Martial Peak

Chapter 4094

Chapter 4094

Chapter 4094 – I’m So Sad

[So this is the Ah Ku that Grape and Little Mushroom mentioned?]

Yang Kai’s expression changed and he began observing the Divine Medicine, Ah Ku. He had no idea whether to laugh or cry, because the Divine Medicine’s appearance was truly terrible. He had no idea what sort of miraculous effects it had.

At that moment, Ah Ku heaved a heavy sigh, “I’m so sad!”

His sigh was so long that he seemed to be able to exhale all his five viscera and six organs.

Yang Kai’s heart suddenly felt shaken, and a feeling of depression overwhelmed him. He suddenly felt as if everything was meaningless. So what if he spent more than ten years in this Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary and collected unimaginable wealth? They could pile up in his Space Ring, but they were merely dead things.

So what if he put his life on the line to search for the Innate Spirit Fruit in the Primordial Land? In the end, he was only doing it for Zhu Jiu Yin’s sake, and he could not even take a bite of the fruit.

What could he get in return for his efforts of escaping from this world and getting back to the Outer Universe, after narrowly escaping death so many times? Maybe by the time he found the World Tree, the Star Boundary would have already collapsed, and the trillions of lives living there would have vanished.


All kinds of negative emotions hidden in the depths of his heart poured out along with the Divine Medicine, Ah Ku’s sigh that was almost able to drown his consciousness completely.

Yang Kai gradually slowed down; he had lost his goal of moving forward and fighting.

On Yang Kai’s shoulder, Pu Bai Xiong covered his face with a root tendril and sobbed, “I, Pu Bai Xiong, change my name to Pu Ninety-Nine Xiong from now on. How else am I going to face the world? Just let me die...”

Little Mushroom, who was sitting on Yang Kai’s other shoulder, bawled and cried, “What am I crying for? I’m so sad, wahhh...”

Yang Kai stifled a grunt and bit down the tip of his tongue ruthlessly. As the taste of blood spread out in his mouth, the Soul Warming Lotus protected his Soul and finally cleared his mind.

He was so shocked that his body was covered in a cold sweat as he looked at the Divine Medicine, Ah Ku, with fear.

This thing was truly bizarre. It was no wonder Little Mushroom was so afraid of him. She said that she felt extremely sad each time she saw this guy, and sure enough, that really seemed to be the case.

His sigh sounded like nothing out of the ordinary, but it had the strange ability to stir up the darkness in one’s heart, making it impossible for them to hold themselves up.

The one who obtained Ah Ku was a young man with a clean appearance. He did not look much older than Yang Kai, and he had a gloomy look on his face at this moment. Suddenly smashing his fist on Ah Ku’s head, he gritted his teeth and snapped, “Shut up! Don’t talk unless I tell you to!”

his head when he was hit, and his wrinkled face furrowed even more as he sighed, “But I really am

into the ground. Without

Mushroom had also recovered and

into Ah Ku?” Pu

be moving towards the same goal as him. He was able to come here so

the group of people who obtained the Divine Medicines must also be able to receive directions from them. It would

ran into Ah Ku! That guy is just bad luck!” Pu

you sure the fruit tree is on

tree has always been on the mountain. He’s never

going to have to see that Ah Ku again.” With that, his body shifted, and

away, but it was not close either. It

Xiong warned Yang Kai along the way, “Sir must be very careful. Nothing good

he just said he

Xiong was relieved, “That’s good. It would have been bad

not understand, but he did not ask

mountain when suddenly, his expression changed. Gazing towards its peak, he saw a lofty fruit tree with

[The Innate Fruit Tree!]

was really here. He just had to grab an Innate Spirit Fruit and bring it back to Zhu Jiu Yin in exchange for the safety of Yue He and the others. This was the main reason he was in this Primordial Land

surprised to find a very faint trace of World Force drifting from

be known that within the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, the Small Universe within the Open Heaven Realm Masters was suppressed and sealed, so it could not be accessed. Naturally, World Force from a Small Universe could not be exerted; otherwise, Yang Kai and the other Emperor Realm cultivators would not have been able to shine. The Open Heaven Realm Masters would have robbed the Grand

entered the Primordial Land were all Emperor Realm Masters. Having not split Heaven and Earth apart within their bodies yet, they were all

Kai clearly felt a faint World Force coming

These people were all

there were also those in small groups of three to five. A few larger cliques had formed, with the largest numbering in

the scene, Yang Kai

that he saw on the road were there, standing alone at the side. The

holding Purple Bamboo and nodded lightly at

was only natural that

his head to look in a certain direction. There, he saw

around the man’s body, where seven

it was only for a moment, he

nor did

Bottle Gourd that Grape mentioned before. The seven small bottle gourds represented each of the Yin,

man was wounded and bloodied, which meant that he must have fought with someone. From his travel-worn appearance, he must

Yang!” Someone suddenly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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