Martial Peak

Chapter 4606

“Since Martial Uncle Zuo is being so hospitable, then your Martial Nephew won’t stand on ceremony with you!” Wu Kuang grinned maliciously as he sat down cross-legged and activated his Heaven Devouring Battle Law. Immediately after, his body seemingly transformed into a bottomless pit as the World Force in the surroundings swirled towards him.

In an extremely short period of time, Wu Kuang had pushed his Heaven Devouring Battle Law to its limit and devoured all of the nearby World Force! Wu Kuang couldn’t help the look of glee that appeared on his face, feeling the endless stream of pure energy.

His expression gave the impression of a perverted hungry ghost holding a warm and fragrant body, as if he could devour its body and soul!

When others were pulled into this Small Universe by Zuo Quan Hui, they could only use everything they had to wreak as much destruction as possible. This was even true for someone as strong as Yang Kai, but Wu Kuang was different. He could devour the Small Universe’s foundation directly and strengthen himself in the process.

Zuo Quan Hui had not expected this, and this was his biggest mistake.

He thought that Wu Kuang had advanced to the Sixth Order from the Fifth Order during the last battle, but he had no idea that Wu Kuang had reached the Sixth Order long ago. It was just that he had been carefully hiding his Sixth-Order cultivation to the end in order to track down Zuo Quan Hui and inform Yang Kai.

They might not have discussed any plans beforehand, but Wu Kuang was sure that Yang Kai understood his thoughts, and Yang Kai was sure that Wu Kuang understood his. To a certain extent, their hearts were connected.

Destruction and devouring were two completely different things. The reckless destruction Yang Kai and his friends had caused to the Small Universe would undoubtedly bring great damage to Zuo Quan Hui’s foundation, but their efficiency was far lower than Wu Kuang’s.

The Small Universe’s foundation began to rapidly deplete as the devouring took place! On the other hand, Wu Kuang’s aura gradually grew stronger.

Yang Kai could clearly feel that Zuo Quan Hui’s interference with him had taken a huge dive and laughed loudly as he continued to bombard his surroundings, “You finally noticed? But what to do? It’s too late!”

A figure suddenly appeared not far from Yang Kai. It was none other than Zuo Quan Hui, who had been hiding all this time. At this moment, this High-Rank Open Heaven Realm Master’s face was slightly pale and he was fuming in rage. He raised his long sword and asked, pointing it at Yang Kai and glaring at him, “You knew this was going to happen!?”

Yang Kai thrust his spear towards him, blotting the sky with spear shadows, his face beaming with joy as he taunted, “Guess!”

Zuo Quan Hui’s figure did not move, but an enormous sword wave shot forward, shattering the spear shadows and heading straight towards Yang Kai.

Yang Kai quickly retreated, blocking that enormous sword wave that spanned across the sky, but the next moment, his heart suddenly clenched as he threw himself to the ground.

A bolt of lightning came rumbling from behind, brushing past his scalp, burning a few strands of his hair.

Yang Kai stood back up again, but he had broken into a cold sweat. It was indeed difficult to fight with someone inside their Small Universe, not to mention that this opponent was a High-Rank Master. Although Zuo Quan Hui had not fully recovered from his injuries, a starving camel was still bigger than a horse.

But he had no choice but to fight on!

“Who are you? You are definitely not a Myriad Demons Heaven disciple!”

he activated his Heaven Devouring Battle Law, Zuo Quan Hui appeared before him out of thin air, slashing at

Kuang discovered that there was something wrong with this Zuo Quan Hui. He didn’t

of Zuo Quan Hui chasing after him, but he was

down. While running around in circles, he circulated his Heaven Devouring Battle Law, greedily devouring the surrounding World Force. There was a malicious grin hanging on his face as he responded, “Of course I’m a Myriad Demons Heaven disciple, why is

to have taken any action, but he appeared in front of Wu Kuang like a ghost and gently thrust out his sword. Had Wu Kuang not

such an evil technique before, and much to his surprise, it could actually swallow his Small Universe’s foundation and make use of it. This kind of Secret Art went against the Heavens. If everyone could cultivate

strongest, but if there was anyone who posed the greatest threat to

Hui still couldn’t understand why Myriad

par with their respective

Hui’s sudden appearance. Even a sickly tiger was quite fierce, so no

exchanging a few blows, they discovered the truth and no

battlefields were like a raging wildfire. Each time they clashed, they would cause damage to Zuo Quan Hui’s Small Universe to a certain extent, whereas Wu

Kai’s several thousand metres tall Half-Dragon Form was riddled with wounds and had many places where his Dragon Scales were blown off, a shocking sight to behold. Zuo Quan Hui had placed most of his attention on him, giving Yang Kai a really hard time. Although his life was in no danger, being constantly suppressed was not very

may, Yang Kai was more than happy to see this status quo maintained. The longer this dragged on, the more disadvantageous it would be for Zuo Quan Hui,

taking down Yang Kai first and then dealing with the others one by one. As long as Yang Kai died, it did not matter how many Sixth-Order Masters Void

said than done. Even if he could push Yang Kai into a corner, he wouldn’t

things had come to this, he could only change his

flowed out. Yang Kai wasn’t surprised either; he had already noticed that Zuo Quan Hui wasn’t a real entity,

could not spot Zuo Quan Hui. Even his

Yang Kai’s heart clenched.

instead focused his attention


Kai could take this opportunity to vandalize Zuo Quan Hui’s Small Universe, Wu Kuang would probably be killed

alone find Wu Kuang’s location. Zuo Quan Hui’s aura was all around him and disrupting

should I do to get out of this?] Yang Kai asked himself. He couldn’t save Wu Kuang if he couldn’t

killed Wu Kuang and

not be able to completely destroy Zuo Quan Hui’s Small Universe

his palms together before fiercely pulling them away from each other, as if he was trying to separate the whole world, shouting word by word, “Heaven

rapidly rotated before it

why Zuo Quan Hui was able to manifest his Small Universe was because his Small Universe had already turned tangible. This was a trump card

Kai was able to do so, because his Small

what the consequences of doing so would be; after all, he had never tried something like this ever before, but he knew that if he didn’t do so, Wu Kuang would die without a doubt, and then

Universe instantly spread out and he suddenly felt as if he had stepped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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