Martial Peak

Chapter 3806

Chapter 3806, Possession

Yang Kai gritted his teeth. Expecting Wu Kuang to hold back against Yu Ru Meng was unrealistic; besides, regardless of who won or who lost this battle, the result was not something he wanted to see. The only thing that could salvage the current situation was for him to destroy the Great Demon God’s plans as soon as possible.

The moment that thought crossed his mind, he calmed his mind and looked forward before shouting furiously, “Mo Sheng, suffer death!”

World Force flooded out and suppressed the remaining Demon Qi. The darkness that shrouded the Star Boundary was swept away and light was brought back to the world!

Mo Sheng roared furiously. A pair of eyes stared out from the enormous mass of Demon Qi, showing an intense look of unwillingness and murderous intent. [Just a little bit more! Just a little bit more and my plans could have had a perfect conclusion, but a mere boy made me fall short right in front of my goal!]

Hundreds of thousands of years’ worth of conspiring and forbearance were obliterated at the most critical moment by a young boy who lived for only a few hundred years at most. Therefore, the rage in Mo Sheng’s heart would not be appeased easily.

As long as he was unable to borrow the power of the Great Emperors, he had no means to fight Yang Kai for control over the World Force even if he was twice as resourceful. Moreover, Mo Sheng had placed his hopes in the last trump card in his possession only for Yang Kai to knock one of them unconscious right after they appeared. On the other hand, the other two were unable to break through Wu Kuang’s defence within a short period of time.

[I can’t let this drag on any longer! If this situation continues, I will only become more and more passive. Things will only worsen!] Having lived for so many years and travelled across so many universes, Mo Sheng was a decisive man. He could tell that he was unable to stop Yang Kai, so he came to a decision on the spot, “You will all pay for this!”

Following his furious howls, all the Demon Qi in the world churned violently as though it had turned into a living creature and poured into Mo Sheng’s body all at once. A storm blew across the world as Demon Qi from all over the Star Boundary was swiftly gathering in one place.

Yang Kai’s expression turned grim. He might not know why Mo Sheng was behaving in this manner, but it was clear the latter had no intention of dying quietly. It could be said that this was truly the most critical moment of the entire battle up until now, so how could he dare to show even the slightest negligence? He stared unblinking at what Mo Sheng was doing, refusing to miss anything at all!

At the same time, Yu Ru Meng, who had been fighting Wu Kuang, suddenly exerted her strength with no regard for her life. She fearlessly and recklessly began attacking Wu Kuang. Every single attack was lethal, but she left herself completely open to attack at the same time.

In response, Wu Kuang could only defend.

Taking this opportunity, Chang Tian withdrew from the battle and charged towards Zhan Wu Hen.

the sight. Although he did not know the reason behind this behaviour, it was obvious that the Great Demon God was the one pulling the strings. He could not let the Great Demon God succeed, no matter what the Great Demon God was trying to do,

wanted to escape, even Yang Kai could not stop him, much less Wu Kuang who was being held up

Kai could only watch as Chang Tian approached Zhan Wu Hen quickly, the ominous


been evenly matched with his opponent earlier, back. Taking this opportunity, Huang Wu Ji turned around and soared in the

but Chang Tian recklessly blocked his path, leaving Iron Blood

Kai’s gaze, the First Demon Saint of the Demon

laughter rang out across the world at that

be seen, wrapped in a layer of boundless black Qi. That figure was none other than Huang Wu

He had always found it strange that the Great Demon God revealed himself, but his body was completely

to take over a Master’s body was undoubtedly an excellent method. This method was similar to possession, and since the entire Demon Race originated from him, it was only natural that there would be no potential dangers to this method. It could be said that, as long as he

been at a loss for what to do otherwise. If he had to face her, he would have had to decide whether to kill or not to kill her. If he chose to kill her, she would definitely die. On the other hand, if he chose not to kill her, he would have no way to give the entire Star Boundary an appropriate explanation. Of course, Yu Ru Meng was a woman, so as long as Great Demon God was sane, he

pure land but encountered all sorts of hindrances in the process. Perhaps, he has no other choice but to change his plans, seeing as nothing can be done at this point?] Yang Kai did not know what would happen if the Great Demon God had devoured the last remaining pure land in the Star Boundary, but judging by the current situation,

though Yang Kai was just guessing, he was fairly confident in his conclusion. Why else would Mo

Essence completely, he could use it to recreate his physical body from his severed palm that was being protected by Huang Wu Ji. Although he would not return to his former peak, there would come

of pure land, causing Mo Sheng to fail to devour a crucial

drop in the bucket. Nevertheless, a single missing drop meant an imperfection! A flaw in a piece of jade would dim the shine of a jewel. The

the surging rage swept out like a tidal wave. Anyone who felt that rage could distinctly sense the unwillingness of the Great

and poured into Huang Wu Ji’s body, causing him to scream in agony. Clearly, he was experiencing enormous pain and

Kai took a deep breath, took out a handful of Spirit Pills from his Space Ring, and stuffed them all into his

said that he won the war. At most, he only gained a slight upper hand in this battle. Be that as it may, the Star

true battle for the fate of the world. If they won, peace would return to the Star Boundary, but if they lost, they would all die and

facing a Master from the Outer Universe, Yang Kai’s fighting spirit was at an all-time high. That was because he was no longer fighting alone! Rather, it could be said that, from the very beginning, he had never fought alone. He had

Wu Ji’s screams stopped and were replaced by a low laugh. An enormous body rapidly swelled and expanded as far as the eye could see. Unlike the body that was completely formed from Demon Qi earlier, the Great Demon God now had a true physical form that he could call his own. The figure was almost 1,000 metres tall and extremely horrifying, and

skies while his feet were still firmly planted on the ground, his enormous shadow seemingly blocking out all light in the world. It

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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