Martial Peak

Chapter 3827

Chapter 3827, Greatly Auspicious Day

“Uh…” Yang Kai touched his nose, “If I think about it carefully, I should be part of the groom’s family today. I should probably go to Temple Master Wen’s side instead.”

After saying that, he turned to leave.

Yu Ru Meng grabbed him by the shoulder, however, and demanded, “You can leave, but the wedding gifts stay.”

He abruptly turned to look at her, “Whose side are you on?”

She sneered, “Today, we sisters are on the bride’s side!”

Speechless, Yang Kai could only leave the wedding gifts that he prepared beforehand behind. Only then could he make his escape. Since he could not meet the bride, his only other option was to go and visit the groom. The groom was on another Spirit Peak not far away, so he arrived in just a few steps.

A few disciples of the Temple like Xia Sheng and Xiao Bai Yi were waiting outside the room. Wen Zi Shan was the only person inside the room. Everybody was about to greet Yang Kai with a bow, but he raised a hand to stop them before pushing the door open and entering to see Wen Zi Shan sitting primly inside.

Wen Zi Shan was wearing an auspicious bright red robe with a huge red sash across his chest. He looked pensive and sighed constantly, seeming to be very apprehensive and nervous. When he lifted his head and saw Yang Kai, he immediately got to his feet, “You’re here, Senior Void.”

Yang Kai walked over to Wen Zi Shan, pressed the latter back into his chair, and sat down together. He studied the other party with interest before asking, “Temple Master Wen, are you not happy?”

Wen Zi Shan frowned slightly and replied with a strange expression, “I’m quite happy.”

“In that case, do you not like her?” Yang Kai pressed further.

Wen Zi Shan shook his head, “We’ve been together for so many years. How can I not like her?”

“If you are happy and you like her, then why do you look so sad and uneasy, Temple Master?”

“Haih.” He sighed, his aged face flushing slightly, “I raised her after all. I have no idea if doing this is a good thing or a bad thing for her.”

Yang Kai laughed, “I went to Purple Bamboo Peak just now.”

Wen Zi Shan looked over nervously, “How is the situation over there?”

Yang Kai scratched his nose, “I didn’t get to meet Senior Sister Gao. I was stopped by my wives, who claimed that the bride cannot meet any male guests before the wedding ceremony.”

“Hahaha!” Wen Zi Shan laughed heartily in response. He could almost imagine the scene at the time.

Yang Kai continued, “Although I didn’t get to meet Senior Sister Gao, I could sense that she was very happy and was looking forward to this very much. That’s why you shouldn’t look so down, Temple Master. She would be hurt if she knew.”

Wen Zi Shan grumbled, “But, I’m worried! Getting along is not the same as living well as husband and wife! What if she discovers that this Wen is not that great after all!? Will she hate me!?”

Yang Kai’s eyes, “I see. You’re actually worried about dragging her down for the rest of her life. It’s not about losing your freedom.” He chuckled, “You’ve known each other for so long and she knows better than

Wen Zi Shan nodded but still looked

Mo Sheng’s plans had been successful. You and I both would have lost our lives in battle. Danger always comes unexpectedly. The Star Boundary is at peace again for the moment, but who knows what the future will bring? Who can say that the Star Boundary won’t be ravaged again tomorrow? If that were to happen, you will have so many regrets because of all your

chuckled, “Are you saying we should enjoy life to

Kai shrugged

Zi Shan let out a long sigh, “It’s enough as long

voice came from outside the door, “Temple Master, the auspicious hour has arrived. We have to go and


bottle of wine on the table, and poured two glasses. He took one glass and handed the other to Wen Zi Shan, “Temple Master, I’m afraid I won’t be able to attend the banquet later. Allow me to present to

wanted very much to join in the festivities, but the joyous celebration would become very reserved and formal if he really were to attend in person. Therefore, he might as well not attend. He had

in one gulp and slammed the cup down on the table heavily before firmly

as if even a


Kai flew up into the sky. Duan Hong Chen, Zhan Wu Hen, Mo Huang, and Hua Ling Long hid and watched the procession

recuperating,” Duan Hong Chen

the war. Hence, it wasn’t until recently that they had the time to return to their respective residences to treat their wounds. They did not know how long would

after the auspicious event today; thus, it was conceivable that the

Wen Zi Shan might not command such great respect, but Duan Hong Chen did. Gao Xue Ting was raised by Wen Zi Shan while Wen Zi Shan was raised by Duan Hong Chen.

“Yang Kai, I’m afraid the Star Boundary will be in your care after

Yang Kai was in good shape. There was no helping it as he had refined the Immortal Tree. Even though he had also been severely injured in the battle against the Great Demon God, those injuries were nothing in the face of the healing abilities of the Immortal Tree’s

he did not gain an immortal and indestructible body after refining the Immortal Tree. The legends surrounding the Immortal Tree were probably highly exaggerated. If his physical body had been smashed to pieces again, he had the feeling that he would have died for real. In other words, the essence of the Immortal Tree was limited. It was impossible to protect him

may all

sighed heavily as he gazed sadly at the welcoming processing heading

astonished, “What’s

I had known earlier, I

Kai was instantly rendered

the bride after much effort. After ushering

Duan Hong Chen tidied his clothes and

to his parent figure, Duan Hong Chen. For that reason, Duan Hong Chen had specially dressed up for the occasion. Compared to his usual sloppy attire, he looked like a different person altogether. After

heading back first. We will be leaving the Star Boundary

and replied solemnly, “Until we meet

the other Great Emperors vanished out of sight

below. Yang Kai looked at them and immediately broke into a smile. They were none other than his lovely wives. Yu Ru Meng was in the lead, followed by Zhu Qing, Su

into the Main Hall and Li Wu Yi’s voice rang out. The Master of Ceremonies for today’s wedding was none other than the strongest Master beneath the Great Emperors! He was

bow to each

Sun Temple seemed to boil with excitement.

somebody crying next to him. He turned and looked sideways only to see Shan Qing Luo sobbing softly with reddened eyes. Moreover, she was looking at him while crying. There was a different kind of emotion in

Even Xia Ning Chang pursed her lips lightly with an expectant look. He immediately

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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