Martial Peak

Chapter 4109

Chapter 4109

Chapter 4109 – Gold Sword

The noises slowly died down. After the three Silver Swords were destroyed, there were no more leaders for the thousands of swords in this valley. In an instant, they gave up any attempt to resist. Just like what happened in the first valley, the Black Iron Swords in this place pushed the ores towards Yang Kai to indicate that they had surrendered.

Perhaps this was the rule in this world. As long as one could kill the leader of the enemies, they could get his opponent’s subordinates.

Yang Kai had brought hundreds of swords with him, and after the battle, the number of his subordinates had increased by tenfold. It could be said that he had gained a handsome reward. The ores in this valley were also much richer than those in the previous one. Many of the ores that had been excavated were silver ores. If Yang Kai and Lang Qing Shan could absorb the power in them, it would be greatly beneficial to them.

That was not to say there were only gains. Yang Kai suffered an immense loss as the hundreds of swords he had brought with him were almost wiped out while the thousands of swords that were originally in this valley had suffered heavy casualties and damage.

Yang Kai simply told Lang Qing Shan to kill the tattered swords to help restore his power as well as get rid of some burdens.

They went on to stay in this valley for the next few days to absorb the power in the mined ores. The ordinary ores were no longer useful for them, so they only drew in energy from the silver ores. The rest of the ores were given to the others, which helped those Black Iron Swords increase their strength.

Seven days later, Lang Qing Shan’s power had increased significantly, and he was also able to use a sword wave now.

During this period of time, Yang Kai sent out over ten teams to scout the surroundings. If he and Lang Qing Shan wanted to grow their power, they had to look for more Silver Swords to kill. However, they were not aware of where the Silver Swords were located in this world inside the fruit, so they had no choice but to take it slow.

Fortunately, the scout teams returned and brought some useful information back.

Two days later, they set off on their journey. Under the leadership of Yang Kai and Lang Qing Shan, thousands of swords headed to their destination in an imposing manner.

After just three days, they reached a location that was managed by a Silver Sword. This location was similar to the first place Yang Kai managed to snatch with only one Silver Sword in charge and hundreds of swords working under him. Certainly, they were not able to resist Yang Kai’s army.

Thousands of swords charged forward and easily destroyed their enemies. Yang Kai and Lang Qing Shan directly dealt with the Silver Sword, who wasn’t even able to use a sword wave yet. After just two moves, Yang Kai managed to end his life.

Since the leader was dead, the rest of the swords immediately surrendered.

Without stopping, Yang Kai led his army and headed to the next Silver Sword’s base.

These attacks continued on at a brisk pace. There were easy battles as well as difficult ones and it was not long before Yang Kai’s army had grown from thousands to several tens of thousands to now a hundred thousand, just like a rolling snowball.

Besides quantity, their collective power had increased as well. There were many new Silver Swords under Yang Kai’s leadership now. These Silver Swords were originally Black Iron Swords that as they assisted Yang Kai and Lang Qing Shan in battle, killed countless enemies and absorbed their opponents’ energy, which allowed them to ascend to become Silver Swords.

Kai and Lang Qing Shan, there were over 50 Silver Swords in this hundred-thousand-strong army with

Every team was led by a Silver Sword and as they worked well with

the glow on his blade suggested

long have we been

replied, “Sir, we will have been here

year!” Yang Kai

of bubbles for a month. He thought that it was already a

passed faster in the world inside the fruit than in the outside world, Yang Kai felt he had stayed in this place

the past six months, even though Yang Kai and Lang Qing Shan had gained lots of rewards and had been

attacks, he would begin to see a glimmer of hope. But now, he realised that he still had not the foggiest idea of what

to decode the secret in this world, he would

get stuck inside the fruit

Silver Sword. Even if he destroyed more swords, his power wouldn’t increase one bit, nor could he ascend to

Shan was in the same situation. Yang Kai had reached the peak of his power before Lang Qing Shan did, but in the past six months, they had wiped out countless bases and Lang Qing Shan had

whether the next level even

powerful existences. If that was the case, how were they supposed to

had asked the other Silver Swords about it, but they knew nothing as well. These Silver Swords were all upgraded from Black Iron Swords, so

crest with an

to look at him and asked

pointed at the bottom of the mountain with his blade, “In

it a thought, Yang Kai said,

hundred thousand army. It wasn’t necessary for him to personally

carry out his task while Yang Kai looked up at the sky with

information that had been collected was right. After just one hour, an army of swords came into

move around. They

army was clearly looking for a

Yang Kai became startled and frowned. That was because

in a ten-thousand-strong army. Nevertheless, Yang Kai could see that there were

just over 50 Silver Swords in

to take part in countless battles, and they had also gone against several armies with a hundred thousand swords as well;

Sword to send a message to Lang Qing Shan to keep his guard


hidden in nearby places, and when the enemy army passed by, the over fifty teams, each led by a Silver Sword, charged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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