Martial Peak

Chapter 4714

Yang Kai had obtained nine Ancestral Spirit Fruits when exploring the Demon Sealing Land with Qing Luan. Combined with the over 200 fruits that the various Divine Spirit Clans ‘gifted’ to him, he had almost 230 Ancestral Spirit Fruits in total. Even so, he did not know whether these Ancestral Spirit Fruits were enough for him to become a Grand Dragon.

He estimated that they might not be enough as, although the current Power of his Dragon Vein, was not bad, he was only a bit over 3,000 metres tall after transforming into his Half-Dragon Form. To become a Grand Dragon, he would need to grow to 10,000 metres at the very least!

Dhael Ligerkeys: The author, a long time ago, intentionally or otherwise, messed with continuity to reduce the size of Yang Kai’s Dragon form. For a while we attempted to amend it to maintain continuity; unfortunately, at this point he has made the whole size thing so complex that it would be a nightmare to keep making corrections, especially considering the implications to everyone else’s sizes. Please suspend your annoyance and go with it.

Nevertheless, he was not too worried. The Ancestral Strength in the Dragon Clan’s Crystal Palace was extremely rich. Not to mention, he had harvested many Ancestral Spirit Crystals earlier! If the Ancestral Spirit Fruits were not enough, he could use the Ancestral Spirit Crystals to make up the difference.

Yang Kai took out an Ancestral Spirit Fruit and an Ancestral Spirit Crystal that was about the same size. Then, he placed them in front of him. He wanted to figure out the differences between them and see which one was more effective.

He picked the Ancestral Spirit Fruit first. The fruit was brightly-coloured and gave off a peculiar aroma that aroused his appetite. When he bit down on the fruit, it felt as though he had barely used any strength, but the skin of the fruit split open. The sweet and tart juice immediately flooded his mouth. Before he could react, the entire Ancestral Spirit Fruit had burst, leaving only the skin behind.

He swallowed the juice and smacked his lips, enjoying the unforgettable taste. He didn’t waste the skin of the fruit either, stuffing it all into his mouth before chewing and swallowing.

After waiting in silence for a moment, his expression became strange. There was no obvious change aside from a slight burning feeling in his abdomen; however, his expression changed drastically in the next moment.

The slightly burning feeling suddenly became scorching hot. It felt as though there was a smouldering iron in his belly. Immediately after that, a huge amount of energy erupted in his abdomen and spread throughout his body at lightning speed.

His physique squirmed, and a Golden Dragon Head that manifested behind his back released a deafening Dragon Roar. It was followed by a series of cracking sounds that came from all parts of his body as his physique swelled up without warning. A suppressed growl escaped his throat.

The power of the Ancestral Spirit Fruit had caused him to transform into his Half-Dragon Form without his consent. Bursts of suppressed roars came from his throat as his physique wriggled madly and Dragon Blood rushed through his meridians with a faint Dragon Roar. At the same time, overwhelming Dragon Pressure permeated the air!

By the time everything calmed down again, almost two days had passed.

The medicinal efficacies of the Ancestral Spirit Fruit Yang Kai consumed had been completely absorbed. He briefly examined his body and raised his eyebrows at the sight. A single Ancestral Spirit Fruit had made him grow nearly 100 metres in just two days! The result was a pleasant surprise indeed.

Seeing as he about 3,000 metres tall at present, there was a difference of roughly 7,000 metres before he could be considered a Mature Grand Dragon! This was not a small gap and it had to be said that he only managed to cultivate to a height of 3,000 metres from the time he obtained his Dragon Source until now.

so Yang Kai quietly made some calculations. With just 70 to 100 fruits, wouldn’t he become

resource or treasure was consumed repeatedly over a long period, its effects would gradually weaken. Fortunately, he had

that he had confirmed the effects of the Ancestral Spirit Fruit, Yang Kai picked up the Ancestral Spirit Crystal that was about the same size as the Ancestral Spirit

holding the Ancestral Spirit Crystal felt like he was holding a tiny green pea between his claws. He could barely feel the presence of the Ancestral Spirit Crystal in his

of his Dragon Vein in his body to wrap around the Ancestral Spirit Crystal in his hand. Then, he refined and

again. When Yang Kai spread open his palm, the Ancestral Spirit Crystal had already been

comparisons, the differences between the Ancestral Spirit Fruit and the Ancestral Spirit Crystal became clear to see. The two objects were around the same size. However, he had spent less than two days refining an Ancestral Spirit Fruit that made him grow about 100 metres in total, whereas it had taken him five days to

Fruit was far better than

objects, Yang Kai did not continue experimenting,

cultivated quietly. To them, a land with such abundant Ancestral Strength like the Demon Sealing Land was a cultivation paradise that they used to dream about in the past. After unlocking the Demon Sealing Land, the Divine Spirits couldn’t help feeling as though they had gotten rich overnight. It was almost as though a person who was accustomed to living in poverty suddenly found a mountain

the Ancestral Spirit Fruit to stimulate the

Form reached

three months, he reached 5,000

seven months, he

year, he reached a height

up straight, so he could only rest on his side while his Dragon Tail swung side to side without him noticing. With such a large body, he was already more than twice the size he was when he started. His Dragon Claws were sharper, his Dragon Scales were tougher, and his golden brilliance shone even brighter

he reached out to grab another Ancestral Spirit Fruit, Yang Kai discovered that all the fruits had been consumed and couldn’t help being

of his bloodline though, the time needed for refinement reduced, but the growth he experienced thanks to an

Ancestral Spirit Fruits. Unfortunately, he did not achieve the expected results of becoming a Grand Dragon. On the contrary, he was only 7,000 metres tall now. It was still very far from becoming a Grand Dragon, so he couldn’t help feeling a

purity of his bloodline increased and the Power of the Dragon Vein grew stronger, continuous bursts of Dragon Roars resounded in his mind. He initially thought that he was hallucinating, but after

Dragon Roars resounding in his head was the mysterious Dragon Language and seemed to be the Dragon Clan’s inheritance. It came from the Golden Divine Dragon’s Source Strength and the depths of his bloodline, and it was only when

this newfound inheritance, and his entire mind was practically immersed within it, but he always had the feeling that there was a layer of mist blocking him from getting a clear picture.

faintly aware of this fact. Only by

had been consumed completely, so Yang Kai immediately placed many Ancestral Spirit Crystals by his side. His enormous Dragon Form curled up around the Ancestral Spirit Crystals. After

his Dragon Vein and continuously flooded his body. From

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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