Martial Peak

Chapter 4233

Chapter 4233

Chapter 4233 – Securing a Spot

What Old Bai mentioned immediately resolved all the questions that had been puzzling Yang Kai.

He had felt that something was a little strange when he first heard about the Sealed World known as the Blood Monster Cave Heaven. The Blood Monster Cave Heaven was a Small Universe left behind after the death of an Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master and contained the inheritance and wealth of that Master. How could anybody ignore such shocking benefits? Even the Cave-Heavens and Paradises would covet such riches.

If they coveted these riches, then why didn’t the Cave-Heavens and Paradises keep firm control over the Blood Monster Cave Heaven? Why did they allow other cultivators to enter? Why did they allow this to become a grand event that involved the entire 3,000 Worlds?

He had been unable to figure out the answer to these questions, so he eventually stopped wondering about it. It was not until this moment that he learned the truth. It was not that the Cave-Heavens and Paradises did not want to, but rather that they could not.

In the beginning, the entrances to the Blood Monster Cave Heaven were few and far between; thus, a few powerful forces could control the entrances and prevent the others from entering. Only disciples from their respective great forces would be selected to enter and explore the Blood Monster Cave Heaven. On the contrary, how could the Cave-Heavens and Paradises guard the entrances when one could appear anywhere in the Blood Monster Territory?

It was precisely because of this reason that the Second Class great forces, the Third Class great forces, the lesser-known organizations, and even the rogue cultivators acting alone had the opportunity to enter the Blood Monster Cave Heaven to take a share of the benefits.

Old Bai continued, “The entrances to the Blood Monster Cave Heaven are also becoming increasingly unstable. Sometimes, it is nothing more than a flash of light even when it appears in front of your eyes. It might vanish into thin air before you even get the chance to enter the Blood Monster Cave Heaven. Even if it did not vanish, each entrance can only allow one person to enter before it would collapse completely.”

“Each entrance can only allow one person to enter?” Yang Kai was stunned.

Old Bai gently nodded, “That’s right. You should now understand why I previously mentioned that although many cultivators flock to the Blood Monster Territory, not many can actually enter the Blood Monster Cave Heaven in the end.”

Yang Kai was enlightened.

According to Old Bai, one had to fight to enter the Blood Monster Cave Heaven. An entrance might appear in front of several cultivators, but that entrance could only support one person passing through before it vanished. The rest could only watch helplessly. In this way, only a few people could seize the opportunity to enter the Blood Monster Cave Heaven.

Old Bai snorted softly, “Every time the Blood Monster Cave Heaven opens, more than a million cultivators gather in the Blood Monster Territory. No, there might even be tens of millions of them. It’s just that most of them come here for nothing.”

the Blood Monster Territory; however, there were flight type artifacts and cultivators weaving about in the void everywhere as far as the eye could see. The numbers were indeed nothing to scoff at. Not to mention, these were only the ones that he could see. There were more out there that he could not see. After all, this situation was prevalent across the entire Blood Monster Territory at

he turned to look at Lang Qing Shan and the others, “When it’s almost time, you should enter the Small Sealed

him from the Grand Ancient Ruins Boundary, he also had

into the Blood Monster Cave Heaven with him.

attainments in the Dao of Space, it would not be difficult for Yang Kai to secure an entrance somewhere

was his original plan, but to his surprise, Lang Qing Shan and the others looked at each other for a while when they heard those words and did not answer immediately. As such, he asked

followed you into the Primordial Land, you protected us the entire time. In the end, we could only wait in the Small Sealed World without being able to help Sir in

sheltered flower in the greenhouse will not live long when faced with a true storm. In the future, we would

at Lang Qing Shan calmly before turning to look at the others, “Are

their fists and responded in unison,

a simple matter if you want to train yourself. Once we enter the

impossible for all of them to succeed. If they were to fight for the entrances on their own, some of them would surely fail. Moreover, it was

no objections to this suggestion; thus, they

discussion was settled, the Proprietress said, “Let’s go. We

Kai was taken aback by those

early, it stands to reason that we should occupy a favourable spot for ourselves. Take a look outside. Those with some measure of strength have claimed a large patch of the void and are preventing others from approaching them. That area is the territory that they have secured for themselves. If an entrance appears within their territory, they would have the advantage of

Yang Kai immediately understood.

area to occupy. The people from First Inn could not be considered late, but even more people had arrived before them. They searched for a long time but could not find a suitable position. Everywhere they went, numerous great forces had already occupied territories of

saw a gigantic and domineering palace towering in the void from a distance. A radius of ten thousand kilometres around that palace was completely empty. The artifacts and cultivators that came and went in a steady stream had to fly around the gigantic palace that was in the middle of their path. Needless to say, that gigantic palace belonged to either a Cave-Heaven or a Paradise. Only a First-Class great force could afford to create an artifact like that. That was a symbol of their identity

were Thirty-Six Cave-Heavens and Seventy-Two Paradises in the 3,000 Worlds, which came to a total of 108 First-Class great forces. Each of these great

was quite extraordinary in and of itself, but it was nothing compared to those artifacts belonging

was an unspoken rule of ‘first come, first served’. If a certain spot was taken by somebody, then the

small quarrels with several disciples in the Emperor Realm attacking each other. There were also some battles that were fought with their respective lives on the line. Even the Open Heaven Realm Masters leading

to show the intensity of these battles. The fights were already so intense before the

Guo Zi Yan, a Third-Order Open Heaven Realm Master. There were a total of four

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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