Martial Peak

Chapter 3817

Chapter 3817, Rebirth

Mu Lu shrank back slightly after being told off. As a Wood Spirit, she was naturally close to all sorts of flowers, plants, and trees. Be that as it may, even she would find it difficult to accept if she was turned into a flower or a tree. What more Yang Kai who was a living Human?

Mu Zhu comfortingly said, “Don’t panic, Master. Now that you have refined and used the Immortal Tree as your body, you might be able to take on a Human form in the future if you work hard on your cultivation. You must know about how plants and trees become Spirits, right? There are many plants and trees in this world that cultivate for many years to become Spirits and assume Human form. Besides, the Immortal Tree is a Supreme Treasure, so it might be a blessing in disguise. Who can say? When you take on a Human form one day, you might find that you not only regain your former strength but also experience tremendous growth.”

“That makes sense!” Yang Kai wanted to nod his head but could only make the branches of the Immortal Tree sway from side to side, “But, you must know that cultivation is much more difficult for plants and trees compared to those with flesh and blood. No matter how hard I try, it will take thousands of years for me to assume a Human form!”

Mu Zhu was struck speechless. Just as she was about to say something though, Yang Kai raised a branch to stop her, “No need for words of comfort. I’ll try and figure out a way to leave the tree.”

After saying that, the Immortal Tree fell silent again.

The two Wood Spirits looked on eagerly from the side and a short while later, the aura of Yang Kai’s Soul appeared above the Immortal Tree. Immediately after that, Spiritual Energy that was visible to the naked eye flew out of the Immortal Tree and turned back into Yang Kai’s appearance.

It was just that Yang Kai’s expression seemed to contain some lingering fears. More than that, he seemed to be contemplating something. The process of refining and coming out of the Immortal Tree had been unexpectedly smooth and easy, almost as though there were no obstacles at all. It was completely unlike his numerous attempts in the past that failed so miserably that he believed all the legends to be false.

The biggest difference between now and before was that he no longer had a physical body. In that case, the condition to refine the Immortal Tree seemed to be undergoing destruction in order to experience creation. Only by completely removing the shackles of the physical body could the Immortal Tree be truly refined. As such, Yang Kai failed to meet the requirements for refining the tree in the past because he had a physical body.

When that thought crossed his mind, he smiled bitterly. Leaving aside whether his theory was correct, even if somebody other than him had gotten their hands on the Immortal Tree instead, who would willingly abandon their physical body just to refine it? It was a lucky coincidence that his body had been smashed to pieces and he had no other choice but to attempt this feat. It was surprising that it turned out to be such an easy success.

[If that’s the case…] Yang Kai frowned deeply, sinking deep into contemplation. Soon though, his eyes brightened and all of a sudden, he seemed to make up his mind about something and declared, “I’m going out for a bit.”

After saying that, his Divine Sense surged and he plunged headfirst into the Immortal Tree, vanishing out of sight. A short while later, the Immortal Tree pulled up its own roots and broke free of the ground in the medicine garden. The bare branches swayed and danced, sweeping through the air and leaving the Small Sealed World in an instant.

time for the two Supreme Treasures to meet each other. The Soul Warming Lotus had always been contained within his Knowledge Sea, so this chance had never presented itself

reached out a branch and wrapped the Soul Warming Lotus in his embrace. The seven-coloured light enveloped the entire small

this vitality passed, the pieces of scattered flesh and severed limbs seemed to gather together. It didn’t take long before

through the Void was a huge meatball. The meatball was composed of countless pieces of flesh

he tried on a whim would actually work. As time went by, the meatball became larger and larger, gradually turning into a several-dozen-metre-diameter behemoth. A slow and heavy thumping sound came out from within the fleshy mass, beating rhythmically, and with every rise and fall of the

meat had been gathered in one place and the meatball was quietly suspended in the Void, the thumping sound beating loudly and strongly. The surface of the meatball bulged from time to time as though something was about

simply unprecedented. The Immortal Tree that was as tall as a person seemed to dissolve into pure vitality and merge together with the pieces of flesh. Then, the flesh began

he could finally perceive his existence once more. It wasn’t just the ethereal existence of his Soul, but a rebirth in the truest

arms out in front of him, his actions accompanied by a loud explosion as the enormous meatball

Kai scanned the internal condition of his body and quickly determined there were no hidden dangers. Rather, his body was in a better than peak state. Not only was his physique reformed completely, but even the wounds he suffered from the previous battle with the Great Demon God were gone. In addition, the vitality surging through his body was so dense that even he found it difficult to believe. Since he had a Dragon Source, his vitality had always been stronger than others; even so, the difference was like clouds

Tree was nowhere to be seen, seemingly having integrated itself into every piece of his body and every drop of his blood. He felt as though even the Void itself would shatter in his grip if he so much

resurrection, his skin was fair and clear, like that of a newborn. Even the spattering of grey

Lord in the Flowing Time Temple. The Time Principles that had been used at the time had eaten away at him and drained a lot of his lifespan, leading to damage to his foundation. Yang Kai had failed to recover from that damage even after becoming a Great Emperor, but the damage was now gone without any treatment

grey hair had turned black again meant that the lifespan he lost had been returned to him once more. Thinking about it again, the legend claimed that a person

didn’t know whether he was immortal and indestructible now, but refining the Immortal Tree had definitely increased his lifespan by a great extent; otherwise, a change

a wide grin and he laughed heartily before he shouted,

Yang Kai standing in the Void immediately appeared in front of them. The two of them widened

thinking about it, he added another snow-white mantle on top of his clothes. The

the Sixty-First Army had been founded, Shan Qing Luo and the others had asked Hou Yu to refine this mantle. The raw materials they selected were all extremely precious materials and it could be

that it would resonate with the ‘Kill’ character on the banners when he led the Sixty-First Army against their enemies and thereby increase his intimidating factor. Unfortunately, Yang Kai had found it too ostentatious and never wore it. It would come in handy at a time like this though as a newcomer arriving on the scene definitely needed a decent

that was connected to his heart and reaching out his hand into the Void,

through the air towards Yang Kai. He grabbed that light in the palm of his hand. It was none

his aura suddenly became sharp and fierce. He fixed his gaze forward as though he could look into the war-torn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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