Martial Peak

Chapter 4797

Ten years after Yang Kai entered the Chaotic Dead Territory alongside Giant Spirit God Ah Er, he finally had a chance to witness the clash between the real Sun’s Burning Light and the Moon’s Serene Glimmer.

At that time, Ah Er was heading to his next destination while Yang Kai was looking for fishing targets. It was at that moment that Yang Kai caught a glimpse of a dazzling explosion of light.

When he turned his head, he saw that in the far depths of the void, there was a colossal yellow light that was as splendid as a rising Sun.

Across from the yellow light, there was an equally mighty blue light that was charging right at it.

In the next instant, the Universe itself seemed to tremble as chaos descended all around. The protective layer around Ah Er expanded by several dozen metres all at once.

The clash was practically silent, but the expansive yellow and blue lights that exploded out from it spanned across billions of kilometres like a torrential rain. The entire Chaotic Dead Territory seemed to be filled with these colours all of a sudden.

The dots of light soon turned into the unique living creatures that Yang Kai had seen before which then proceeded to tear into each other.

Witnessing this sight, Yang Kai realised that these strange creatures could be considered Soul Clones of the Burning Light and Serene Glimmer.

The impact of this clash only subsided after ten or so days, and the encounter left Yang Kai’s heart in turmoil.

If he hadn’t witnessed it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that such horrifying beings really existed.

He couldn’t even make out the true appearances of the Burning Light and Serene Glimmer, all he could see was the two devastating powers crashing into one another.

The fallout from such a clash could instantly annihilate an Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master. Only a being as powerful as a Giant Spirit God could possibly withstand such an impact.

Since more Soul Clones were now fighting in the Chaotic Dead Territory, it was actually good news for Yang Kai. Perhaps he could gain more benefits now.

After one of the parties was defeated, Yellow or Blue Crystals would be left behind, and these were the treasures he could obtain.

When Giant Spirit God Ah Er was done with his meal, he fell into a deep sleep again.

While standing on his head, Yang Kai held the Azure Dragon Spear in his hands and looked for new targets.

After a day of hard work, he finally managed to move a Blue Crystal half the size of a human from 600 metres away to somewhere close to him.

However, before he could capture it, he felt a strange energy fluctuation coming from a nearby spot. The next moment, the Blue Crystal the size of half a Human brushed past him.

Drenched in cold sweat, Yang Kai hurriedly turned his head.

What came into his sight sent a chill down his spine as he instantly clenched his Azure Dragon Spear tightly.

That was because he saw two young children, about ten years old, glaring at him from a nearby spot.

They were a young boy and a young girl. The young boy was clad in yellow clothes while the young girl was wearing a blue dress. What was odd was that their hair colours matched their clothes. Even their eyes were respectively yellow and blue.

Open Heaven Realm Master with strong perceptive powers. Even a Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master

these two kids appeared. If not for the anomaly just now, he wouldn’t have

puzzled him was that he couldn’t feel any energy fluctuations coming from these two. They were like ordinary children who had never cultivated before, but they were

Territory was an extremely dangerous place where even an Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master wouldn’t be able to ensure their own safety, so how was it possible for ordinary people to

kids’ clothes, hair, and eyes made Yang Kai feel

panic; however, he slightly set his mind at ease since Ah Er was still

weren’t formidable beings. Since Ah Er hadn’t awakened, it meant that he

became uncertain when

retrieved by the yellow-clothed young boy was now lying beside him. While staring at Yang Kai,

a blue dress also pointed and shouted, “You’re a

at the young girl, “Stop

girl refuted, “No one mimics what you say. That was what

wasn’t in the mood to bicker with her and said, “Go somewhere else and say whatever you want.

young girl snorted. While glowering at Yang Kai, she vented all

boy instantly refuted, “You can’t

at the young boy and said through clenched teeth, “I said

the young boy shook his head, “I said

me. I’m the Big Sister!” The young girl placed

and collected, the young boy shook his head, “You’re wrong. You’re supposed to listen to me because I’m

Sister, and you’re the Little

and you’re


two children started arguing with one another as they were unable to make each other admit defeat. The young girl seemed to be ill-tempered while the young boy was much calmer. Regardless of how loud the young girl was, he

when bickering with one another as though this kind of argument had persisted for years. Both of them

wet with cold sweat. Although he couldn’t feel any murderous intent coming from these two, he reckoned that it didn’t require any murderous

so what was the point of having murderous

was an extremely awkward situation

Dead Territory, he was unable to leave the Giant Spirit God’s protection. Once he

he apparently didn’t care about what was going on around him. Moreover, Yang Kai

boy to convince the young girl. Nevertheless, judging from their argument, he reckoned that it wasn’t easy for the young boy to do

end, the two children suddenly fell silent and turned to look at

you tell us who

who the Big Sister

the same time, Yang Kai could clearly hear what

happen to him if he said anything wrong. Regardless

Kai asked, “Who was the first one that was born? The

replied simultaneously, “We were born at

you must have been

kids shook

suddenly recalled the legend that when the world was born in ancient times, the first light appeared. A long time

on how he could come up with an answer that would please both parties, the young girl said to the young boy in a small voice, “We’re so silly.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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