Martial Peak

Chapter 4060

Chapter 4060 – Elite Gathering

The next morning, when Yang Kai and Xu Zhen left the residence, everyone came to see them off.

Yue He hid at the back of the crowd with a terrible look on her face. Yang Kai heard from Guo Zi Yan that this woman threw a huge tantrum last night, smashing the things in her room and scaring them so badly that they did not even dare to breathe too loudly.

Yang Kai looked at Guo Zi Yan and instructed, “This trip should not take too long. While I am away, watch over them and supervise their cultivation carefully. If you need any resources, ask Yue He.”

Guo Zi Yan answered, “Yes.”

Yue He pouted at the back, “Hmph...”

Yang Kai glanced at her, “Yue He, you know what to do if you encounter any danger that you cannot handle.”

Yue He tilted her head to the other side, “Heh heh...”

Lu Xue felt guilty to hear her laugh like that and stepped forward, “Sir, should this Mistress follow you?”

“No need. Just stay here and help Yue He manage the Star City.”

Lu Xue withdrew reluctantly and glanced quietly at Yue He, only to see this woman smiling coldly at her. That smile sent shivers down her spine and she knew that if this misunderstanding was not unravelled soon, she would not have an easy life in the future.

“You can all return now. Brother Xu, let us go,” Yang Kai called out to Xu Zhen before rising to the sky.

Xu Zhen followed nimbly behind.

After the two of them left, Yue He finally put away the smile on her face and lifted her skirt in a huff, turning around and leaving. Lu Xue quickly followed her shouting, “Big Sister Yue He, there is something that I wish to speak with you about!”

Yue He shot her a brilliant smile, “What a coincidence. I also have something to say to Little Sister Lu. Let us go to my room.” Saying so, she took Lu Xue’s arm affectionately and brought her off with a big smile.

Guo Zi Yan and the others at the back could not help but shudder.


The Sun, Moon, and Stars did not exist in the Grand Ancient Ruins, and without them, Yang Kai did not even know which direction he was flying in. Following behind Xu Zhen, they sped along for three days, passing by many cultivator strongholds, which Yang Kai looked at in amazement.

These strongholds came in all shapes and sizes. Some were grand, while others were extremely well hidden. The large ones could house tens of thousands while the small ones could hold no more than several hundred, eking out a living in the strange environment of the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary.

There were also crumbling strongholds that had quite obviously been destroyed by Beast Tides. Rotten corpses lay around in an upsetting manner.

City was swallowed up when the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary opened, and at least several hundred thousand people were sucked in. Now, after several years, it was

perished in Sword Pavilion’s Star City alone, so the number of lives lost since the opening of the

sound of beating waves from afar,

is a sea in the

familiar with is nothing more than one corner of

entered their view. Waves curled up as high as 30 meters, making a

said that they were seeking a Seventh-Order Water Element treasure, and the sea was filled with the Water Element Power, so it should come as no surprise for it to produce a

arriving at the sea, they flew for 6 more hours

several unfamiliar auras. Looking over, he saw several scattered figures ahead,

his back. His stalwart figure was dressed in black robes and when he

of him was a young girl sitting on a rock. She kept her head down and Yang

a thousand meters behind the young girl. He was silently cultivating and his figure bobbed along with the wind. Yang Kai could

Even though none of these people were in the Open Heaven Realm, they all gave him the feeling that they were not to be trifled with. Were these the friends that Xu Zhen talked about? Yang Kai had

the black-robed young man standing with his hands behind his

pause, he added,

saying such words, not showing any of his emotions. Lin Feng coldly snorted and turned to look at Yang Kai instead, raising his chin at him, “You made

asked.” He turned to Yang Kai, “Brother Yang,

from a Paradise or Cave-Heaven. Just think of me as grass by the roadside

Xu Zhen was stunned.

break through to the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm directly. He had a Master in the Fifth-Order Open Heaven Realm such as Yue He following him around, calling him Young Master, so he really thought that he was either from a Cave-Heaven or a Paradise. It was surprising to

of a Cave-Heaven or

believe him, but since Yang

“Fatty, this guy isn’t a disciple of any Cave-Heaven or Paradise,

Yang’s skills before. In terms of ability,

battle intent was instantly heightened, and his aura was suddenly pushed to its limit. A burning gaze was locked onto Yang Kai, as

Heaven Realm, he was still strong enough to fight a few rounds with a Master in

it.” Xu Zhen eyed him speechlessly, “You will naturally see his

and said, “Brother Yang, let me introduce you. This guy is Lin Feng, a Core Disciple

cupped his fists courteously, “Greetings Brother

really is a Cave-Heaven

had been sucked into the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, but he didn’t expect to meet them today,

Kai had no idea why these few happened to be in that Star City at that time

them, favoured sons and daughters of

snorted, pointing his nose

Xu Zhen pointed to the girl who seemed to

in a hurry and her cheeks seemed to be puffed. She greeted

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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