Martial Peak

Chapter 3793

Chapter 3793 – The Array Breaks but the People Stand


It was only one word, but that word attracted the attention of all the sentient creatures in the Star Boundary. At this moment, countless gazes were involuntarily being drawn upward into the sky. Whether they were Human or Demon, a strange and inexplicable light was reflected in their eyes.

It was especially so for the natives of the Star Boundary. When that word appeared on the Illusionary Heavens Furnace, a sudden thought came to mind almost instinctively, a new Great Emperor was about to rise! This idea came out of nowhere. Nobody knew why they suddenly had such a thought, but everybody was convinced that it was the truth; after all, it was the will of the Heavenly Way…

It was an honour and a joyful occasion to witness the birth of a Great Emperor in one’s life. As such, the morale of the soldiers that had been lagging suddenly soared at this moment!

Xue Li, who had been hiding among the Demon Race army, felt his brow twitching at the sight as he gritted his teeth, “He actually… succeeded…”

He had learned from Jia Long that the Heavenly Source Fruit had fallen into Yang Kai’s hands. Even so, Xue Li had held on to the slight delusional hope that Yang Kai would not succeed. Yang Kai’s cultivation was not high enough, so it might take some time for him to become a Great Emperor even though he was the one who obtained the Heavenly Source Fruit. Or perhaps it might improve his strength tremendously, but he would still be no match for the Demon Saints.

Judging from the current situation, however, the benefits of the Heavenly Source Fruit were limitless indeed. It actually managed to make a High-Rank Demon King advance directly to become a Great Emperor!

The thought only flashed through Xue Li’s mind for a breath before he quickly shouted through gritted teeth, “Relay the order! Take down High Heaven Palace in the shortest possible time at all costs!”

Not only did Yang Kai become a Great Emperor, but he also received the title ‘Void’. Therefore, nobody knew what kind of strength he would have upon his reappearance, let alone when he would show up. What the Demon Race needed to do at this moment was to capture High Heaven Palace as soon as possible and contaminate the last pure land in the Star Boundary. That was the only way for all their plans to come to fruition. At that time, it would be useless even if Yang Kai returned with the strength of a Great Emperor.

After that order was issued, the fierce offensive became even more reckless. High Heaven Palace’s Sect Defending Array flashed wildly as a result. The Grand Array looked as though it was going to collapse at any time. Seeming to be aware of this point, Li Wu Yi quickly issued a command to all the surviving soldiers of the Star Boundary army to hold the line no matter the cost.

From a bird’s eye point of view, the boundless Demon Race army looked like a black tidal wave that crashed against High Heaven Palace over and over again from all directions. Meanwhile, the Star Boundary army stood firm within High Heaven Palace. Countless Secret Techniques and artifacts flashed with brilliant light as they repelled the black tide again and again.

to the death that nobody noticed the Illusionary Heavens Furnace in the sky shattering and quickly disappearing into

maintain a defensive perimeter. Yao Si was in charge of the army, commanding and dispatching the troops with a dignified expression. Command after command came out of his mouth and those commands were relayed to the soldiers by his personal guards. He had been fighting for so many consecutive days without any chance to rest at all. His mind was spinning at an extremely fast speed, trying to come up with a plan to defeat their

Array won’t be able to last any longer.” A Monster General from the Flying Hawk Division flew over and informed Yao Si. Excessive exhaustion left him unable to even stand up straight. He was so tired that he nearly collapsed

mouth, an ominous creaking sound came from the Grand Array. It was instantly followed by an endless

Si looked up and his expression changed drastically. Cracks were appearing, one after another, rapidly spreading across the

of the Earth Veins below High

even such an impressive Grand Array could not withstand the continuous assault of the Demon Race army for such a long time. The only reason it had lasted for so long was thanks to


corner shattered. The Demon Race army poured in through that gap like a flood with a

response, “All who defile the Star Boundary will be killed without

the soldiers from the Star Boundary backed down. That was because they knew that High Heaven Palace was the last remaining sanctuary for the Human Race. Losing High Heaven Palace

Demon Qi and becoming mindless Demons, it was better to die in battle while taking as many enemies with

cover a large swath of the army. It was as if

died. The vast battlefield in the southeast corner was like a huge meat grinder that turned

the Grand Array in the southeast corner collapsed, the Grand Array surrounding the entire High Heaven Palace let out a loud and painful

The Demon Race army flooded into High Heaven Palace from all directions, stepping onto the Human Race’s last remaining pure land, bringing Demon Qi and

at close quarters and the scene was immensely bloody and cruel. Accordingly, the headquarters of

could not remain silent any longer. They transformed into two 1,000-metre-long Dragons and charged out of High Heaven Peak. Xue Li,

Emperors were either fighting in groups of three to five or one-on-one. No matter the case,

as they joined forces to activate the power of the Infinite Hourglass.

composed of vines was formed with her as the centre. It enveloped all the Demons that stood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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