Martial Peak

Chapter 3804

Chapter 3804 – You Lose

The Demon Race had set up a Heaven Shaking Grand Array, which spread Demon Essence across the entire Star Boundary in order to devour its Auspicious Spirit Essence. All the living creatures left in the four territories had been obliterated, nine out of ten families had been wiped out, and great rivers and mountains had been turned into Demon Land.

The World was alive, however, and it opened the Profound Heavens Temple, and the Illusionary Heavens Furnace appeared as a result.

In turn, Yang Kai found his true Dao, received the honour of becoming a Great Emperor, and seized the small hope of survival at the border of life and death. As a Great Emperor, he mobilised the World’s strength to resist the erosion of the Demon Essence and guard the last remaining pure land of the Star Boundary. Great Demon God’s grand scheme could not be completed as long as this pure land remained.

As a last resort, the Great Demon God used a Secret Technique to suppress Yang Kai by harnessing the power of the seven trapped Great Emperors. Everything had been going according to his plan as, although Yang Kai becoming a Great Emperor in such a short time had caused a bit of trouble to Mo Sheng, it was not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

In such a terrible situation, all Yang Kai could do amounted to nothing but the dying struggles of a dead man!

Contrary to Mo Sheng’s expectations, however, the seven Great Emperors of the Star Boundary had been rescued from their predicament. Now that the Great Emperors had escaped, the most immediate consequence he faced was that he could no longer mobilise the Star Boundary’s World Force. The lack of means to control the World’s strength also meant that he had no way to devour the last piece of pure land. How was he supposed to proceed with his plans now?

That was why Great Demon God was furious! He was tempted to kill Huang Wu Ji and the other Demon Saints just to calm the anger in his heart.

Huang Wu Ji and the others obviously knew that they had failed their job and looked both annoyed and humiliated. Even though they did not lose their lives during this incident, they were extremely vexed by their helplessness. They did not dare to say anything in the face of the Great Demon God’s scolding, for fear of accidentally angering him any further.

Meanwhile, the raging battlefield calmed down in an eerie manner following the successive arrival of the eight Great Emperors and the seven Demon Saints. Everybody in the Star Boundary was staring at the eight figures standing in the sky in shock. What they saw was not as simple as eight figures, but hope for the future of the Star Boundary.

Zhan Wu Hen swept his gaze over the crowd and when he saw that his treasured apprentice was all bloodied and dishevelled, a strong murderous intent flashed through his eyes. He stared coldly at the Half-Saint who was fighting Lin Yun’er and the others earlier.

That look made a chill run down the Half-Saint’s back and without any hesitation, he immediately turned around and fled into the distance.

“Leave those Demon treats to this King!” Wu Kuang let out a strange laugh, staring at the Half-Saints on the battlefield with a burning look in his eyes. Nobody saw him making a move, but he suddenly appeared in front of the fleeing Half-Saint and reached out his hand.

watched as the palm came down on him, blocking out the light in front of his eyes. Panicking in horror, he

Stretching out his large hand, the shadows shattered; then, he picked up the Half-Saint in

he captured earlier dried up at a speed visible to the

the Star Boundary knew about the Heaven Devouring Great Emperor and Heaven Devouring Battle Law. They also knew that the Heaven Devouring Battle Law was the evillest Secret Art in the history of the Star Boundary. Despite knowing that fact, nobody truly understood how terrifying and horrifying that Secret

corpse that they all shuddered in fear. A Secret Art like that was disturbingly twisted. It was no wonder that the rumours claimed that Wu Kuang had turned the entire world against him when he went on a rampage in the past. Everywhere he went, all vitality was obliterated and everything ceased to exist. The rumours were true… The depravity

he had just consumed a great delicacy. He then turned around and swept his bright-red eyes

means to escape. Just like how they had rushed through the Star Boundary army as though there were no obstacles around them because those below the Half-Saints were no match for them, they were in a

strange crackle, Wu Kuang went on a rampage. He was like a roc spreading his wings, lunging at the Half-Saints with an enthusiastic expression on his

that eerie laughter again, this time even louder. Listening to him was extremely

currently facing an extinction-level crisis and the Great Demon God was eyeing them hungrily, so how could he spare the time and energy to deal with Wu Kuang? Besides, compared to the troublemaking Wu Kuang, the Great Demon God was their number-one enemy at the

the left and right. Eight people, eight figures, and eight pairs of eyes stared at the huge amorphous figure before them. Wherever these eight people were was where the world belonged; the place these eight people stood would become the axis

since the start of the second war between the two worlds, so he was worried

“Who cares who he is? Anybody who dares to harm

nearly choked, but soon smiled and nodded,

of the entire World was mobilised. Majestic World Force gathered from all directions, turning into an invisible wave that spread out into the surroundings with these eight people as the centre. Everywhere this wave passed, Demon Qi retreated,

Force. He had been able to resist the Great Demon God and even gained the upper hand for a while with

that the full force of the world was 100%, then Yang Kai only managed to bring out 50% at most on his own. However, the remaining 50% was fully activated with the help of the additional seven Great

unbelievable speed; moreover, the expansion became

had before. He became extremely frantic following the return of the Great Emperors and at this moment, he was pointing his finger forward

forward, obeying the commands of Great Demon God without question. This was not surprising of course as the entire Demon Race had originated from him. No matter how strong or weak a Demon was, their body had been

you,” Zhan Wu Hen turned to look at

nodded, “En,

had been laid, and now that Great Demon God could no longer borrow the might of the Star Boundary, Yang Kai would be able to remove all the Demon Essence in the world and return


It was as red as blood and fluttered proudly in the air. Zhan Wu Hen was the first to rush out, turning into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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