Martial Peak

Chapter 4216

Chapter 4216

Chapter 4216 – Exposure and Warning

Yang Kai smiled at Old Zhou, “What if I refused?”

Old Zhou calmly said, “You have no reason to refuse, Nephew. Fighting life or death battles in the Asura Arena might be able to help a person grow extremely fast, but there is no point in participating if you are simply going to one-sidedly crush your opponents. Even Yu Luo Sha could not last for more than ten breaths against you. There are few below the Open Heaven Realm in this vast universe who have the qualifications to stand before you. You won’t be able to meet a suitable opponent even if you enter the Asura Arena again. In that case, why would you waste your time by returning to the Asura Arena?

“Besides, even if you do enter the Asura Arena again, the Asura Arena can adjust the odds so while we won’t make money, we can minimize our losses. That is why I believe that you have no reason to refuse. What do you say, Nephew Yang?”

Yang Kai considered those words for a moment and nodded, “What you say does make sense, Old Zhou.”

Old Zhou grinned lightly at Yang Kai, “So, do we have a deal?”

Yang Kai laughed, “It’s not like I can’t agree to never set foot in the Asura Arena again. But, I have to ask that you restrain Junior Sister Yu, Old Zhou. I’m worried that she might not be convinced even after the battle today…”

Old Zhou replied, “Please don’t worry about this, Nephew. Xiao Yu’er might be stubborn, but she is not a fool. I’m certain that she will not challenge you again when she knows that she cannot defeat you and that her actions will only humiliate herself once more. Nevertheless, this Old Master will restrain her!”

“And, about the compensation…”

He raised an eyebrow at Yang Kai’s words, “Nephew Yang, do you think that it is too little?”

Yang Kai rubbed his fingers together and said slyly, “How can there ever be such a thing as too many Open Heaven Pills?”

Old Zhou pondered for a moment and came to a decision, “This Old Master can give you another 50 million. What do you think, Nephew?”

Yang Kai’s expression became stern, “50 million doesn’t sound that nice. Why don’t you round it up to a whole number instead?”

Old Zhou’s expression became stiff, “Nephew Yang, you should show some propriety. Don’t be too greedy. This is already the limit that this Old Master can provide under his authority. If you ask for more, this Old Master will have to pay you out of my own pocket. If you agree to this deal, you will not only receive a large amount of Open Heaven Pills but also the friendship of Asura Heaven. This is a very good deal for you.”

After saying that, his eyes flashed for a moment and he looked at Yang Kai seriously before adding, “Coincidentally, this Old Master heard of a name recently. That name is exactly the same as yours, Nephew Yang Kai.”

Yang Kai smiled, “The 3,000 Worlds is extensive. There are trillions upon trillions of living creatures scattered across the vast universe. I’m sure there are people out there with the same name as me.”

exact same name and surname. What’s strange is that this person’s cultivation is also similar to yours.

expression changed and his eyes flashed, “What else did you hear

Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary incident. He made a huge fortune there and even condensed several High-Rank Open Heaven Elements. It seems he is very ambitious and intends to break through to the High-Rank Open Heaven Realm directly. Say, Nephew Yang Kai, don’t you agree that

Kai quickly replied, “Cultivators all seek to reach the peak of the Material Dao. How is that

difficult for a rogue cultivator to directly achieve the High-Rank Open Heaven Realm. This Old Master believes that this person will suffer a catastrophe in the future since he does not have any background nor support to rely upon. If he does not survive the catastrophe,

if he survives the catastrophe?”

“If he can survive the catastrophe, then this Old Master will cut off his head for him to kick around like

Kai couldn’t help but coldly snort in response, “Don’t get too high and mighty with your words, Old Zhou. Like water that has been spilled, the words you speak can never be taken back

survive the catastrophe, then he won’t. Forcefully pushing forward will only cause his Soul to be extinguished. This Old Master hopes that he can change his mind as soon as possible. If he only takes a step back, then all will end well; otherwise, it will be too late for regrets by the

Yang Kai looked livid.

the subject, “There’s no point in speaking about such irrelevant matters. Nephew

out his

smilingly took out another Space Ring and handed it to Yang Kai. That Space Ring contained an impressive 50 million Open Heaven Pills. He said meaningfully, “Nephew, this Old Master has a word of advice for you. Those who understand how to be flexible will rise

Kai muttered, “Many thanks for your advice, Old

look and seemed to see the determination in his eyes; thus, he sighed and shook his head before taking

and sent Old Zhou off. It wasn’t until Old Zhou was gone that he looked at the two Space Rings in Yang Kai’s hands with an envious look. Those Space Rings contained a whopping sum of 1.25 billion Open Heaven Pills. It was an amount he would never earn even if he worked all his life. A moment later, he suddenly jumped in fright, “Little Brother Yang, why is your expression

excuse, “I

now was not as easy as it seemed on

his fists and led Yue He away, his expression

was intending to reach the High-Rank Open Heaven Realm directly. So many people had witnessed what happened in

came out of the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary. If Asura Heaven could learn about the events inside the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, then it would not be

Kai was the same person mentioned in those rumours. Yu Luo Sha had condensed

Asura Heaven was already aware of this fact, then that was probably the case for all the other

he was very likely going to be suppressed by the various Cave-Heavens and Paradises. It was just that he

were discovered by those who were interested in him. Unless he

could advance into the Open Heaven Realm. Even if the Cave-Heavens and Paradises planned to suppress him, they would not make their move so quickly. They had reputations to worry about, so they had to be mindful

much water a barrel could hold depended entirely on the shortest board. They only needed to

today might seem like nothing more than kind advice, but they were actually a kind of warning, one that came from the various Cave-Heavens and Paradises. He did not dare to say that

him. Yang Kai tightly clenched his fists and looked up into the sky with a smirk on his lips.

you smiling so exaggeratedly?” Bai Qi’s face suddenly appeared in front

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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