Martial Peak

Chapter 4445

Chapter 44

Chapter 4445 – Caught in the Act

Yin-Yang Combined Demons was one of the best Secret Techniques in Yin-Yang Cave Heaven. It was a Secret Technique that only a man and a woman who were in love with one another could cultivate. The man would cultivate a Yang Demon while the woman would cultivate a Yin Demon. Harsh requirements had to be met before they could cultivate it, and even if they succeeded, the Secret Technique would become useless if one of them fell out of love.

This Secret Technique had many uses. Not only could it assist the couple when they dual cultivated, increasing the rate of their cultivation, it could also be used as a Combined Attack Technique that would significantly increase their powers when they were faced with an enemy.

There was also another auxiliary use of the Secret Technique, which was what Qing Kui and Su Ying Xue were doing.

Presently, they were using the Yin Demon and the Yang Demon that they had nurtured for years to stir up the deepest emotions and magnify the feelings in other people’s hearts. At the same time, they were transferring their feelings of attraction and love for one another to the people who were the targets of this Secret Technique.

Qing Kui and Su Ying Xue had been a couple for many years, and their love for each other was deep and resolute. At this moment, they were using their Yin-Yang Combined Demons together to stimulate Yang Kai and Qu Hua Shang.

In other words, the feelings Yang Kai had for Qu Hua Shang were those of Qing Kui to Su Ying Xue, not his real sentiment. He was just influenced by the Secret Technique.

It was the same case for Qu Hua Shang.

However, there was a prerequisite for this Secret Technique to work. The people that the technique was used on had to be at least fond of each other; otherwise, the Secret Technique would not work.

If there was a blood feud between both parties and they were eager to hack each other to death, this Secret Technique would be completely useless as trying to amplify non-existent feelings would still result in non-existent feelings.

Yang Kai and Qu Hua Shang had gone through many life-and-death moments together and supported one another in the Grand Ancient Ruins and Blood Monster Cave Heaven, so both of them treasured the relationship they had. They were Humans, so there was no way they felt nothing for one another.

Regardless of Qu Hua Shang’s feelings for him, Yang Kai’s fondness for her was infinitely magnified under the influence of the Yin-Yang Combined Demons Secret Technique, which was proof that it had worked.

Qing Kui and Su Ying Xue continuously used different hand seals to sustain the effects of the Yin-Yang Combined Demons. As time passed, the inside of Qu Hua Shang’s room became more and more heated, and things seemed to be getting out of hand.

There came a moment when Qing Kui suddenly opened his eyes and said, “We should stop now; otherwise, they’ll really cross the final line.”

They needed Yang Kai to take part in the Dao Theory Assembly to turn things around and save Yin-Yang Cave Heaven’s face and protect Qu Hua Shang’s happiness; otherwise, they wouldn’t have done such a thing. Naturally, they wouldn’t sacrifice Qu Hua Shang’s innocence to achieve that.

According to Xu Ling Gong, Yang Kai would just be the shit-stirrer. He didn’t expect Yang Kai to come out the winner, but the latter had to take part in the event.

In fact, he had been waiting for this moment for quite some time. As he shuffled towards the valley, he sported a ferocious expression and murderous intent swirled around him, as though he was going to kill someone ruthlessly.

act and make sure that

would happen, they hurriedly stopped using

door of Qu Hua Shang’s room was kicked open. Despite already expecting it, Xu Ling Gong was

air. The curtains around the bed had been untied and presently, Yang Kai and Qu Hua Shang

gazed at Xu Ling Gong in horror as though they were two kids that had been

glance around the room and knew that these two young people hadn’t managed to do anything, yet.

Hua Shang had already been taken advantage of, but she hadn’t lost her purity; otherwise, it would be hard for her to explain herself to the winner

current situation was the

sky, “Qu’er, I’ve been your teacher for many years, but

was getting intimate with Yang Kai, her Honoured

with snake patterns, and there was a golden crown on his head. As Yang Kai gazed at the enraged man with surging murderous intent, he had the urge to dig

her Honoured Master. He still hadn’t the foggiest idea why he was so impetuous this time. He only intended to have a talk with Qu

how he would usually act. Fortunately, nothing had happened yet,

Yang Kai hurriedly

must die!” Xu Ling Gong yelled as his murderous intent almost materialised. Following

older man’s waist and shouted, “Please calm down, Honoured Master! He’s the

the latter would never let him go, so he roared,

Sister Qu will

Xu Ling Gong paused for a moment, then bellowed, “Get lost! So

thought that this was different from what they had agreed upon. It seemed that his Honoured Master was truly incensed. In order to prevent things from

kept persuading him for a long time before the

The way he glared at Yang Kai was like he wanted

quilt, and even the warm body beside

exhausted from having to play along with their Honoured Master who seemed to have completely forgotten about their

together with nothing but a quilt covering them, so Qing Kui sent Su Ying Xue a signal, who then leaped onto the

put down the quilt and asked worriedly, “Are

was all red as she clenched the quilt and shook her head. She was still reeling from the shock of the fact

Ying Xue lifted the quilt a little and took a peek below before finally breathing a sigh of

had her underwear on as she had only taken off her dress.

“Senior Sister, Honoured Master…”

Xue waved her hand, “Don’t worry. I’ll put in a good word for you. I’m sure he won’t blame

Qu Hua Shang asked, “I’m worried that he’ll harm Junior Brother Yang. Can you check on them

mood to be concerned about that little bastard at this point? You should mind your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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