Martial Peak

Chapter 4744

[Fuck your surprise!] For the first time in his life, Shi Zheng discovered that a person could be this shameless. He had the sudden urge to leave right now. Unfortunately, his Divine Manifestation had already been summoned, so there was no choice but to release the arrow on the string!

The shocking sword transformed into a dazzling stream of light that stabbed straight at Yang Kai’s enormous body. A razor-sharp aura that contained Heaven-destroying and Earth-shattering force immediately appeared in front of Yang Kai’s Dragon Head.

Yang Kai opened his mouth and let out a roar. A brilliant golden ray of light shot out from his mouth.

Dragon Breath!

The fluctuation from that burst of horrifying energy caused a huge wave of ripples to spread outward. Nevertheless, the giant sword that had transformed into a stream of light slowly, but steadily pushed forward despite being enveloped by the Golden Dragon Breath.

[I can’t block it!] Yang Kai’s Dragon Eyes widened in horror. The power of the Dragon Source in his body had already been urged to its limits, but it was still not enough.

It was not his first time fighting a Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master, but it was his first time facing the Divine Manifestation unleashed by one.

Besides, Zuo Quan Hui was obviously significantly weaker compared to Shi Zheng. Even if Zuo Quan Hui were to face such a blow, he would have to flee in the face of danger.

Although Yang Kai had advanced to become a Grand Dragon and obtained the capital to hold his own against a Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master, it had not been long since his breakthrough. Not to mention, this was his first time fighting as a Grand Dragon, so he was sorely lacking in experience as a result. The main reason was that he had always assumed a Half-Dragon Form during his Dragon Transformation. Unlike back then, he was now an actual Dragon and was unfamiliar with his new Dragon Form, so it was difficult for him to bring out the true strength of a Grand Dragon.

A short while later, the giant sword suddenly trembled violently and broke through the blockade of the Dragon Breath to stab straight at his head.

In that moment of life or death, Yang Kai abruptly tilted his head. It was a pity that his enormous form, while extremely imposing, was not as agile or flexible as a Human body, and he failed to avoid the attack as a result.

A stream of blood mist erupted from his chest, accompanied by a low groan. At the same time, his 10,000 metres long Dragon Form was sent flying backwards as though he was struck by a mountain.

By the time Yang Kai finally managed to stabilize his figure, he looked down to see an additional wound the size of a house on his chest. Golden blood gushed out from the wound, and the surrounding Dragon Scales had been shattered to pieces.

Yang Kai was secretly horrified. It had to be said that the defensive abilities of a Grand Dragon were extremely powerful. Not to mention, he had concentrated all his strength on his chest at the last moment. Nevertheless, he was still injured by Shi Zheng’s shocking sword. The horrors of that sword could clearly be seen.

Fortunately, by some stroke of luck, he had managed to avoid being hit in a vital spot during the exchange, so although his current wound looked very terrible, it was not critical.

The only difficulty was that he could sense a strange force lingering around his wound. That force was producing traces of Sword Qi that hindered his regenerative abilities.

[This is a big loss!] Yang Kai forcefully swallowed a mouthful of blood and looked up.

Shi Zheng had already transformed into a stream of light on the horizon and escaped into the distance.

After unleashing his sword attack, he immediately turned around and fled without caring whether Yang Kai survived or not. That was because he knew that the Masters in the Star Boundary were

sneered and sent a transmission out, “I’ll let you escape for a while. I’ll have to hand it to you if you manage

fleeing in front, paused for a moment. He was

running away would not allow him to escape. However, things had already reached this point, so he had no other choice but to keep his head down and proceed onward in hopes of fleeing

wound on his chest. The force behind Shi Zheng’s attack was very heavy. Furthermore, that attack had a strong lingering effect. Even if a normal person did not die from those after-effects, they would lose their mobility and be forced

seal the strange force in his wounds to prevent it from affecting his movements later. Only then did he push his Space Principles and chase after

Zheng transformed into a stream of

his only option was to head towards the Territory Gate. As luck would have it, the situation in High Heaven Territory was different from the other bountiful Great Territories due to its remote location. There was only one Territory Gate

a halt. He stared at the

Kai’s body literally shone with a golden light. He was so dazzling that it was difficult not to notice him even from afar. Besides, Yang Kai had no intention of concealing himself and simply stood there openly to wait for Shi

Shi Zheng had finally appeared, Yang Kai snapped in

had already been waiting here for some time prior to Shi Zheng’s

Dragons are not immortal!” Shi

coming out of his large nostrils as he declared, “You won the first round. Let’s begin the second round. I

his teeth and said nothing. A giant sword that sparkled as brightly as a Star slowly emerged from his back and rose into

around and fled, his voice wafting over from far away, “Fine, you’ve got guts indeed! The second

so furious that he nearly coughed

been heavily injured nonetheless. If he followed up with

Yang Kai would escape? He ran! Without the slightest bit

Zheng’s ferocious blow came to nought. Hence, there were no words

not lose again with such confidence? Why did he turn and run as soon as the words left his mouth!?] Shi Zheng was tempted

not have mattered so much if it was just a normal attack, but the key point was that the energy consumption from activating one’s Divine Manifestation was extremely high. It

the effect had previously been somewhat

be used casually. Once brought out, they should be able to play a decisive role

Shi Zheng only had enough strength to use his Divine Manifestation four or five times before he was completely exhausted. Moreover, this was the second time he cast his Divine

corners of his eyes twitched slightly. [Just who did I meet? Why didn’t I realise that he is such a… despicable person when I interacted with

was useless, and he had no other place to go,

came across Yang Kai waiting for him again. Yang Kai’s enormous body lay horizontally across the void, his Dragon Claws waved about wildly and his Dragon Tail swept from side to side. He looked like he was doing warm-ups before a big

going to cast that sword again? If

teeth to hold back the roiling blood in his chest and shouted,

only took losing one round for everything to end for him. This was

as his shout rang out, he charged towards

why should a Grand Dragon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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