Martial Peak

Chapter 4803

Big Brother Huang never forgot about the lesson he was taught during the first war. Moreover, due to the disadvantage caused by the previous defeat, he wasn’t in a rush to have a showdown with Big Sister Lan. Instead, he sent out his soldiers in small groups and harassed Big Sister Lan’s mighty army. She had never expected him to be so shameless, so she found it hard to deal with the situation for the time being.

After gaining some advantage, Big Brother Huang brought out all of his armies and defeated the other party in a decisive strike. This kind of outcome surprised Yang Kai, while it was unacceptable for Big Sister Lan.

With that said, regardless of how powerful these two were, they had a good quality; they were willing to admit defeat.

When Big Brother Huang lost the battle the first time around, he gritted his teeth and called her ‘Big Sister’ regardless of how unwilling he was.

It was the same case this time. Nevertheless, it was Big Sister Lan’s turn to call him ‘Big Brother’.

Both of them were haughty, which was expected as they were probably the most powerful beings in the 3,000 Worlds, so it wasn’t surprising that they were arrogant.

Hence, after achieving a clear victory, neither of them would destroy the other party entirely.

Just like how Big Sister Lan spared the lives of his Stone Kings and gave him time to restock and rearm, Big Brother Huang had done the same this time.

It wasn’t that they were sympathetic to the loser, but rather that they just wanted to let the other party know that they were indeed the stronger one, and the loser had to willingly call the winner Big Brother or Big Sister.

For the coming years, Yang Kai witnessed their rapid growth as military commanders.

There were no techniques to speak of during the first battle as they just brought out all their soldiers and had a showdown on an open field. They didn’t intend to direct their soldiers at all.

After respectively losing and winning one battle each though, they seemed to have learned their lessons as they could now skillfully mobilise their soldiers.

As time passed, Yang Kai witnessed all sorts of interesting sneak attacks, ambushes, luring enemies into traps, creating diversions, and luring the tiger from the mountain strategies.

Their mastery of military tactics and formations became increasingly profound as they would fight against one another with their wits every single moment. Yang Kai was awestruck by this.

When he suggested using Small Stone Race members to determine who the winner would be, he had never expected that things would come to such a point.

The entire territory Yang Kai had given them had completely turned into a battlefield.

Their Small Stone Race soldiers had expanded to several tens of millions from barely 1 million and they had spent innumerable materials because of that.

If those from the Cave Heavens and Paradises found out about it, they would surely curse them for being so wasteful.

Nevertheless, Big Brother Huang and Big Sister Lan wouldn’t care about the Orders or amounts of those materials. In order to help their Small Stone Race members grow, they would even feed them with Seventh-Order and Eighth-Order materials!

As a result, the Stone Kings under their command were now quite different from normal ones. Not only were they much larger, but they could also produce more pebbles at a faster rate. The Small Stone Race members hatched from their pebbles were also much stronger from the start.

With their fight being never-ending, it had brought great benefits to Yang Kai.

members were born and died in such incredible numbers, they continuously helped increase the heritage of his

Blue Crystals again as they were simply engrossed in the fight of wits

Dead Territory. No one in history had ever accumulated mountains of Yin and Yang Element material in their Small Universe like what he

been observing

Giant Spirit God Ah Er, the void was

see any Blue and

and were now sitting in his Small Universe.

some Yellow and Blue Crystals scattered around the Chaotic Dead Territory, but

changed the status quo in the Chaotic Dead Territory

and Big Sister Lan never stopped fighting one another. Every time a massive clash took place, countless Soul Clones would be produced that then hacked each other to death. The fallout would spread across the entire Chaotic Dead

now engrossed in nurturing their Small Stone Race members and the danger in the Chaotic Dead Territory slowly dissipated. The Soul Clones had all turned into Yellow and Blue Crystals of different Orders while the giant masses

Territory was

fact Yang

Chaotic Dead Territory. He would never dispel it even when he was eating or sleeping. It was thanks to this protective layer that Yang Kai had remained safe until now, but there came

that Yang Kai realised the Chaotic Dead Territory had undergone

feelings were complicated

hadn’t expected it to solve the epic battle that had been ongoing between

to attack each other. Big Brother Huang and Big Sister Lan had

the Chaotic Dead Territory was no longer dangerous, Yang Kai

so. Without Ah Er’s protection, he wouldn’t be able to move

to look for Qu Hua Shang after her 100 years of confinement were up, but that time had passed as he had been held up in the Chaotic Dead Territory for about thirty or

became a Son-in-Law of Yin-Yang Cave Heaven, he

a chance to bid farewell to Big Brother Huang

were shocked upon

Big Sister Lan batted her

that I came into this place. I’m more than satisfied to have come across the two of you as you’ve taken good care

was genuinely grateful to the two of them. Without them, he wouldn’t have gained so many benefits. It was expected that he was saddened to have to leave them after spending so many years

Lan were fine with his leaving, and she only nodded upon

then, Big Brother Huang said, “You can leave, but our territories will have to stay

instantly sported a dark expression as his face twitched,

hand, “These territories!” He directly included

and replied, “No. It’s my Small Universe. I’ll die if I leave behind

would plunge by cutting off such a large area of his Small Universe and

up with a solution, then. Don’t affect our

easy.” Yang Kai was well prepared. Since he had decided to leave, he naturally wouldn’t run

He just had to look for a

He just had to look for a larger shattered Spirit Province so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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