Martial Peak

Chapter 4723

As an Artifact Refining Grandmaster, Ma Fan naturally had superb skills. There were only a handful of people throughout the vast 3,000 Worlds whose Artifact Refining skills could compare with his.

When others refined a palace artifact, it was almost a certainty that several dozens or even hundreds of Artifact Refiners would need to work together to complete the project. Even if their skills were superior, it would still be a collaboration between a dozen people at the least.

In contrast, Grandmaster Ma Fan had refined the Purple Heaven Palace all by himself from start to finish!

The number of people across the 3,000 Worlds who could achieve such a feat could be counted on one hand; therefore, an Artifact Refiner with such superb skills like him was a rare and precious talent for any of the Cave Heavens or Paradises. Forget Yang Kai’s yearning to recruit him, even the 36 Cave Heavens and 72 Paradises coveted him!

It was not that nobody had tried to recruit him; in fact, almost every Cave Heaven and Paradise had sent representatives to recruit him over the past many years. Even though they offered generous and bountiful rewards, Ma Fan rejected every single offer without exception. In his opinion, Great Evolution Paradise was his root. He was born as part of Great Evolution Paradise, and he would die as part of Great Evolution Paradise!

Yang Kai had the same idea at the beginning, so he tried to recruit Grandmaster Ma Fan as a Supreme High-Rank Guest Elder of High Heaven Palace. After gaining insight into the current situation of Great Evolution Paradise, he even used the existence of the World Tree as bait to lure Grandmaster Ma Fan into working for him.

It was just that Grandmaster Ma Fan never accepted the offer to serve as a Supreme High-Rank Guest Elder, though he did agree to refine the palace artifact for Yang Kai. In this matter, Yang Kai had never pressured him into making a decision either.

Who could have known that Grandmaster Ma Fan would make such a shocking statement when Yang Kai was completely clueless about the current situation?

For that reason, Yang Kai’s first reaction was not joy, as he felt that something extremely troublesome had fallen into his hands. He was still reeling from the shock when Yu Chang Dao looked at him with bright eyes, “You’re part of the family, Grandmaster? That’s great! Sect Master, we need to take good care of our family!”

Meanwhile, Hong Xiang Ling went one step further. He stood up and walked over to Yang Kai, “Yang Boy, I have a Disciple in the Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm. Not only is she as beautiful as a flower, but she also has a gentle temperament. It’s just that she has yet to meet a suitable life companion. More importantly, she has never been exposed to love and romance. She has always been obsessed with cultivation, so much so that she is showing signs of cultivation dissonance. I believe she needs a young and handsome man like you to save her…”

Before Hong Xiang Ling could finish speaking, Duan Rui Shan slapped his palm on Hong Xiang Ling’s face and pushed the latter aside, “Sect Master Yang, feel free to mention any conditions you want. I will not refuse as long as your demands are within Clear Mind Cave Heaven’s abilities to fulfil!”

Lu Zhen Yang of Azure Nether Paradise also chimed in, “Does High Heaven Palace need another Supreme High-Rank Guest Elder? This Lu has always felt a sense of kinship with High Heaven Palace. It’s a pity that you’ve been away for such a long time, Sect Master Yang. I could not join even though I wanted to join High Heaven Palace so badly.”

All four High-Rank Open Heaven Realm Masters stared at Yang Kai with burning gazes, like starving ghosts faced with a table full of delicacies. They practically scrambled over each other to speak in their excitement.

Yang Kai couldn’t help feeling dumbfounded as he hesitantly asked, “W-What are you talking about?”

Seeing Yang Kai’s confused expression, which did not seem fake, the four High-Rank Open Heaven Realm Masters couldn’t help looking at each other.

Hong Xiang Ling was the one who eventually asked, “Kid, you still don’t know?”

“What should I know?” Yang Kai countered, “I just returned from the Shattered Heaven and only came here to retrieve my artifact from Grandmaster Ma Fan.”

frowned and turned to look at Grandmaster Ma Fan, “Grandmaster, can Sect Master Yang really call the shots

smile. Reaching out his hand, he took out a wine bottle and took a sip before he nodded, “Of course, he can! Well, even if he couldn’t before, now that I’ve said so, he has the authority to make

four Masters’ gazes became

just what is this situation? The least you could have done was to inform

Ma Fan pondered in silence for a moment before he stood up,

that, he

Hong Hu wanted to come along, but he waved her away and asked her to stay behind. Following Grandmaster Ma Fan out of the Grand Hall, he walked deeper

to find; moreover, it contains the Universe Essence and produces Innate Open Heaven Pills. Consuming Innate Open Heaven Pills will allow any Open Heaven Realm Master to break through their shackles and reach the next Order, without any limitations or drawbacks. The Open Heaven Pills that are commonly used in the world today were created by the ancient Great Experts who extensively studied the Universe Furnace’s Open Heaven Pills and consequently developed a pill recipe based on their research. The genuine Universe Furnace shakes the very foundation of the 3,000 Worlds every time it appears in the world, but nobody is capable of possessing it. The Ancestors of Great Evolution Paradise were fortunate enough to see the Universe Furnace in person and threw themselves into long years of research. As a result, they spent countless years and resources to create a replica of the Universe Furnace. Although it is not nearly as profound as the real Universe Furnace, it is quite

here with the Proprietress to commission Grandmaster Ma Fan for an artifact, he had seen the latter activating the

Good Fortune Divine Furnace!” Grandmaster Ma Fan’s voice

Yang Kai raised his brow at

in Grandmaster Ma Fan’s voice, “According to the records written by my Ancestors, the Good Fortune Divine Furnace suddenly appeared in Great Evolution Paradise one day. It can be considered

“What makes the Good Fortune Divine Furnace so

Ma Fan replied, “You’ll know

Kai did not ask any more

a barrier shrouding over this area and Yang Kai could sense an extremely hostile

said that even though he was only in the Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm, he could rival a Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master in strength when he transformed into his Grand Dragon Form; therefore, for him to have such a reaction only went to show the ferocity of the

to hold

them walked along the tunnel that seemed tens of thousands of kilometres long, and at the end of the passage, a three-legged furnace that was as tall as a person and carved with intricate patterns that covered the entire surface entered Yang

Good Fortune Divine Furnace?”

particularly strange or special about the Good Fortune Divine Furnace. The only thing that caught Yang Kai’s attention was the grey fog that permeated the interior of the furnace. It was extremely strange and when his Divine Sense penetrated the grey fog, it was like a rock sinking deep into the sea. The grey fog filled

and asked,

moment, he could swear that he detected

Good Fortune Divine Furnace was considered a living thing or not. They couldn’t even figure out why it appeared here in the first place. There were no signs

a strange thing!” Yang Kai observed for a while before he asked, “What is so special

Ma Fan said, “I’ll

a large number of materials that exuded

the Wood Element materials

furthermore, there were also quite a lot of them, as many as ten. After the many Fifth-Order Wood Element materials were thrown into the Good Fortune

Fan waited quietly for a while before he took out another

still no movement, so he tossed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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