Martial Peak

Chapter 4250

Chapter 4250 – The Final Stage

The two of them had only just sat down for less than six hours. They were comprehending the Secret Art when they suddenly heard a loud laughter, “I did it! I comprehended it! Blood Monster Divine Monarch’s inheritance is mine!”

The wild laughter was extremely wanton and arrogant.

Affected by this disturbance, all the cultivators who were quietly comprehending the Secret Art under the stele involuntarily opened their eyes. They looked forward and saw the Great Thousand Blood Land disciple laughing maniacally with his head thrown back. The blood mist surrounding his body churned violently. It was terrifying to see.

At this moment, he was laughing while striding towards the blood lake. His eyes were filled with a look of desire. As long as he could pass the final section of the blood lake, then he could arrive at the palace in the middle of the lake and get a glimpse of the inheritance!

A black mist suddenly surged forward and turned into a pitch-black python. The black python opened its mouth wide and lunged at him. It looked extremely lifelike. Moreover, it was overflowing with Demon Qi, making it all the more horrifying.

The man jumped in fright and hurriedly backed away. The blood mist around him shuddered, wriggling and changing to transform into a blood-coloured knife that came slashing down on the black python’s head.

The blood knife beheaded the black python, but before the Great Thousand Blood Land disciple could let out a breath of relief, the severed pieces of the black python suddenly exploded into countless tiny snakes. Their tongues flickered as they hissed and shot towards him like lightning.

He gave a roar and used both hands to send out Secret Techniques. The blood knife instantly turned into a thousand blades that he slashed out as he backed away.

Black snake after black snake was cut to pieces and dissipated as Demon Qi. The blood blades also vanished in a short time. By the time all the black snakes were beheaded, the blood mist surrounding the Great Thousand Blood Land disciple had weakened considerably. He abruptly turned around and glared in a certain direction, “Pei Wen Xuan, what’s the meaning of this!”

The attack just now had been too obvious. He didn’t even need to guess to know that the attack came from Pei Wen Xuan of Myriad Demons Heaven and he was both shocked and furious.

Pei Wen Xuan sat there motionlessly and stared at the Great Thousand Blood Land disciple coldly, “I just can’t stand the sight of you!”

The Great Thousand Blood Land disciple was absolutely livid. Unfortunately, his strength was lacking. He knew that he was not Pei Wen Xuan’s opponent, so he was forced to suppress his rage, “Brother Pei, this Zhou Yi will not forget your gift today and will be certain to return the favour in the future!”

The meaning behind his words clearly indicated that he would get his revenge one day.

After throwing out those harsh words, he moved to set out for the palace in the middle of the lake. He had only just started walking when he heard Pei Wen Xuan saying faintly, “I dare you to take a step forward and see what happens.”

dare to put his foot down. He glared at Pei Wen Xuan,

could sense that Pei Wen Xuan’s gaze was locked tightly on him like a panther that was about to pounce on its prey. The rage in his heart was like a volcano that was about to erupt, squeezing him to the point where it

Xuan calmly replied, “If you left quietly after comprehending the Blood Light Scripture, this Pei would not have bothered to cause trouble for you, but you deliberately made such a ruckus to disturb me. Because of that, all of my previous

Yi gritted his teeth, “I was simply overjoyed just now and

it was intentional or not, it’s up to me to decide. It’s pointless for you to argue with

do you

neck, “You just need to stand there quietly. Once this Pei finishes comprehending the Blood Light Scripture,

that it was the final stage and he was much further ahead compared to everybody else. How could Pei Wen Xuan force him to wait here!? How could he be willing!? If that truly were the case, then all his efforts and advantages from before would

that great. If you really want to stop me, Brother Pei, this Zhou will have no choice but to ask you for a demonstration of strength. If we end up fighting each

a mixture of reason and threat, but his response was not

you think that way, then you are sorely mistaken. Ask them yourself. Let’s see if they agree to let

gazes staring at him. Many of them looked like they were itching to take action; hence, he immediately became frightened. He realised that his actions just now

Xuan mentioned, he had deliberately laughed out loud to disturb the others who were in the middle of comprehending the Blood Light Scripture. He wanted to make them waste a little more time. Who could have

stepped forward to complain, but Pei Wen Xuan just had to stop him from leaving. With all the commotion they made, how could he possibly

mind, he gritted his teeth, “Good! I will do as you say, Brother Pei. I will wait for you. I just hope

man who knew how to adapt to the situation. Now that things had come to this point, it was better to wait patiently than to be besieged by everybody. Even if everybody entered the palace in the middle of the lake together, he would still have his own unique advantages; after all, his attainments

grinned and nodded, “Rest assured, this Pei

storm finally subsided. Aside from Zhou Yi who was standing there with a hideous expression on his face, everybody else on the third island continued to comprehend the Blood

initially wanted the others to enter the palace in the middle of the lake before him so that they could scout the way ahead for him. Unfortunately, his plans were completely ruined after what Pei Wen

the current situation, it was also not appropriate for him to stand out too much; otherwise, there was a high chance that he

Qi allowed him to comprehend the Blood Light Scripture more easily. He could confidently say that

something when he was on the previous islands; the more robust the Blood Qi of a cultivator, the easier it was for them to cultivate the Blood Light Scripture. At this point,

the middle of comprehending the Secret Art. At the same

the passing of time. He should have been investigating the palace in the middle of the lake by now, but he was forcibly held up in this place by Pei

period, more and more people arrived on the third island. Their numbers were not high, but the cultivators who made it this far were the elites among the elites. Bu Lian Zhong was one of them; however, his

opening his eyes by a narrow slit. The short man’s eyes twinkled behind those narrow slits

qualifications to set off for the palace in the middle of the lake, he did not reveal the fact immediately. It was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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