Martial Peak

Chapter 4570

With no way to deal with the strange aura permeating the depths of Black Prison, they would inevitably incur losses when mining the Ore Stars located there.

The amount of resources that Xin Peng brought over on this trip could not be described as large, but the quality was excellent.

Without even mentioning the two Seventh-Order materials, there were a total of 34 Sixth-Order materials alone, with two Sixth-Order Yin and one Yang Element materials!

The latter were exactly the materials that Void Land was most in need of right now!

For the current Void Land, this was not exactly big news, but it was not small news either; however, knowledge about Xin Peng’s visit was limited to only a few people.

“What else?” Yang Kai gathered himself and asked.

“Gathering Yuan Union’s Young Union Master, Lu Jing came to visit a month ago, and has been waiting for Sect Master to exit retreat since his arrival.”

Yang Kai raised his brow, showing a look of surprise. At this juncture, almost over 70% of the Star City’s merchants had left. Even for those who chose to remain, a good many of them were still on the fence. The great forces with cooperative relationships with Void Land were all wishing they could cut off contact lest they draw unwanted fire to themselves.

[Why would Lu Jing rush over here to see me during this time? Is he acting in the Gathering Yuan Union’s name or is he here by himself?]

“Is he alone or with someone else?” Yang Kai asked.

Bian Yu Qing responded, “Apart from a few guards, he is alone.”

Yang Kai nodded, now having an understanding of the situation.

An hour later, inside the reception hall, Yang Kai met Lu Jing. After exchanging pleasantries, they took their seats.

“Brother Lu, what can I help you with on this visit?” Yang Kai looked at him curiously after taking a sip of tea.

Lu Jing responded with some awkwardness, “I have failed to make good on Senior Brother Yang’s favour, and I originally did not have the face to return because of that, but I had to come regardless because I owe Senior Brother a life-saving grace.”

Yang Kai was dumbfounded, “Why are you talking about that?”

Lu Jing said, “I have spoken to my Father about Senior Brother’s proposal. Originally, he seemed quite interested, but… things changed!”

He sighed deeply with a helpless expression on his face.

sour our relationship just because the deal did not go through, so pay

Yang Kai tried using distribution rights for the Heavenly Yuan Seal Stabilizing Pill as a bargaining chip in order to negotiate a deal with Gathering Yuan Union. Originally, he figured that since Gathering Yuan Union’s merchant ships were spread across the 3,000 Worlds, it would surely not be difficult for them to gather up some rarer resources. If Gathering Yuan Union could truly help him acquire

Land and Zuo Quan Hui had not broken out into

a great battle against Zuo Quan Hui and his Disciples, in which Zhou Ti was killed. Zuo Quan Hui subsequently became Heavenly Sword Union’s Union Master then spread word of his feud

was only natural for them to be very well-informed, which explained why Lu Jing said that things had changed. Even though his Father was interested in the Heavenly Yuan Seal Stabilizing Pill, he also had to watch out for

heading to the Black Prison and bringing so many resources back, Void Land’s immediate needs had already been satisfied, so they did not have to worry about cooperating

hung his head low, “Senior Brother Yang’s generosity

may have been slightly disappointed by how things turned out. However, with the Black Territory as a backup for resource production, the problem he had, had already

raised his head and cupped his fist, “Additionally, I have also come with

Kai sat up straight and gestured for him to

like to rent some shops in Void Star City

this Brother Lu’s idea,

good choice in these times. There was no need to mention the merchants who stayed since they were originally established in Void

gesture of goodwill towards Void Land, which was no different than drawing fire upon oneself! There was no way that a business alliance as large as Gathering Yuan Union

nothing to do with my Father or Gathering Yuan Union. I am solely responsible

Kai looked deeply at him, clearly not believing him. Despite being the Young Union Master, Lu Jing’s cultivation was still only in the Fourth-Order Open Heaven Realm. If his Father

must be supporting him from behind. As a whole, Gathering Yuan Union likely would not support him in such a move. In which case, that must mean that as the Union Master of Gathering Yuan Union,

ultimately lose the war, Zuo Quan Hui

speak about such matters openly, but it was fine as long as all involved understood the subtleties of the situation. As a result, Lu Jing was

said, “Brother Lu, you should know what the current situation is like in my Void Land. Coming to our Star City at a time

“I understand what Senior Brother Yang is trying to say, but for a merchant, danger also signifies opportunity, does it not?” He winked

you’ve made up

a Fourth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master and the Young Union Master of Gathering Yuan Union,

Kai’s agreement, Lu Jing perked up and asked, “Senior Brother Yang, how many shops can

laughed, “How many does

The best would be

Kai was even more sure that Gathering Yuan Union’s Union Master was behind this move; otherwise,

hold back!” Yang Kai laughed. After some thought, he continued, “I will contact the Governor’s Mansion about this matter later, then you can go there and discuss it with Governor Mo yourself. Right now, the Star City has many empty shops to offer, so we will definitely be able to

case, Many thanks, Senior Brother Yang.” Overjoyed, Lu Jing stood up at once to bow, “There’s no time to lose, I will head to the Governor’s Mansion

business. And, Void Star City was a place with

go with you,” Yang Kai contacted Bian Yu Qing and had

Lu Jing added, “By the way, Senior Brother Yang. About the things you were looking for last time… Gathering Yuan Union is unable

with great

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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