Martial Peak

Chapter 3814

Chapter 3814, Break His Arm

The Great Emperors were violently gasping for breath, while on the other hand, the Great Demon God was covered in countless wounds.

The battle had reached its most critical juncture. Great Demon God was acting like he stood above the rest, calling them ants with every sentence he spoke; however, the ‘ants’ in front of him were indeed qualified to threaten his life.

He was not at his peak after all! Even if his plan had been completed perfectly and he devoured the Auspicious Spirit Essence of the Star Boundary, the only effect that would achieve was that he would be reborn anew. If he wanted to recover completely, it would still require many years of accumulation and cultivation, so what more need be said when even his original plans had suffered many setbacks? Nobody could say for sure how much of his original power he could bring out in his current condition, but even that small portion of his strength was enough to make the entire Star Boundary throw everything it had against him to even stand a chance.

There were loud rumbling noises occasionally interspersed with ferocious roars and furious howls. Numerous figures fluttered about in the sky and various Divine Abilities shone brightly. The power that each participant in this battle could exert was gradually declining. This was the case for the Great Demon God, as well as the Great Emperors; after all, a battle as intense as this one would be extremely taxing for anybody.

At a certain moment, Zhan Wu Hen suddenly charged forward resolutely and his weakening momentum increased sharply as he shouted, “Break his arm!”

After fighting for so long, everybody could tell that the power the Great Demon God could exert would reduce greatly without the right hand from his original body. It was just that the power of this right hand was simply too horrifying, so much so that it had blocked all their attacks for a time. As long as they could chop off his palm though, it would be equivalent to depriving Mo Sheng of his sharpest weapon. That would definitely cause a change in the current situation.

It was with that aim that Zhan Wu Hen targeted the right hand of the Great Demon God. Naturally, everyone else understood his intentions.

Wondrous Pill Great Emperor bit his tongue and sprayed out a mouthful of Blood Essence which merged with the Divine Chaos Flame that had been tightly wrapped in pure Demon Qi, causing it to burst with a dazzling radiance that burned away all the surrounding darkness. Then, the Divine Chaos Flame shot out and wrapped itself around the right hand of Great Demon God like a Fire Snake.

Martial Beast Great Emperor swung his fists wildly while both Ice Feather and Flower Shadow attacked with their swords. Even Heavens Revelations Great Emperor, who had been in charge of defence all this time, summoned a simple-looking bronze coin and channelled his strength into it, causing it to turn into a blue light that slashed at the right hand of Great Demon God.

The Spiritual Energy of Serene Soul Great Emperor poured out of his body and slammed into the Knowledge Sea of Great Demon God, causing blood to flow from Yao Jin’s seven orifices as his complexion went so pale that it was scary.

The two Dragon Clan Elders also charged forward together, intertwining with each other as they released a brilliant cyan and white light. They were shrouded in the resolute determination that they would succeed or not return at all.

Wu Kuang let out a strange cackle, “Satisfying! This is too much fun! Hahahahaha!”

He laughed maniacally and attacked even more enthusiastically. The illusory phantom of the Universe World behind him had completely integrated into his body at this point as he struck forward with his entire cultivation.

God finally changed. Although he had been fighting all the strongest Masters in the entire Star Boundary with his strength alone, he had always held the upper hand in the battle. It wasn’t until now that he finally felt a sense of crisis looming over him. Even he could

from the sky at that

and made a deafening

appeared on his 1,000-metre-tall body. Large pieces of his

though his eyes were going to pop at the sight. Unfortunately, he could not spare the effort to check on Xiao Xiao’s condition as he aimed his spear directly at the Great Demon God’s right hand which was still stretched out after the encounter with Xiao

enormous Azure Dragon Spear pierced forward with unstoppable momentum, slicing a huge wound across Great Demon God’s wrist and exposing the

God roared, unleashing a Qi wave out from his mouth that sent Yang Kai tumbling into the

were several ripping and slicing sounds that resulted in Great Demon God’s right hand being severed to a great extent. Blood and

bit down on the exposed wound, tearing off chunks of flesh. In return, Mo Sheng’s left hand came smashing down on them. The two

subsequently shot forth and wrapped around the broken section of the severed palm. Accompanied by crackling sounds of flame, the wound on the severed palm rapidly enlarged while even bones were

the Divine Chaos Flame and yanked fiercely. He unexpectedly managed to dislodge the Divine Flame that could burn all creation, and to everybody’s disbelief,

tens of thousands of years, the Divine Chaos Flame had long

focused all the strength into his finger and pierced


sound rang out and Great Demon God’s right hand was separated

[We did it!]

their cards, their efforts were finally paying off; however, a sense

Great Demon God’s right hand had been severed, he

from the severed hand as

dirty trick on them. The signs of swelling and the dangerous aura undoubtedly indicated that he planned to make his original palm explode. Although this would cause great damage to his body, the price the Star

could survive the detonation of the severed palm. It was hard to even say

of sadness flashed across Zhan Wu Hen’s eyes. They had given their all, risking their lives, but in the

charged toward Great Demon God as he gathered his strength

Everyone could clearly tell that the figure that appeared so suddenly belonged to Yang Kai. Besides, only a person proficient in the Dao of Space like him could arrive in time at such a critical juncture. Nobody else had

palm into the Void Crack at this moment. In the next moment, a huge shockwave emerged from the spot where Yang Kai had vanished. Immediately after that, a black hole appeared at that spot and expanded rapidly, devouring a huge part of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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