Martial Peak

Chapter 4192

Chapter 4192

Chapter 4192 – Flying Flower Boat’s Suspicions

Upon entering the windmill, Tong Yu Quan immediately came face to face with Yang Kai, who was standing right in front of him. When their eyes met, a trace of anger and murderous intent flashed through the Protector’s eyes before he lowered his gaze and said, “I wish to check on Yu’er’s injury.”

“Protector Tong, please come this way.” Yang Kai gestured to the side.

Tong Yu Quan lowered his head and entered a small room. Shangguan Yu was lying quietly inside. Her breathing was steady even though blood stains remained on her chest while her complexion was slightly pale.

Stepping forward with a sullen expression, Tong Yu Quan sat down next to her and reached out to place his fingers against her wrist. After a quick check of her pulse, he discovered that his daughter’s aura was stable. It was clear that somebody had tended to her injury. Moreover, there was a powerful medicinal efficacy flowing through her meridians and blending into her body to heal her wound.

“I asked Lu Xue to treat her injuries just now. There should not be any problems. She will only need to rest for a few days to recover completely.” Yang Kai’s voice sounded from behind.

Tong Yu Quan coldly snorted and said nothing in response. What happened this time was ultimately a result of Shangguan Long’s greed. Yang Kai had only acted to protect himself. Nevertheless, there was no denying that he caused Shangguan Yu’s injury. Even if Yang Kai was Shangguan Yu’s saviour, Tong Yu Quan could no longer view Yang Kai favourably.

“Junior Sister Yu will probably wake up tomorrow, but it is not convenient for me to explain this situation to her. She might not believe me even if I explained the truth to her, so to avoid any unnecessary disputes, I ask that you leave a jade slip that contains the entire story of what happened behind, Protector Tong. I will hand it to Junior Sister Yu when she regains consciousness. I’m sure she will believe what you say.”

Tong Yu Quan said, “I’ll stay here and explain the situation to Yu’er when she wakes up.”

Yang Kai shook his head, “No. The fact that I allowed you to check on Junior Sister Yu is my greatest display of sincerity. I cannot allow you to remain inside the windmill for so long. You are a Fourth-Order Open Heaven Master after all. If a fight breaks out, I will have a hard time resisting. Please understand, Protector Tong.”

Tong Yu Quan raised his head and glared at Yang Kai, “If I wanted to do that, I would already have done that from the beginning. Why would I waste my time here bickering with you?”

Yang Kai shook his head slowly, “While I also believe that you have no other intentions, Protector Tong, I am taking these precautions just in case. Before boarding Flying Flower Boat’s vessel, I never imagined that what happened today would occur either. Madam Long is a person who can repay kindness with enmity. As her beloved, what is to say that you are not influenced by her, Protector Tong?”

“She is she. I am me. Don’t confuse me with that vile woman.” Tong Yu Quan was furious.

Yang Kai quickly said, “If you insist, Protector Tong, we will end up confronting each other here. I hope you can keep Junior Sister Yu safe during the fight later. She is innocent after all.”

While Yang Kai was speaking, Lu Xue quietly appeared behind him, her beautiful eyes staring at Tong Yu Quan coldly.

furious expression suddenly collapsed and he nodded, “Good. I will do as you say. I will leave a message to tell Yu’er what happened, but you have to promise that you won’t hurt a single hair

anything, I promise that not a single hair on your daughter’s head will

had better!” Tong Yu Quan gritted his

requested, he left behind a jade slip that contained a record of the whole story

wrong with it. Everything described in the jade slip did not contain the slightest fabrication or embellishment. It only lacked the fact that Shangguan Yu had been affected by the Seven Emotions and Six Desires Wine, which caused her to do some rather disrespectful

of thing, so he said nothing about it. He put the

before it continued to follow them. This was one of Yang

When she opened her eyes, her eyes were filled with confusion. Her memory had stopped at the point

a familiar voice entered her ear, “Junior Sister Yu, please don’t be impatient. You were injured, so it’s best if you don’t move

her beautiful face instantly turned pale. She could sense that she was indeed injured. Moreover, the injury was very close to her vital points. It could almost be said that she had narrowly missed

Yang? Where are my parents?” She

not say much and simply handed her the

into it. As she checked the contents, her face turned deathly pale. She was very familiar

information inside the jade slip, Yang Kai had gotten into conflict with Flying Flower Boat. In the end, he took her

Boat Masters were

had already changed drastically. Her saviour had turned against her parents, stabbed her with a sword, and used her as a hostage to escape.

Yu, please don’t panic. As long as you remain here quietly, I won’t do anything

pursed her lips and nodded almost

was not serious and Lu Xue had personally helped to treat her wounds

hard about certain things over the past few days. For example,

feeling that things were not quite as simple as she had been told. Although she mustered her courage to ask

passed through a Territory Gate half a month later. Then, Lu Xue’s voice rang out,

Kai’s closed eyes slowly opened

Lotus Flower Artifact also passed through the Territory Gate and stepped into

windmill 3,000 kilometres ahead

Void Land are not heading

She raised her brow

Territory Gate, then it could only mean that they were almost at their

immediately took out the Universe Chart and referred to it, “Boat Master, this is Seven Wonder

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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