai asked while turning to look back.

Luo Meng shook his head, “We have only just arrived. There was no time to investigate anything yet. But, the inside of the Profound Heavens Temple feels very strange. I’m afraid the journey ahead is going to get a little bumpy.”

Yang Kai smiled, “When have we ever had a smooth road to walk on throughout our cultivation journey? Despite encountering many difficulties and adversities, the only way forward is to forge ahead bravely and cut through the thorns that bar our path.”

Luo Meng nodded, “You’re right, Brother Yang.”

“Let’s do it this way.” Yang Kai turned his head and looked around at the crowd, “I will lead the way. Yang Yan and Brother Luo will bring up the rear. The rest will remain in the middle to support us. Please take action if any unusual changes occur.”

Yang Yan frowned and objected, “I should lead the way.”

When it came down to it, the one walking at the forefront was also the one in the most danger. Nobody knew what kind of restrictions were arranged inside the Profound Heavens Temple. Although Yang Kai’s cultivation was a little lower than the others, he had part of the World’s Will in him, which made him one of the strongest contenders in the Grand Dao battle. How could she allow any accidents to befall him? The reason she and Bing Yun participated in this struggle was to ensure his safety. This was something they had discussed with Li Wu Yi in advance and received his approval.

Yang Kai raised his hand to stop her, “There’s not much time, so let’s not argue over this. I am capable of keeping myself alive.”

Seeing his insistence in this matter, there was not much else that Yang Yan could say so she simply nodded, “Good. Be careful.”

While speaking, she shot a look at Bing Yun. Bing Yun immediately understood the meaning of the look and nodded gently in response.

Following a simple negotiation, the two groups gathered together and moved forward. Yang Kai led the way, followed closely by Bing Yun. Both of them silently circulated their Demon and Emperor Qi, prepared to attack at any time. Meanwhile, the others spread out behind them with Luo Meng and Yang Yan brought up the rear. Everyone maintained a tight formation, only a few steps apart from each other.

Fortunately, sounds were not cut off

did not encounter the dangers and restrictions that they had imagined. Even so, nobody relaxed their guard,

at all times while also keeping

checked on the situation of the group. That was because there was nobody behind him at all! Just a moment ago, he could still hear their faint heartbeat and footsteps, but in the

abruptly to look behind him, but there was nobody there. Even Bing Yun, who had been following no more than three steps behind him, was nowhere to

as he hurriedly released his Divine Sense so that he was alert to all the movements in his surroundings. Yang Kai had completely failed to notice when or how the people behind him had disappeared, but with his current Soul cultivation, even a Demon Saint or a Great Emperor could not achieve this level of secrecy around him. The only explanation was that he had activated some sort of restriction in the Profound Heavens

the others doing? Also, what kind of dangers will this restriction bring?] Yang Kai had no idea. All he could do now was to remain vigilant and continue moving

time, Bing Yun, who had been walking in the hall, suddenly let

Yang Yan

Bing Yun

if the situation in this place was strange and their Divine Sense was greatly suppressed, they should still be able to monitor the movements of any one of the people around them if they put their minds to it.

intently, but there was nobody in front. She asked

Kai’s heartbeat and breathing

“Just now!”

“How did he disappear?”

closest to Yang Kai, she had been paying close attention to him at all times. Even so, she had not noticed how he had disappeared. It wasn’t until he was gone that she reacted.

protect Yang Kai and participate in the final stage of the Grand Dao battle, but they had lost sight of him completely. No matter how strong her heart was, Bing Yun couldn’t help feeling a little emotional at this

out, everyone. Brother Yang must have activated

frowned at those words, “If it were some sort of restriction, then why was he the only one to go missing? Wouldn’t we have been

restriction might have affected only one person, it was still a little too strange to

seemed to come from very far away. It was a little hazy, but when it appeared, the darkness that enveloped the entire hall receded considerably. A faintly glowing path about ten metres wide appeared beneath

of this faintly glowing path. This series of events left everybody extremely bewildered, but they did not sense any danger when standing on this path. On the contrary, they could vaguely

easily with his abilities. Besides, he will surely head to that final place once he gets himself out of trouble. Why don’t

Kai went missing and where he was currently, so even if she tried to search for him, she

their way. Nevertheless, they acted more cautiously after learning from their previous experience. To their surprise though, nothing else unexpected happened until they

Furnace was slowly spinning in the centre of the hall. The patterns around the Giant Furnace were flickering with a faint light and a dense Grand

This Giant Furnace was identical to the Giant Furnace that was projected into the world before. Although

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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