Martial Peak

Chapter 4002

Chapter 4002

Chapter 4002 – Chen Tian Fei

“Xing Chen has been forced to kneel?” A sinister and ferocious look flashed across the fatty’s face when he heard this.

If Zhao Xing Chen had just been thrashed, it would only mean that he was weaker than his opponent, but if he was being forced to kneel, that would be a complete humiliation. Regardless of his character, Zhao Xing Chen was a Scarlet Star Junior Commander, and more importantly, his relative whether he liked it or not. Abusing Zhao Xing Chen like this was tantamount to slapping his face. As Scarlet Star’s Fifth Manager, how could he take this lying down?

Seeing this, the woman quickly repeated what she had heard, of course after heavily embellishing the details.

The fat man coldly snorted, “Good, you stay here, I’ll go see who is so bold!”

After saying this, he went out, carrying his hands behind his back. At the same time, the woman behind him shouted aloud, “Husband, you must bring back Xing Chen, if he met any kind of misfortune, I won’t be able to live.”

“I know, I know.” The fatty waved impatiently.

After gathering his men, the fatty left his mansion and headed straight towards the inn.

Within an incense stick of time, the fatty and his men had arrived at their destination.

When he arrived at the door, the fatty saw his battered and bruised brother-in-law, Zhao Xing Chen, kneeling on the ground. He also found three men and a woman in the room standing to the side while a man and a woman sat at a nearby table. The young man sitting on the chair was drinking wine calmly and leisurely, like he cared nothing about the world around him.

The fatty paid no attention to the others, but when he saw the woman sitting, he couldn’t help but frown.

Yue He had visited the Star City many times before, and as a Fifth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master, she was naturally not some nameless character. Even if the higher ups of Scarlet Star had never dealt with her personally, they all recognized her.

In the outside world, the fatty wouldn’t dare to provoke a Fifth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master willfully; after all, he was only a Fourth-Order Master. Although there was only a single Order of difference between the two, there was a wide gap in their true strength.

However, they were inside the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary now. The Grand Ancient Ruins Rolling Fog suppressed and sealed all universes, so no matter what Order of the Open Heaven Realm they were outside, in this place their strength was greatly suppressed.

When the fatty walked into the restaurant, the entire restaurant shook with his steps.

Yang Kai turned his head to look, and saw a plump ball of meat slowly approaching. Every time his foot landed on the ground, the entire building quaked. Yang Kai’s pupils couldn’t help but shrink at the sight of this.

He had never seen someone this fat in his entire life. This man’s height and girth were basically identical. At first glance, he looked like a rolling ball of meat. His facial features were squeezed together because of all the fat, making it hard to distinguish them.

[Who in the world is he?] Yang Kai looked surprised.

Yue He knew that Yang Kai had been in retreat refining pills and knew nothing about the outside situation, so secretly informed him, “He is Scarlet Star’s Fifth Manager, Chen Tian Fei. He cultivates some unique Secret Art, and everyone calls him Fatty Chen Tian!”

Chen, who was kneeling on the ground, also noticed Chen Tian Fei’s arrival and was immediately overjoyed and

speaking, he struggled to

snorted and flicked his wrist, shooting a beam of energy out. Zhao Xing Chen immediately screamed and crashed to his knees once again as fresh blood spurted out of his thigh, unable to stand

approaching, but the fat on his face trembled a little as a cold gleam flickered across his long

Tian Fei arrived before the table and stood there like a mountain of meat, blocking all the light and giving everyone an

Hong and the others couldn’t help but be taken aback at the arrival of such a character. At the same time, they were secretly worried for

his head and

coldly snorted and waved his hand, taking out a chair from his Space Ring. He placed the chair behind him

wide and incomparably strong; ordinary chairs would

and greeted, squinting his

gave him an

Yue He, haven’t you gone overboard a bit this time? You should have left a little room for negotiation so as to not bring any harm to your companions! If my brother-in-law really did something stupid, it would have been fine to beat and scold him a little. Killing him would have been excessive, but making him kneel like this doesn’t

speaking to the wrong person. This has nothing to do with me, it was all done by my Young Master. If you want to say something, you should speak to

was shocked and now focused

he saw Yue He here, he made a prejudgment that Yue He was in-charge, but he had never expected a ‘Young Master’ to appear

look like anything special. I really don’t know why a Fifth-Order

a while, Chen Tian Fei asked, “May I ask Little

him and introduced himself, “Yang

nodded lightly, “So you’re that

beating his brother-in-law, only now did he come to know

Brother Yang have anything to say to this King?” Chen

Kai glanced at him and asked, raising his eyebrows, “What’s there

that you have something to say?” His tone turned colder, “Or is it that Little Brother doesn’t take my Scarlet Star seriously, and feels that you can

easy to talk to. Then I won’t beat around the bush either.” Yang Kai’s face

shock. Yang Kai never told her about any of

Commander and have yet to give this King a

wants an explanation, right? Then I will give you an explanation!” Yang Kai stated and raised his hand, gently pressing it towards Chen Tian

appeared on Fatty Chen Tian’s face. He also raised his big fatty palm and

other silently and uneventfully as

retracted his palm, picked up the glass of wine,

body rippled like waves and the chair

cooked from

the ground, causing the floor of the restaurant to collapse. At the same time, a surge of heat gushed out from Chen Tian Fei’s pores, along with a

all over. Not only that, but his plump body also seemed to have shrunk by half, making his tight

looked at Yang Kai in horror as the fat on his face kept

Manager Chen find this explanation satisfactory?” Yang Kai asked without so much as raising his head and looking at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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