Martial Peak

Chapter 3823

Chapter 3823, Giant Spirit God

“He left!” Yang Kai responded as he stretched out a hand to play with Xiao Xiao. Xiao Xiao immediately crawled along his arm and came to his side. It was hard to imagine that this little one could transform into a giant like Tai Yue and wrestled with the Great Demon God.

In the previous battle, Tai Yue was defeated twice to the point where his body disintegrated. He was in no immediate danger, but like all the other Masters, he needed to have a good rest to recover.

“He sure left in a carefree manner,” Duan Hong Chen laughed.

“It’s good that he left,” Flower Shadow Great Emperor breathed a sigh of relief. While speaking, she secretly snuck a glance at Zhan Wu Hen.

Zhan Wu Hen was staring coldly in the direction that Wu Kuang left with a trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

Four Great Emperors had died at the hands of Wu Kuang during the battle in the Shattered Star Sea back then, and one of them had been Cyan Lotus Great Emperor, who was a close friend of Zhan Wu Hen’s. That was why Zhan Wu Hen greatly detested Wu Kuang and hated the Heaven Devouring Battle Law.

Nobody among the existing Great Emperors hated Wu Kuang more than Zhan Wu Hen. If possible, he did not mind fighting Wu Kuang to death in order to avenge his dead friend.

It was just that Great Demon God had been running wild earlier, so all the forces of the Star Boundary had banded together like strands of a rope. Zhan Wu Hen had no choice but to put aside his personal grudge. What more at this time when the Star Boundary could no longer withstand any more hardship? Besides, Wu Kuang had devoured Mo Sheng, so there was no way for Zhan Wu Hen to defeat Wu Kuang with his current strength.

“It’s good that he left. It’s good that he left,” Duan Hong Chen couldn’t help nodding at those words. All those years of sharing one body with Wu Kuang had been extremely suffocating for him. Now that Wu Kuang had his own body, it could be said that Duan Hong Chen was finally free of Wu Kuang. The only thing that upset Duan Hong Chen was that Wu Kuang had used his body to cast the Heaven Devouring Battle Law to devour the Spiritual Essence of Great Demon God during the last battle. Although that move had brought him a lot of benefits, it also left some residual hidden dangers. It could be said to be both beneficial and harmful.

“I wonder when we’ll meet again,” Yang Kai mentioned it casually while playing with Xiao Xiao. [Perhaps… we might never have the chance to meet again. The universe is so vast. Even if I break free of the shackles of this universe one day and head to the Outer Universe, what are the chances of meeting each other again?]

The words had only just left his mouth though when he suddenly furrowed his brow and looked up at the sky. Likewise, the others seemed to sense something at that moment. When they looked up into the sky, they saw a black spot rapidly descending, wrapped in a ferocious aura. The black spot quickly enlarged in their field of vision to become a several thousand-metre-tall giant. Who else could it be but Wu Kuang, who had just left mere moments ago?

Yang Kai placed Xiao Xiao on his shoulders and asked with a laugh, “Why did you return? Did you forget something?”

Wu Kuang’s expression was a little strange, but it was more solemn than not as he said, “You’d better come with me. The Star Boundary may be in big trouble.”

“What do you mean?” Zhan Wu Hen’s expression turned grim.

Kuang did not say much. Turning

communicating with each other via Divine Sense.


transmission. He was still unable to trust Wu Kuang’s character, but he nevertheless followed

mighty procession. The higher up they went, the stronger an invisible

a lot weaker,” Mo Huang couldn’t help sighing.


so many years, so how could they not have tried to leave and see what the outside world was like? Not only did they try, but they even attempted it more than once; therefore, they were more than familiar with this invisible resistance. They would encounter this force every time they tried to leave the Star Boundary, but it was different this time. The resistance was obviously much weaker than before. This force was none other than the shackles of the universe. Those who were not powerful enough would not be able to break free of these shackles and leap out

World’s blessing the moment they left the Star Boundary, so a Great Emperor would no longer be a Great Emperor. The world of the Outer Universe was extremely dangerous and they would not be able to withstand the resistance force for long before they had to return. Hence, even the Great Emperors knew nothing

breaths before everybody felt their bodies relaxing and the invisible pressure vanishing.

sound entered their ears. Everybody turned pale in unison and in the next moment, a gust of wind blew towards them. The wind was so strong that even the Great Emperors could not remain steady. They were blown off balance and staggered around unsteadily. It took quite some time before

explaining anything.

his words rang out, an extremely strong suction force came from the front. All the Great Emperors felt their bodies involuntarily being dragged in that direction. Their expressions became extremely colourful all of a sudden. Although they no

to the gust of wind just now. It came as quickly and bizarrely as it left, stopping after a

strange as he couldn’t help

moved his enormous body aside to reveal

stunned by the sight that greeted them while Yang Kai was absolutely speechless! There was an incomparably large figure lying down in the void in front of them. He looked like a rolling mountain range and none of them could tell how tall or


mouth turned into a wind storm that swept across tens of thousands of kilometres of space. When he inhaled, the suction force affected everything within a similar radius.

emanating from the giant’s body. It was so powerful that it made the Great Emperors feel despair. It was also countless times

that…” Flower Shadow Great Emperor could not stop herself from gulping nervously, her pretty face turning pale. She had not felt so powerless even when facing Great Demon God. She knew instinctively that this recumbent giant in front of her

The expressions

withstand any further shocks. He was sleeping so close to the Star Boundary that they even suspected that the Star

who looked like he did not know whether to laugh or cry. He never imagined that he would see this fellow again so soon. It had not been long since he last met him, not to mention, he recalled that this big

what he is, right?” Wu Kuang turned to look at Zhang Ruo Xi

look at Zhang Ruo Xi. Zhan Wu Hen

this sight with his very own eyes, he would never have thought that such huge creatures existed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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